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Outline Definition Issues and elements of MAS Applications

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0 Software Agent - MAS: multi-agent systems-

1 Outline Definition Issues and elements of MAS Applications
MAS architectures Coordination Collaboration Several issues in designing competitive MAS Applications MAS research direction Summary

2 Multi-agent Systems A multi-agent system contains a number of agents…
…which interact through communication… …are able to act in an environment… …have different “spheres of influence” (which may coincide)… …will be linked by other (organizational) relationships MAS as seen from distributed AI A loosely coupled network of entities that work together to find answers to problems that are beyond the individual capabilities or knowledge of each entity A more general meaning systems composed of autonomous components that exhibit the following characteristics: each agent has incomplete capabilities to solve a problem there is no global system control data is decentralized computation is asynchronous

3 Overview of MAS Aspects of multi-agent systems Types of MAS
Cooperative vs. competitive Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous Macro vs. micro Interaction protocols and languages Organizational structure Mechanism design / market economics Learning Types of MAS Cooperative MAS Distributed problem solving: Less autonomy Distributed planning: Models for cooperation and teamwork Typical (cooperative) MAS domains Distributed sensor network establishment Distributed vehicle monitoring Distributed delivery Competitive or self-interested MAS Distributed rationality: Voting, auctions Negotiation: Contract nets

4 Comparison with Traditional Approaches
Client-server Low-level messages Synchronous Can not do the job! Agent breakthroughs Peer-to-peer topology Blackboard coordination model Encapsulated messaging High-level message protocols Traditional Software Client Function(Parameters) Server Return(Parameters) Agents Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents Blackboard Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents Message Reply Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents A14<MAS>-4

5 Main Points in MAS MAS researchers develop communications languages, interaction protocols, and agent architectures that facilitate the development of multi-agent systems MAS researcher can tell you how to program each ant in a colony in order to get them all to bring food to the nest in the most efficient manner, or how to set up rules so that a group of selfish agents will work together to accomplish a given task MAS researchers draw on ideas from many disciplines outside of AI, including biology, sociology, economics, organization and management science, complex systems, and philosophy

6 Key Elements of MAS A coordination mechanism supported by a common agent communication language and protocol A collaboration mechanism supported by agent community architecture (including agent and interaction architecture) to support the organization goal A shared ontology Popular MAS architectures Object Manager Group (OMG) Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Knowledgeable Agent-oriented System (KAoS) Open Agent Architecture (OAA) General Magic group

7 MAS Architectures (1) OMG’s Model FIPA’s Model
Composed of agents and agencies that collaborate using general patterns and policies Agents are characterized by: capabilities, type of interaction and mobility Agencies support: concurrent execution of agents security agent mobility FIPA’s Model Agents Agent Platform (AP) Directory Facilitator (DF) Agent Management System (AMS) Agent Communication Channel (ACC) Agent Communication Language (ACL)

8 MAS Architectures (2) KAoS’s Model OAA Model
An Open Distributed Architecture for Software agents Defines various agent implementations Uses conversation policies to elaborate on agent-to-agent communication OAA Model

9 MAS Architectures (3) General Magic’s Model
A commercial agent technology for electronic commerce Views MAS as an electronic marketplace The marketplace is modeled as a network of computers supporting a collection of places that offer services to mobile agents The mobile agents: can travel, meet other agents, create connections to other places they have authority Zeus: a MAS development toolkit

10 MAS Architectures (4) Geo-Agents (GIS agents) Architecture
Other Agent Systems User Query agent Task(GeoScript) Reply Geo-Agents Administrator UI Agent Query agent Exchange registry Facilitator Query agent Pass task Reply Query agent Coordinate Coordinate Domain (Service) Agent Task Agent Control/Reply Domain (Service) Agent Task Agent Collaborate Retrieve Collaborate Data sources

11 Coordination Coordination: a process to manage dependencies among activities Three aspects of coordination Activity aspect What activity to execute? When an activity should be executed? Model to coordinate distributed tasks: Statecharts, Flowcharts, Process algebra, Lotos, SDL, Estelle … Conversation (state) aspect What is the structure of the conversation among the coordinating entities? FSM, Petri-Nets, State Transition Diagrams Implementation aspect How to implement distributed software systems where software components coordinate their actions

12 Coordination KQML Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) is both a message format and a message-handling protocol to support run-time knowledge sharing among agents KQML comprise a substrate on which to develop higher-level models of inter-agent interaction such as contract nets KQML is a coordination mechanism from the conversation aspect KQML contains an extensible set of performatives, which defines the permissible speech acts agents may use Example performative: (ask-all /* message layer */ :content "price(IBM, [?price, ?time])“ /* content layer */ :receiver stock-server /* communication layer */ :language standard_prolog :ontology NYSE-TICKS :sender me)

13 KQML: Types of Performatives
Coordination KQML: Types of Performatives Basic informative performatives: tell, deny, … Database performatives: insert, delete, … Basic responses: error, sorry, … Basic query performatives: ask-one, ask-all, evaluate,… Multi-response query performatives: stream-all, … Basic effector performatives: achieve, … Generator performatives: standby, ready, next, … Capability-definition performatives: advertise Notification performatives: subscribe Networking performatives: register, forward, pipe, broadcast, … Facilitation performatives: broker-one (all), recommend-one (all), recruit-one (all)

14 Collaboration Collaboration refers to cooperative effort among agents to reach a single goal by exchanging knowledge built upon the underlying coordination mechanism Example mechanism: Contract Net Protocol (CNP) Negotiation as a collaboration mechanism Negotiation on how tasks should be shared A task (plan) may be decomposed in a hierarchy of subtasks (hierarchical planning) An agent may subcontract another agent to perform a (sub)task. Contract Bid agent

15 Collaboration Phase 1: Task Announcement - The contractor agent publicly announces a task. - Potential candidates evaluate the task according to their wo n skills and availability. Phase 2: Submission of Bids / Proposals - Agents that satisfy the requiremenst, i.e., are able to perform the task, send their bid / proposal to the contractor.

