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Active citizens? Presentation by the Vienna team: Claire Wallace, Georg Datler and Reingard Spannring Youth, Citizenship & European Identities European.

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Presentation on theme: "Active citizens? Presentation by the Vienna team: Claire Wallace, Georg Datler and Reingard Spannring Youth, Citizenship & European Identities European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active citizens? Presentation by the Vienna team: Claire Wallace, Georg Datler and Reingard Spannring Youth, Citizenship & European Identities European Commission Fifth Framework Programme Youth and European Citizenship Presentation by Claire Wallace Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna

2 Background Much debate about young people‘s political apathy Lack of voters in European elections Lack of connection between European integration project and citizens of Europe Debate about role of citizenship education, but mainly concentrated at national level (i.e. Crick Report ) Variations in commitment to European project across Europe

3 European citizenship? European Union increasingly important in people‘s lives European integration at first economic but since 1992 increasingly political and increasingly social policy project (2000) Economic, political and social citizenship dimensions BUT citizenship debates/education mainly confined to national level How far are new citizens (young people) aware of this? How far are they taking part?

4 Citizenship debate in sociology TH Marshall (1950): civil, political, social citizenship (citizenship as rights). Inequalities: implicit economic model Turner/Lister and debate of 1980s/Wallace and Jones life cycle citizenship: about universalism and in/exclusion Rights and mobilisation of rights (Barbalet) Role of civil society (Keane) Move towards citizenship as participation in 1990s (social capital, social inclusion) Citizenship debate mainly at a national level Different models of citizenship in Europe and different meanings of citizenship (Brubaker) but we are using that of the Crick Report. European citizenship: not much discussed.

5 Research questions What leads young people to find Europe important? What leads young people to vote in European elections? Does citizenship education help?

6 The study UK: Manchester and Edinburgh Germany: Bielefeld and Chemnitz Austria: Vienna and Vorarlberg Spain: Madrid and Bilbao Czech and Slovak Republics 2001-2004 Sample survey and qualitative interviews Target group and representative group of 18-24 year olds

7 European citizenship: an empty box? In the qualitative interviews most people could not name anything associated with European citizenship (rights and duties), whilst they could discuss national citizenship (taxation, military service, obeying laws, right to travel and work etc.) Typical answers „Don‘t know“ or „There are some things, but I don‘t know what they are“ This included students of European Studies and other European orientations from the target group!

8 European citizenship: some things in the box after all Mobility: work, study, passport, shopping, Euro Supranational institution: human rights, democracy, immigration, protecting workers, redistribution, transit traffic but seen as remote and mysterious Economic: Euro, transfers, harmonisation of standards, business

9 What influences voting and interest in Europe? Citizen activation Political efficacy Discussing political and social issues with friends and relatives Interest in a variety of issues Joining organisations Citizenship education: political, social (controlling for education, region, economic status) Variables

10 Citizenship Education Political activation Willingnes s to vote Importance of European integration Schematic illustration of key findings


12 Vorarlbe rg ViennaPrague Bratislav a Chemnit z BielefeldBilbaoMadrid Manches ter Edinburg h 1Job and training (73.5) Job and training (67.0) Job and training (29.8) Job and training (46.8) Job and training (61.8) Job and training 58.5) Job and training (65.2) Terrorism (76.9) Educatio n (60.5) Educatio n (51.5) 2Educatio n (66.0) Educatio n (63.3) Educatio n (28.5) Educatio n (40.1) Educatio n (52.6) Educatio n (50.3) Terrorism (61.3) Job and training (70.5) Terrorism (59.9) Job and training (42.3) 3Gender equality (63.7) Gender equality (55.0) Environm ent (22.4) European integratio n (21.8) Gender Equaltiy (40.8) Terrorism (41.0) Gender Equaltiy (51.9) Educatio n (63.7) Job and training (57.3) Gender Equaltiy (37.1) 4Environm ent (57.5) Environm ent (47.0) Minorities (21.2) Environm ent (21.6) Terrorism (34.8) Gender Equaltiy (38.3) Educatio n (41.7) Gender Equaltiy (58.4) Gender Equaltiy (52.9) Terrorism (36.1) 5Poverty (51.4) Minorities (46.1) Public Services (19.7) Gender Equality (20.9) Poverty (31.8) Poverty (37.0) Poverty (42.1) Poverty (57.5) Public services (44.7) Public services (34.9) 6Animal rights (49.3) Poverty (45.5) Terrorism (20.3) Terrorism (19.0) Minorities (26.3) Minorities (36.8) Public services (41.2) Minorities (45.4) Animal rights (44.0) Poverty (31.5) 7Minorities (47.8) Public services (40.0) Gender Equality (18.3) Animal rights (18.3) Environm ent (25.1) Environm ent (25.6) Minorities (38.0) Public services (42.6) Minorities (43.2) Minorities (30.2) 8Minorities (47.8) Animal rights (32.3) Poverty (16.2) Poverty (16.6) Animal rights (25.0) Animal rights (23.0) Environm ent (36.6) Environm ent (42.1) Poverty (40.1) Animal rights (26.4) 9Terrorism (43.0) Terrorism (31.5) Animal rights (15.9) Public services (15.1) Public services (16.5) Public services (20.3) Animal rights (27.3) Animal rights (32.7) Environm ent (26.5) Environm ent (22.4) 1010 European integratio n (23.8) European integratio n (20.1) European integratio n (15.5) Minorities (13.7) European integratio n (14.8) European integratio n (17.5) European integratio n (10.2) European integratio n (22.5) European integratio n (15.2) European integratio n (7.6)



15 Percentages of respondents

16 What activates young people? employment and educational status, citizenship education at school (political and social) region

17 Does citizenship education activate young people? questions discussions about democracy and citizenship participation of school pupils the possibility to meet and discuss with politicians collecting for charity collecting signatures for a petition Learning about other religions and cultures POLITICAL and SOCIAL dimensions

18 Citizenship education in the research regions Percentages of respondents who had at least 4 out of 6 citizenship experiences at school

19 Results Activation leads to interest in European integration Activation leads to willingness to vote at all levels (especially at European level) Lack of citizenship education at school leads to less activation, leads to less likely to vote/take interest in European integration Being activated was strongly associated with experiences of citizenship education in school However, there are important differences in citizenship education between regions

20 What do young people in Austria say themselves? The EU is not seen to engage with the issues that young people think are important, e.g. opportunities in education and work, environmental issues High expectations of Europe are not fulfilled EU politics are overshadowed by national politics Young people would like better representation in European politics

21 Recommendations Conclusions Activation leads to interest in Europe and willingness to vote Activation explains more in terms of European voting than at other levels Activation leads to greater interest in European issues Citizenship education makes a difference to activation even when all other things are controlled for Regional variations: citizenship education strong in Germany, less so in Austria but lacking in other countries In the UK: only the target sample seemed to enjoy citizenship education (elite) Citizenship education should take on a European dimension European citizenship a neglected dimension

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