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Welcome to EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & Services) Manzanita

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & Services) Manzanita"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & Services) Manzanita 18-3 588-5130

2 Agenda First Step: EOPS Orientation Second Step: Course Advising
Third Step: Fourth Step: EOPS Orientation Course Advising Registration EOPS Intake Registration July 25 for students attending EOPS Orientation and Advising; allow time for input in ConnectColumbia as information will be given to Admissions & Records today.

3 EOPS Staff Matthew Fox - EOPS / CARE Director & Counselor
Brian Jensen - Special Programs Counselor (EOPS, DSPS, Veterans Affairs, Vocational Rehabilitation, CalWORKs) Jill Olson - EOPS / DSPS Counselor Courtney Castle - TRiO / EOPS Counselor Michelle Walker- Program Technician, Special Programs- EOPS / CARE and DSPS

4 EOPS –Its Purpose “Extends the opportunity” for college success to students with economic & educational disadvantages. Provides “over & above” programs & services to assist its students in successfully achieving academic and career goals. Supports students in making transitions to work and / or further education.

5 More about EOPS… State supported program funded through the California State Chancellor’s Office. EOPS began in 1969 as an outgrowth of the civil rights movement aimed at creating equity in educational opportunities. EOPS is available at all California Community Colleges.

6 Student Eligibility California Residency
Educational and/or Economic Need Less than 70 Associate-level units Enrolled in a minimum of 12 units Exceptions: Verified disabilities EOPS director approval. Eligibility factor only. Ed / Econ criteria, CA residency, completed units – met; must attend Orientation and meet enrollment reqs.

7 So How Does EOPS Help? Financial Services Academic Services Enrollment Services Encouragement & Support

8 EOPS Financial Services
Textbook Assistance Parking Permit or Bus Passes Academic Materials University Application Fee Waivers End-of-term Grants (Pending Funding) Texts – up to $300 for required texts; expanding bus passes intake & mid-semester. Flash drives for completing ed plan. Explain grant limitations.

9 EOPS Academic Services
Academic, Career & Personal Counseling Educational Plans & Course Advisement Academic Monitoring & Progress Evaluation Intervention and Remediation – Trouble-shooting! Early Alert Probation Contracts EOPS Warning Status Student Concerns Integrated counseling as issues related. Pro-active counseling approach – EOPS.

10 More Academic Services …..
Skills Assessment Student Success Workshops Transfer Assistance Reflective Practice through Self-Evaluation Skills assessment – review of Matric scores; LASSI success skills opportunities.

11 Focus On: Educational Plan
Required EOPS document. Creates a road map to your goals. Identifies academic goals and sequenced requirements. Develops course loads term-by-term Updated each semester. Emphasize that without an educational plan, students will be withdrawn from EOPS. Receive services, produce an ed plan.

12 Enrollment Services Assistance in course advisement
Assistance in the registration process Priority Registration – first day enrollment Fall 2013: May 15th

13 Support & Encouragement
The EOPS team is here for you to… Answer questions Refer you to resources Listen and respond to your concerns Encourage & support you Celebrate your successes Help you to be a strong self-advocate

14 EOPS Mutual Responsibilities
The EOPS Program : Provide quality services in a helpful, supportive, and respectful manner. EOPS Students: Follow the regulations in the Mutual Responsibilities Contract.

15 Student Responsibilities
Three Required Counseling Contacts Each Semester within Timeframe Complete and/or Update Educational Plan (Weeks 1 – 7) Mid-semester Progress Evaluation (Weeks 8-12) End-of-Term Update (Weeks 13-16) In your folder at Intake, you will have specific dates for activity completions.

16 Additional Responsibilities
Make satisfactory progress each semester. Minimum Term GPA 2.0 Minimum Term Unit Completion Rate over 50%

17 Other Responsibilities
Take coursework that follows your Educational Plan. Notify EOPS prior to dropping any classes. Notify counselor of any changes to class schedule or major / educational goal. Notify EOPS and Admissions & Records of changes to name, address or telephone number. Cancel and reschedule appointments that you are unable to attend. Early notice is expected. Read and respond to EOPS communications via student .