16 Collaboration Phase 3: Selection - The selection of the best candidate is made by the contractor based on received bids and on the CVs of the candidates. Phase 4: Contract awarding A contract is established betwe en the contractor and the selecte d candidate. - A privileged bilateral communic ation channel is established betw een the two agents.

17 Several Issues in Designing Competitive MAS
Distributed rationality Pareto optimality Stability

18 Distributed Rationality
Competitive MAS Distributed Rationality Techniques to encourage/coax/force self-interested agents to play fairly in the sandbox Voting: Everybody’s opinion counts (but how much?) Auctions: Everybody gets a chance to earn value (but how to do it fairly?) Contract nets: Work goes to the highest bidder Issues: Global utility Fairness Stability Cheating and lying

19 Pareto Optimality S is a Pareto-optimal solution iff
Competitive MAS Pareto Optimality S is a Pareto-optimal solution iff  S’ ( x Ux(S’) > Ux(S) →  y Uy(S’) < Uy(S)) i.e., if X is better off in S’, then some Y must be worse off Social welfare, or global utility, is the sum of all agents’ utility If S maximizes social welfare, it is also Pareto-optimal (but not vice versa) Which solutions are Pareto-optimal? Y’s utility Which solutions maximize global utility (social welfare)? X’s utility

20 Competitive MAS Stability If an agent can always maximize its utility with a particular strategy (regardless of other agents’ behavior) then that strategy is dominant A set of agent strategies is in Nash equilibrium if each agent’s strategy Si is locally optimal, given the other agents’ strategies No agent has an incentive to change strategies Hence this set of strategies is locally stable Prisoner’s dilemma Pareto-optimal and social welfare maximizing solution: Both agents cooperate Dominant strategy and Nash equilibrium: Both agents defect Cooperate Defect 3, 3 0, 5 5, 0 1, 1

21 Development of MAS Define the organization of the MAS according to the problem specification (or solution structure) Decide the coordination mechanism Select a MAS implementation framework, e.g., Zeus, that supports the coordination mechanism Implement the collaborative mechanism which support the MAS organization Implement shared ontology Implement each task agent (including customizing associated communication module) Customize middle agents Facilitators Mediators Brokers Matchmakers and yellow pages Blackboards

22 Applications of MAS Advanced Manufacturing Management Systems
Agents as representatives of machines, users, business processes, etc. Intelligent Information Search on Internet Some agents may show learning capabilities (learn the preferences of their users, ..) Intelligent security enforcement on Internet Agents are representative of sensors or IDSs Shopping Agents in Electronic Commerce With search, price comparison, and bargaining capabilities Multi-agent auction in E-commerce Distributed Surveillance For information search or to look for special events informing their users of relevant news Distributed Signal Processing For problem diagnosis, situation assessment, etc. in the network Distributed Problem Solving Collaborative design, scheduling, and planning

23 Agent Organizations Multiple (human and/or artificial) agents
MAS Research Directions Agent Organizations Multiple (human and/or artificial) agents Goal-directed (goals may be dynamic and/or conflicting) Affects and is affected by the environment Has knowledge, culture, memories, history, and capabilities (distinct from individual agents) Legal standing is distinct from single agent Q: How are MAS organizations different from human organizations?

24 Organizational Structures
MAS Research Directions Organizational Structures Exploit structure of task decomposition Establish “channels of communication” among agents working on related subtasks Organizational structure: Defines (or describes) roles, responsibilities, and preferences Use to identify control and communication patterns: Who does what for whom: Where to send which task announcements/allocations Who needs to know what: Where to send which partial or complete results

25 Communication Communication models Communication strategies
MAS Research Directions Communication Communication models Theoretical models: Speech act theory Practical models: Shared languages like KIF, KQML, DAML Service models like DAML-S Social convention protocols Communication strategies Connectivity (network topology) strongly influences the effectiveness of an organization Changes in connectivity over time can impact team performance: Move out of communication range  coordination failures Changes in network structure  reduced (or increased) bandwidth, increased (or reduced) latency

26 MAS Research Directions
Learning in MAS Emerging field to investigate how teams of agents can learn individually and as groups Distributed reinforcement learning Behave as an individual, receive team feedback, and learn to individually contribute to team performance Iteratively allocate “credit” for group performance to individual decisions Genetic algorithms: Evolve a society of agents (survival of the fittest) Strategy learning: In market environments, learn other agents’ strategies

27 Adaptive Organizational Dynamics
MAS Research Directions Adaptive Organizational Dynamics Potential for change: Change parameters of organization over time That is, change the structures, add/delete/move agents, … Adaptation techniques: Genetic algorithms Neural networks Heuristic search / simulated annealing Design of new processes and procedures Adaptation of individual agents

28 Summary “Agent” means many different things
Different types of “multi-agent systems”: Cooperative vs. competitive Heterogeneous vs. homogeneous Micro vs. macro Lots of interesting/open research directions: Effective cooperation strategies “Fair” coordination strategies and protocols Learning in MAS Resource-limited MAS (communication, …) Next lecture Communication & Platform

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