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Laws, Policy, Theory & Research.  Teacher Evaluation As a Policy Target for Improved Student Learning: A Fifty-State Review of Statute and Regulatory.

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1 Laws, Policy, Theory & Research

2  Teacher Evaluation As a Policy Target for Improved Student Learning: A Fifty-State Review of Statute and Regulatory Action since NCLB ~Hazi & Rucinski

3   Analyzed policy activity in all 50 states  National Governor’s Association  In-depth Background Article Background

4   Research Matrix  Four Level Rating  Level 1=local discretion  Level 2=remote control  Level 3=definitional control  Level 4=procedural control  Phases of Study  20 states – two criteria  10 states randomly selected  20 remaining states  Analysis: Theory of Action Strategy Research & Methods

5   Focused on three specific research questions  45 references cited  “Distinguished Paper” Award  Supervision and Instructional Leadership @ American Educational Research Association annual meeting Research ~ Rigor

6   Four General Types of Activity Noted  States adopting NGA Strategies  States asserting more oversight & local involvement  States decreasing frequency of veteran teacher evaluation  States increasing use of data in teacher evaluations  Virginia is one of 12 states that use achievement data in ratings for teacher evaluation. Research Conclusions

7   “Regulatory policies are formalized rules expressed in general terms and applied to large groups of people” (Fowler, 2013, p. 216).  “State governments seem to have a strong preference for regulatory policies” (Fowler, 2013, p 216).  “Several social groups with conflicting interests are usually concerned about regulatory politics” (Fowler, 2013, p. 217). Policy Type ~ Regulatory

8  Strategies:  Validation of evaluative assessments  Using more than  Proper training of evaluators  Teacher input as a part of the process  Creating reasonable and measureable goals Policy Support

9   Assessment of classroom teacher effectiveness (high quality and competence)  Identification of areas of strength  Identification of areas that need improvement  Peer Review & Self-Evaluation Policy Benefits

10   Provides information in the planning of professional developments individualized, interpersonal specific skill sets pairing with a mentor or buddy  Allows for improvement of instruction overall Policy Benefits

11   Improved student learning?  Complicates a flawed practice.  Evaluation becomes ritualistic. Policy Disadvantages

12   Teacher quality is defined… or restricted?  Evaluation as a “Tap Dance”.  Supervision is further entangled with evaluation.  Use of data may promote surveillance. Unintended Consequences

13   Principals as instructional leaders.  Teaching standards are identified.  Multiple measures of teacher quality.  Professional development implications.  Evaluation becomes aligned with the School Improvement Process. Leadership Applications

14  Conclusions:  States are moving forward in teacher evaluation.  The connection between teacher evaluation and student achievement remain unclear.

15 Hazi, H. M., & Rucinski, D. A. (2009). Teacher evaluation as a policy target for improved student learning: A fifty-state review of statute and regulatory action since NCLB. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 17 (5), 1-15.

16 Martha Powers Pamela Venable Stephanie Watts

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