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Great start. This is the beginning of a project that would greatly benefit your peers at school and your district. I think writing this with your peers.

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Presentation on theme: "Great start. This is the beginning of a project that would greatly benefit your peers at school and your district. I think writing this with your peers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great start. This is the beginning of a project that would greatly benefit your peers at school and your district. I think writing this with your peers as an audience at a professional development workshop in mind would be helpful. What do you think?

2 I feel your pain… Fitting everything into our jam packed days often seems overwhelming. Add to that parent calls, emails, book orders, writing nurses passes, tiny bladders, handing out band-aids…Our feelings or perceptions about these stressors are things few people will talk about. That’s why I like your beginning. You’ll “hook” your peers with your part part one because your audience will identify with that.

3 I know you probably have already thought of this but what about fairytales from around the world? I know there are many versions of Cinderella. I’ve read a native American and a Chinese version of both. You could easily work some geography into this.

4 Also, you might want to consult with Amy and Kelly. They teach first grade and may have some suggestions

5 One last thing I’m posting a powerpoint on the Illinois Reading Frameworks. I think this will be very helpful to you. Great job!

6 Fairy Tale Unit Whitney Reynolds

7 The Voyage For the past three years I have taught kindergarten at Washington Elementary School in Pana, IL. For the previous two years I taught kindergarten in Virden. I will be starting my sixth year of kindergarten this fall with 19 students.

8 The Obstacles I am interested in new ways I can incorporate literacy in the content areas. We have many new ideas we want to teach the students, but we are limited on time so when we can combine more than one content area in a lesson it is beneficial. It is difficult to include everything you need to cover in a day filled with Title, RTI, Waterford, PBIS, and many other obstacles. I feel like it is hard to put the necessary time into reading strategies that are so important to students.

9 The Quest Questions: How can I use fairy tales to engage and captivate my students’ interest in reading? Will using fairy tales help my students make connections from their world to the world of make-believe? Will the techniques used in this unit improve their comprehension skills?

10 What is Reading? (Definition of Reading?)

11 Assessment Diagnostic Assessment involves pre-assessing the students to find out what they know and what they are interested in learning. Using this assessment a teacher can adjust his/her lessons to better fit her students’ needs. Formative Assessment is done throughout the unit to assess students’ learning. It gives feedback to the teacher and then she and her students are able to again make adjustments and enhance the learning experience. Summative Assessment can be used at the conclusion of the unit to assess the overall learning of the students and their understanding of the key concepts and objectives.

12 Reading and Writing Strategies

13 Lesson Plans

14 The Sidekicks Instructional Supplements

15 The Happily Ever After Restatement of ? What I have learned New Questions/new ideas?

16 Colour scheme Background Text & Lines Shadows Title Text FillsAccent Accent & Hyperlink Followed Hyperlink

17 Picture slide Bullet 1 Bullet 2

18 Example of a table Title Data Note: PowerPoint does not allow have nice default tables – but you can cut and paste this one

19 Sample Graph (3 colours)

20 Two column bullet points Bullets go in hereAnd also in here

21 Examples of default styles Text and lines are like this Hyperlinks like this Visited hyperlinks like this Table Text box With shadow Text box With shadow

22 Use of templates You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations. Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks. Don’t  Resell or distribute these templates  Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc  Pass off any of our created content as your own work You can find many more free templates on the Presentation Magazine website We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

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