18 Continued EOPS Eligibility
Within the Unit / Semester Limits Under 70 Associate Level Unit Six Consecutive Semesters ( Once met: Student is no longer eligible for future EOPS services.) Meet Student Responsibilities Educational Plan completed / updated Three required EOPS counselor contacts within time frame. Satisfactory term academic progress

Failure to attend Educational Plan appointment = EXIT from EOPS Failure to attend three EOPS counseling sessions = EXIT from EOPS Failure to meet other responsibilities = Placement on EOPS Warning Status Students will be exited from EOPS if Warning Status limits are exceeded. Exited student are ineligible to reapply the following term.

20 Staying Informed Activate then Regularly Read Your Student E-mail
Review your EOPS Handbook. Visit college, EOPS, and Counseling Website Maintain Student Responsibility Checklist Read the Student Bulletin Contact EOPS Office or Counselors Main way we communicate with students is via . Must read student .

21 Partner Programs

22 Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education
CARE Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education Mission: Support EOPS Single Parents of Young Children Receiving CalWORKs or TANF Services: Child Care, Grants, Books, Supplies, Gas Cards, Meal Vouchers, Workshops, and Counseling Eligibility – Screened through EOPS Application

23 TRiO Supports qualified students planning to complete an Associates Degree and / or transfer to a four-year college or university. Offers services such as: Counseling Tutoring Peer Mentoring Career / Transfer Assistance Workshops Trips To Transfer Institutions Grant Aid Anneka Whitmer, TRiO Program Director

24 Disability Services - DSPS
Serves students with verified disabilities that create challenges to the educational process. Provides a wide variety of services that include: Counseling Assistance with accessing educational facilities & resources. High Tech Center Alternate media & adaptive computer equipment, Test facilitation Karin Rodts DSPS Coordinator/ Learning Disabilities Specialist Shawn Jordison Alternate Media Access Specialist

25 Financial Aid / Scholarships
Federal Pell Grant / FAFSA Federal Work-study Cal Grant BOGFW - Enrollment Fee Waiver Columbia College Scholarships

26 Instructional Specialist
Tutoring Academic Achievement Center – AAC Manzanita Building Free Variety of subjects & study skills Supplemental Instruction (SI) & Group Tutoring /review Free computer & printer access Math Resource Center – Math Lab Juniper Building Drop-in basis. Access to computers, graphing calculators, math texts and other resources. Casey Bonavia; Instructional Specialist

27 Orientation Activities
Orientation Quiz: “What did you learn?” Student Needs Assessment: “What do you need?” Student Self-Advocacy Checklist: “What are you doing for yourself?” Do these activities here!

28 EOPS TOOLS Handbook Student Responsibility Folder
Mutual Responsibilities Contract Website: EOPS EOPS TOOLS Demonstrate where these are located online. Folder to be given at Intake.

29 Course Advising Review your selected courses with a counselor.
Use the Online Schedule of Classes for the most up to date information. Register in a minimum of 12 units. Exception may apply for students with verified disabilities. Enrollment on the waitlist does not count.

30 Course Enrollment Suggestions
Limit elective units; follow your Educational Plan/ Educational Goal. Watch for “prerequisites” and “recommended for success” notations. Match your skills in writing and reading with expectations of course. Take skill-building courses. Don’t take more than 12 units your first semester. Balance your course load Select courses that fit YOUR life schedule. Work Experience MAY be an option for meeting your unit requirement. Create your schedule so you have on-campus study time.

Use online Schedule of Classes & Preferred Class List. Check your registration date & time on CONNECTCOLUMBIA Prepare your course selections ahead of time. Register at or close to your scheduled time. On Probation or Dismissal Status? SEE A COUNSELOR IMMEDIATELY! Print 2 copies of your schedule. Pay fees. Need help? See Special Programs for assistance. REGISTRATION

32 EOPS Intake Check your EOPS Intake Memo for drop-in times.
Bring two current copies of your official course registration. When you meet with an EOPS counselor, you will: Verify current unit enrollment. Review and sign Mutual Responsibilities Contract. Receive a Student Information Folder. Schedule appointment for an Educational Plan. Receive a book voucher and parking permit or bus pass. (Book and Parking Permit Vouchers have an expiration date.)


34 Welcome to the EOPS team!

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