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Pre-Referral Intervention Planning for At-Risk Students in the General Education Setting.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Referral Intervention Planning for At-Risk Students in the General Education Setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Referral Intervention Planning for At-Risk Students in the General Education Setting

2 Acceptable and Unacceptable Interventions for Students Prior to or in the IT Process AcceptableUnacceptable  Preferential Seating (seat by teacher/at front of room, away from windows/doors/distractions, provide study carrel, etc.)  Provide both oral and written instructions  Orally simplify/shorten instructions  Have student repeat instructions  Segment oral instructions.  Highlight key direction words  Provide sequential directions  Provide transition directions  Color-code materials/directions  Use verbal and physical cues  Call student’s name before asking questions  Ask frequent questions  Use specific rather than general praise  Have student repeat lesson objectives  Establish rationale for learning  Highlight relevant or words/features in readings and on tests  Circle/highlight math computation signs  Provide frequent review  Have student summarize the lesson  Provide error drill  Provide guided practice during tutoring  Provide discussion questions before reading  Have student use a piece of paper to cover all items but the one they are working on  Provide graphic organizers  Use clock faces to show classroom routine  Provide study dividers/desk dividers  Use CLOZE procedure to assess comprehension  Use graph paper for place values in math  Number-order assignments for completion  Use dotted lines to line up math problems  Have student use extra spaces between lines of writing in rough drafts to allow room for modifications  Use AIMS science and math reference sheets and the Holistic Rubric during instruction  Collect notebooks periodically to review student notes/organization  Alter sequence presentation in tutoring  Pause during speaking  Repeat major points  Increase or delay reinforcement frequency  Use behavior contracts  Teach self-monitoring  Establish rules and review them frequently  Use hand signals to cue behavior  Establish rules for submitting work  Provide daily assignment sheets, post a daily schedule  Have student use an assignment book/planner to list homework assignments  Providing study guides with direct questions/answers seen on assessment  Using notes/books/study guides during a test  Cooperative learning or peer tutors  Changing the level of the question(s)  Changing the response format  Altering the criterion level  Reducing the number of items on an assignment/assessment  Modifying assignments ( or lowering the grade level)  Adapting test items for differing response modes  Increasing the allocated time for an assignment/assessment  Shortening project assignments  Completing only the odd or even numbers on an assignment  Providing content and lecture summaries  Modifying the test delivery  Using learning aids such as computers, typewriters, calculators, and tape recorders  Having classmates share notes by photocopying or using carbon paper  Giving the student the teacher’s notes  Selecting modified or adaptive textbooks or workbooks  Reducing homework in any way

3  Rationale ◦ All public education agencies have a responsibility to identify and evaluate children suspected of having a disability. ◦ Children who demonstrate behavioral and/or learning issues that adversely impact their educational performance may be referred to the school’s Child Study Team (CST).

4  Purpose ◦ The formal CST process is a pre-referral intervention to aid students who are experiencing learning and/or behavioral issues in the school settings.

5  Intended Outcomes ◦ The CST seeks to intervene and effectively accommodate students’ academic and/or behavioral needs in order to maintain their identification as a general education student. ◦ If interventions are unsuccessful and learning and/or behavior continue to adversely impact education performance, the student may be referred to the special education team for a psycho-educational evaluation.

6  Team Composition ◦ Each school shall create a CST. The team should include the following:  Principal / Principal’s Designee  Parent  General Education Teachers  Specialists, as necessary  Source of Referral, if possible

7  Pre-Referral ◦ All school-wide interventions should be exhausted before referral to the CST

8  Phase 1: Referral ◦ Complete the Request for Educational Assistance ◦ Compile all background data ◦ Seek parent input ◦ Schedule meeting with 10 days of referral

9  Phase 2: Meeting #1 ◦ Discuss current skills and needs of student ◦ Identify problem areas ◦ Develop intervention Action Plan  Interventions for the general education setting  Before and/or after school tutoring  Home Study Plan

10  Phase 3: Interventions ◦ Implement the intervention Action Plan The Intervention phase should be carried out for a period of 3 weeks A follow-up meeting should be scheduled within 5 days of the end of the intervention phase

11  Phase 4: Meeting #2 ◦ Review the intervention Action Plan A decision must be made at this meeting Decision #1 The interventions worked Decision #2 The interventions did NOT work Student returns to general edA second set of interventions (full Action Plan) is developed at the meeting.

12  Phase 5: Interventions ◦ Implement the revised intervention Action Plan The Intervention phase should be carried out for a period of 3 weeks A follow-up meeting should be scheduled within 5 days of the end of the intervention phase

13  Phase 6: Conclusion Meeting ◦ Review the intervention Action Plan A decision must be made at this meeting Decision #1 The interventions worked Decision #2 The interventions did NOT work Student returns to general edA referral is made to special education for evaluation

14  When the CST concludes with a referral to special education, the following steps must be taken: ◦ Notice of Intent is sent to parents from CST ◦ All CST documentation is made immediately available to the special education team ◦ Prior Written Notice (PWN) is sent to parents from the special education team

15  Exception #1: DTS / DTO ◦ If a student engages in extreme behavior that is a danger to self (DTS) or danger to others (DTO) during the CST process:  CST makes an emergency referral for special education evaluation  Exception #2: Written Request for Eval ◦ If a parent requests a special education evaluation before the student goes through CST:  60-day special ed timeline begins  Expedited CST process is implemented

16 PhaseTimeline Phase 1: Referral Phase 2: Meeting #1Scheduled within 10 days Phase 3: Interventions3 weeks Phase 4: Meeting #2Scheduled within 5 days Phase 5: Interventions3 weeks Phase 6: Conclusion MeetingScheduled within 5 days

17  Child Find / Child Study Team Resources:  find/ find/  All CST forms will be available on the M drive Questions? ◦ Contact the Special Education Department Amanda M. Buda Director of Special Education Hazel N. Smith Assistant Director 480.270.5438 x 1092480.270.5438 x 6778

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