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Unit 8 Tim Clouse. Airbrushing Abner Peeler 1879 Photo retouching Photo manipulation Air Paint.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Tim Clouse. Airbrushing Abner Peeler 1879 Photo retouching Photo manipulation Air Paint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Tim Clouse

2 Airbrushing Abner Peeler 1879 Photo retouching Photo manipulation Air Paint

3 Film Recorder Recording of a “retouched” photograph on film Produces an original or first generation film photo There can be no identification of any manipulation of the photo in this process

4 Pixels and Metadata Picture Elements Metadata stores Information such as date, time, camera used, camera settings… Standard format EXIF

5 Format Types JPG or JPEG Lossy Compression Low resolution, low storage rate RAW or TIF once call TIFF Lossless Compression Higher resolution, Higher storage rate

6 Process of Digital Prints Each agency or person has own methods of processing (Training, skill level, experience, SOP)

7 Printers Inkjet, Laser, Dye sublimation Inkjet—More settings, higher volume of product, reproduces more colors, can be set to use special papers (photo, matte, gloss) Longer wait time Laser—Less settings, lower volume of product, reproduces less colors, less wait time Dye-Sublimation—Same a laser, but uses more product

8 Digital Image Categories Category 1—Used for Documentation of images used to record a time, place or event Category 2—Used as Evidentiary images used for scientific analysis and comparison

9 Category 1 Photos General Crime Scene Photos Surveillance Images Autopsy Images Documentation of Items of evidence in a lab Arrest Photos (Mug Shots)

10 Category II Latent Prints Bloodstain patterns Questioned Documents (forgery) Tool Marks Gunshot residue Impression evidence Any other images subject to analysis

11 Processing of CAT 1 and 2 Described as CAT 1 being stored in a JPG format I suggest to store all images in a RAW or TIF file, this way all information is stored for future use Refer to your departments SOP

12 Dots vs. Pixels Cameras use Pixels to record the image which are tiny squares Dots are used to reproduce the image on paper, they are usually irregular in shape and vary on paper

13 Storage Issues Storage volume Format Accessibility Who downloads CD/DVD Backing up photos for storage (Video included)

14 Film vs. Digital? ----Poll---- After studying both Film and digital print which would you prefer to work in?

15 Unit 9 Read Chapter 12 in Crime Scene Photography Review key terms Complete Web Field Trip Attend the weekly seminar Respond to the discussion board Complete Scenario Based Expository Essay Make sure that you review all aspects needed in this Essay under Unit 9!!!!!!

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