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March 21, 2012 Florida Department of Transportation, District One FPN: 412636-2-62-01.

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Presentation on theme: "March 21, 2012 Florida Department of Transportation, District One FPN: 412636-2-62-01."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 21, 2012 Florida Department of Transportation, District One FPN: 412636-2-62-01

2 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable KCA was awarded the first CEI contract by FDOT District One KCCS was created in 1998 to focus on CEI in Florida Longstanding relationship with District One (over 30 years) Long-tenured employees committed to project Additional CEI staff throughout Florida, if needed 2

3 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 3

4 Awareness of/Approach to Project – Understanding scope – Unique issues – Innovative ideas Proposed Staff – Quality/Availability/Qualifications/Experience Other Considerations – Communication Abilities – Commitment to Department 4

5 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Phase 1 of a three-phase project – Purpose: Provide adaptive, integrated & automated ITS in Lee County on state-owned roadways System to be operated by Lee County – 1 st Phase: Provide SOC, computer screens, workstations, computers Signal upgrades & interconnects Interface to SWIFT Center 5 Overview

6 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Scope Unique Issues Innovative Concepts 6

7 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Upgrade 105 signalized intersections Improve ADA & crosswalks ~50 intersections Install PTZ cameras Fiber optic interconnects County SOC – computers, display screens Interface to SWIFT Center 7 Scope

8 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable D/B project MOT – continuous signal operation Coordination with Lee County SOC staff Integration w/County system Public perception Coordination with other municipalities 8 Construction /Unique Project Issues

9 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Requires coordination between FDOT, Lee County, D/B contractor, and criteria package development consultant Have reviewed D/B RFP Will establish weekly update meetings Will establish phase plan review meetings and coordinate all comments Project design is Critical Path 9 Design/Build Project From FHWA

10 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Must maintain continuous signal operations MOT required for overhead work Police support for signal downtime 10 MOT – Continuous Signal Operation

11 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Work inside County facility Integration into existing County Ops Center Equipment selection 11 Coordination with Lee County SOC Staff

12 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable System must be integrated into Lee Cty’s system Lee Cty has been running Centracs for some time Team will verify all functions, both software and hardware Interface back to SWIFT Center 12 Integration w/ County System Lee County state of the art cabinet

13 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Team understands the benefits of the project Will work w/ Department PIO – keep public informed – make presentations to MPO 13 Public Perception

14 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Intersection improvements in Lee County, but also in City of Fort Myers & City of Cape Coral Department had issues getting timely response Decisions changed Team will be proactive Have already met with Fort Myers staff 14 Coordination with other municipalities

15 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable SR 45/US 41 From Corkscrew Road to San Carlos Blvd Lakeland Computer Signal System Upgrade (District 1) Winter Haven ATMS (District 1) ITS components along I-75 in Charlotte County SWIFT SunGuide Center Coordination 15 Similar Projects/Past Experience

16 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Assist with WOs and SAs Track quantities and back-up documentation Perform field checks for QC of back-up documentation Ensure QC reviews are completed Enter progress estimates into SiteManager QA Hummingbird documentation Ensure certifications are received prior to material items being incorporated Ensure certifications are entered into LIMS or CDMS Enter profiles for sub-soil into multi-line earthwork program Track contract time Submit weather and holiday letters to Department Keep final as-built plans current with revisions or quantities of closed out items Compile Final Estimate package Assist field technicians Ensure current forms and guide lists are being used Ensure current specifications and standards are applied Review field documentation for errors and omissions Assist with LIMS Provide stockpile material invoices for monthly inspection 16 Meldon Chin

17 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 19 years of experience specifically with transportation projects in FDOT Districts 1, 4, & 6 Overall strategies/program vision Conduct media interviews as needed Coordinate elected official interaction/MPO presentations Worked previously with both Mary Wiley and Debbie Tower Served two other District 1 CEI teams for ITS deployments Alicia Gonzalez 17

18 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable First public involvement campaign for a P3 project in South Florida First ramp signaling project First managed lanes project First Roadside Animal Detection System (RADS) First High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) beacon in South Florida MRG’s Accomplishments Working for FDOT 18

19 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Discuss with District PIOs the opportunity to “message” the project with benefits it will offer the community and impacts during construction Work with District PIOs to prepare collaterals to disseminate to elected officials, agencies and municipalities Notify 511 of lane closures and detours and coordinate public meetings as agreed upon by the Department Create Community Awareness Plan and highlight strategies for leading public information efforts Coordinate extensive media exposure using local newspapers Work closely with County and District PIO to maximize outreach & utilize their existing communication resources to inform the public – County websites, newsletters, and databases Suggested Methods

20 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Create open lines of communication early to garner active involvement and study support and build community consensus Facilitate and coordinate – Stakeholder/community group presentations – Public meetings – One-on-one interaction with the community Present to Lee County MPO as needed, present project updates to the Charlotte-Lee- Collier Transportation Incident Management Team Key Strategies and Activities

21 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 21 Project website Visual As-Builts Proactive presentation to MPO on project benefits Use of latest technology, example “dumb” LED/LCD – green solution Substitute single Aldis camera for multiple PTZs

22 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Experienced staff Interface with D/B team and Lee County, ultimate system operator Manage project from existing office (with Department approval) – Each inspector truck is a mobile office Comprehensive constructability review & proactive project management with D/B team 22

23 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 23

24 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 24

25 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 25

26 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Team MemberRole Paul W. Wingard, P.E., LEED AP, CGCSenior Project Engineer John W. BaileyProject Administrator Meldon ChinContract Support Specialist Chris SturmSenior Inspector Israel RodriguezSenior ITS Inspector Rhonda VenutoCEI Secretary/Clerk Typist 26 All staff will be 100% available as needed

27 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable GBF Engineering, Inc. – ITS and ATMS CEI specialist E.F. Gaines Surveying Services, Inc. – Survey layout (if necessary) Media Relations Group, LLC – Public information support 27 3 DBE Firms = DBE Goal 40%

28 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Communication Abilities Commitment to Department 28

29 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Coordination with D/B Team Promote coordination and communication between project stakeholders Weekly progress meetings Document and track issues to resolution Pre-operational meetings Partnering Keep the public informed KCCS D/B Team Lee County DOT Public Utilities/ Businesses Other Local Govts FDOT 29

30 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable KCA was awarded the first CEI contract by FDOT District One Longstanding relationship with District One (over 30 years) Long-tenured employees committed to project Additional CEI employees throughout Florida, if needed 30

31 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable Awareness/Approach to Project – Scope – Unique issues – Innovative concepts Staffing – Quality/Availability/Qualifications/Experience Other Considerations – Communication Abilities – Commitment to Department 31

32 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 32

33 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 33

34 C onsistent, P redictable, R epeatable 34

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