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1.Select a culminating reading 2.Pull out the key structures from the reading 3.Define and or TPR those structures-Establish Meaning 4.Personalize those.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Select a culminating reading 2.Pull out the key structures from the reading 3.Define and or TPR those structures-Establish Meaning 4.Personalize those."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Select a culminating reading 2.Pull out the key structures from the reading 3.Define and or TPR those structures-Establish Meaning 4.Personalize those structures with your students- Get (Ask) a story! 5.Break the reading into small segments with visual support- Read and Discuss 6.Read as a group Read and Discuss Reading in an hour Let’s review what I did - Backward Design ish

2 Creating Literature Based Lessons Using Backward Planning 1. Choose the literature, poetry, music or textbook chapters from which you will teach- these should contain all of the high-frequency vocabulary, structures, and culture you want to teach. For example I use a series called Japanese Graded Level Readers, books 1-8 for first year and books 9-17 for second year. I also include 3 declamation poems, and around 12 songs and 5 articles or fairy tales 2. Organize the literature, then integrate the songs, poems, short stories into the literature sequence to create cohesive or thematic units. Remember the A.P. and ACTFL topics! 3. Separate the list into 2 semesters/~5 months each and create your semester finals. Divide the literature sequence into quarters. Create the mid- term finals. 4. Break your quarters’ readings down into weekly lessons teaching only 3-5 structures from the sequence of literature each week - develop the quizzes for culture, listening, reading, writing, and speaking for each quarter. 5. Create your weekly lessons start with a statement using the structures(3-4) from the first book you will read later-in 2-3 weeks in my case create a problem create 3 possible locations (starting point, attempts to solve problem in 2nd location, problem solved or not in 3rd location) create possible solution write up your class stories and begin to play with them i.e. illustrate, compare and contrast, story map and retell, act out, revise and extend continue until the structures are accessible to students such that you can begin to read the text from which the structures were selected

3 Monday: What did you do on the weekend? Introduce song—cloze activity Step 1: Gesture & PQA new vocabulary Step 2: Ask the story—background info Tuesday: Sing & gesture song Review background info from yesterday Step 2: Ask the story—introduce problem, attempt to solve problem, and finally solve problem Wednesday: Timed-writing uncorrected- this is for expression only not acuracy Sing & gesture song Step 3: Read & discuss—extended reading: background info Thursday: Sing & gesture song Step 3: Read & discuss—extended story: read, translate, discuss Friday:  “Kindergarten Day”  Free Voluntary Reading Song competition Story strip Step 3: Read & discuss—novel A Typical Comprehensible Input Week

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