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Presentation on theme: "Carol Jessen and JaLena Slack ESU 8 MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS™ (MAP) OVERVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is MAP??? MAP is… Designed to provide us with… an instructional level of our students a road map for students toward achieving mastery information to help inform instructional decisions immediate data and dynamic, interactive reports

3 What is MAP??? MAP is… Measures of Academic Progress Adaptive Challenging, appropriate, and dynamic Designed to measure student growth over time Designed to be delivered more than once per year Aligned with Nebraska’s State Standards

4 4 The MAP Adaptive Assessment Beginning Literacy Adult Reading 6 th Grade x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x MAP Test - - - + - -- + + + + 195

5 5 Rasch unIT (RIT) Scale  Achievement scale  Equal-interval scale  Used to show growth over time  Independent of grade level 120 250 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 Grade-LevelNormsRIT Skills Data DesCartes or Primary Grades Instructional Data K 1

6 Ready for Instruction Today R eady for I nstruction T oday 6 120 250 RIT Skills and Concepts DesCartes or Primary Grades Instructional Data

7 7 Features of MAP™ Assessments Challenging and appropriate Dynamically developed Accurate data Untimed Measures growth Immediate results Usually test 3 times a year

8 8 How do I know which test to give? Survey w/ Goals 42-64 items ~ 1 hour to administer Gives information on goal areas Survey 20 items ~ 30 minutes to administer No information on goal areas Overall RIT only

9 ProctorsTeachers Before Testing  Ready all computers for testing  MAKE SURE CORRECT TESTS ARE ASSIGNED  Number class lists to computers, share with teachers  Have scratch paper and pencils available  Let students know computer assignments  Show MAP Student PowerPoint ® Presentation to students  Have students bring a book to read or assignment to work on  Bring class to computer lab at designated time – help find computers During Testing  Read directions to students  Monitor test event  Terminate tests as needed  Log scores or print screen at end of test  Remain in lab to help monitor test event After Testing  Prepare computer for next group to test between testing sessions  Upload data to NWEA at end of every day during testing if designated by the district to do so  Access teacher reports 24-48 hours after data is uploaded  Analyze class and teacher reports  Discuss student scores with parents and students  Implement necessary instructional modifications 9

10 Proctor Training Duration: ½ hour long Delivery: Recorded Online Training (Self-paced, facilitator-led recorded session) Registration is required (record keeping purpose only) Any number of viewers at same time

11 Now let’s try it! 11

12 Log In

13 Test Selection Choose the Subject

14 Test Selection Choose the Correct Test Click Add

15 Student Selection

16 Start Screen

17 Mathematics Item


19 Reading Item

20 Proctor Administration Menu To access this screen:  Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows)  Apple+Shift+P (Mac) To access this screen:  Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows)  Apple+Shift+P (Mac)

21 Terminate Test

22 Student Selection

23 Resume Test

24 End of Test

25 Student Selection

26 How Can MAP Data Be Used? Finding gaps Monitoring progress Monitoring programs Conferencing Informed instructional decisions

27 27 MAP Reports Purpose of reports Provide data to inform instruction and decision making Critical reports for today Teacher Report Class Rosters Online Individual Student Progress Report Instructional Resources Class by RIT Reports

28 Reports Login

29 29 Accessing MAP Reports User Name and Password required Online reports Teachers, administrators, and MAP Coordinator 24 – 48 Hours Adobe® Reader® Ordered (online) reports Administrators and MAP Coordinator 72 Hours Crystal Reports Viewer

30 30 Teacher Report Access: NWEA Reports Site Displays: RIT ranked order Provides: Individual student and class data Designed: To provide indicators of class academic diversity

31 31 Accessing the Teacher Report

32 What is a Lexile score? Lexile is an equal interval scale to identify difficulty of text When assigned to a student’s RIT score, it indicates the level of books a student can read with 75% comprehension. Lexile is always 150 Lexile range: Bottom 100 Lexile of score is independent reading range, and top 50 Lexile of score is the gifted or instructional range (challenge material).

33 33 Activity with the Teacher Report Investigate a Class 1.What subject, grade, and season is this report? 2.Which student has the highest RIT score? 3.Which student has the lowest RIT score? 4.Which student has the median RIT score? 5.Which goal area has the highest mean?

34 34 Making the Grade-Level Connection 1.Highest RIT score = what grade level? 2.Lowest RIT score = what grade level? 3.Median RIT score = what grade level? 4.Which students are three points or more from the grade level median?

35 35 Accessing Class Rosters

36 Instructional Resources: Class by RIT Access: NWEA Reports Site Displays: Groups with similar scores Provides: Skills/concepts at instructional level Designed: To support instructional planning Class Breakdown by Overall RIT Score and Class Breakdown by Goal

37 Accessing Instructional Resources: Class by RIT Reports Class Breakdown by Goal for Reading Class Breakdown by Goal for Reading

38 38 DesCartes: A Continuum of Learning Access: NWEA Reports Site Displays: Three columns Skills and Concepts to Enhance Skills and Concepts to Develop Skills and Concepts to Introduce Provides: Skills/concepts aligned to student’s instructional level Designed: To support instruction and to help inform decision-making

39 39 Accessing DesCartes or Primary Grades Instructional Data

40 40 Activity with Instructional Resources How might you use these reports? As an individual teacher As a grade-level team Across grade levels

41 Questions??? Refer to the following link for more training options: development

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