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Understand me, Interest me, and Involve me

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Presentation on theme: "Understand me, Interest me, and Involve me"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand me, Interest me, and Involve me
Teaching listening & speaking

2 Instructional Principles
1. Understanding of Language 2. Understanding of Learning Mode 1) Learning by doing/using 2) Spiral circle:

3 Spinal Learning Output Pre-existing Knowledge Input

4 Instructional Principles
3. Understanding of Learner 喜欢的影视作品 1) interest 想做没做的事情 2) Learning strategies 3) Perception of good teachers 激发兴趣 处理被挑战的能力

5 Background Information
1. 17 weeks/ 2 periods 2. Small class with 25 students 3. Non majors— starting band 3

6 1) theme-related expressions
Unit 1, Book 3 Family Education Teaching Objectives 1. Language skills: 1) theme-related expressions 2) Expressing disagreement 2. Learning Strategies 3. Critical thinking 4. Cross-cultural awareness

7 Pre-Listening Activity
Write a diamond poem to describe your family Men Stupid, rude Sleeping, eating trousers, underpants, knickers, skirts working, sporting clever, beautiful Women Men brilliant, perfect working, learning, earning beer, car, mirror, make-up speaking, speaking, speaking furious, exhausted Women

8 Pre-Listening Activity
Write a diamond poem to describe your family Mammy harsh, commanding criticizing , threatening , nagging You did it wrong, You do it again, I didn’t, I won’t ignoring, fighting, escaping naughty, disobedient Son

9 Pre-Listening Activity
2. The main topic is about family. Predict some sub-themes concerning the topic 3. Make a dialogue you think you are going to hear in this unit. Aims Pre-existing knowledge Introducing the topic Arousing interests Creative thinking

10 Aims Complexity Involving students Learning by doing
Finish the listening exercise on P. 2 (10 dialogues), P.4 (long conversation), P.5 (understanding a passage) 2. Prepare a question and raise it to other groups in competition held next class. Aims Complexity Involving students Learning by doing

11 Class Competition

12 Round 1–how to check vocabulary
Way 1: Word Guessing Pregnant Thrilled Way 2: Use the expressions to describe pictures Cold, distant But deep down…… A tough man with a gun and blood on his hands

13 Round 1–how to check vocabulary
Way 3: Action Let the baby cry to sleep Pick the baby up as soon as he cry

14 Round 1–how to check vocabulary
Way 4: Free questioning: student to student Aims Involving students Learning strategy There are both advantages and disadvantages There are positives and negatives……

15 ContrastingParenting style
Round 2—how to check content Way 1: Summarizing Key Words ContrastingParenting style Loving person Way 2: Which dialogue do you like most? Why? Way 3: Associate the objects with the content you listened to in the homework.

16 Round 2—how to check content
Way 4: Respond to the following statement based on what you learn in the textbook If my parents spend 1 million Yuan to raise me up, I have to pay them back. Aims Creating mental linkages Involving students

17 VS Round 3: Synthesizing the information in new context
1.How does it relate to this unit? 2.How will you comment on……?

18 Being Disagreeable—critical thinking
Presenting opposing opinions to Tiger Mother’s or Hello Kitty Mother’s parenting style by using the model drills 1. What expressions you already know to express your agreement or disagreement? 2. What are some new ways you just learned?

19 Critical Thinking Reflective Man However Man Logical relationship
Soundness of evidence Credibility of Statement Reflective Man However Man

20 Round 4: Seeking new Information
1. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. 2. We are polar opposites.

21 Post-Listening Activity
Write a diamond poem based on what you have heard. Husband boring , protective earning, sleeping, providing provider, money and love, settler, no fairy tale enduring, sticking, accepting realistic, contented Wife

22 Assignment 2 Prepare a speech to present your philosophy or reflection on today’s topic based on the example you have watched Loving person Successful preson

23 1) theme-related expressions
Unit 1, Book 3 Family Education Teaching Objectives 1. Language skills: 1) theme-related expressions 2) Expressing disagreement 2. Learning Strategies 3. Critical thinking 4. Cross-cultural awareness

24 Conclusion Teacher’s Role Organizer Evaluator Critic Designer
Student’s Role Participants in class Practitioner of the language

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