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Andrea Servida Deputy Head of Unit European Commission DG INFSO-A3 Security and resilience in Information Society: towards.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrea Servida Deputy Head of Unit European Commission DG INFSO-A3 Security and resilience in Information Society: towards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrea Servida Deputy Head of Unit European Commission DG INFSO-A3 Security and resilience in Information Society: towards a CIIP policy in the EU

2 What’s ahead: mobile & ubiquitous Information Society Broaden communication parties, networking, and business opportunities B3G Radio Access B3G Mobile Network Ubiquitous World Networks with low performance devices (e.g. RF tags and sensors) Mobile World (Real World) Networks with high performance devices (e.g. home appliances) Mobile NW Ubiquitous Local NW Mobile-Ubiquitous NW Mobile Edge

3 Network and information security: The European Context Strategy for a Secure Information Society [COM(2006)251] Policy initiatives on: –fighting against spam, spyware and malware [COM(2006)688] –promoting data protection by PET [COM(2007)228] –fighting against cyber crime [COM(2007)267] Proposed package to reform the Regulatory Framework for e-communications [COM(2007)697, COM(2007)698, COM(2007) 699] European Network and Information Security Agency, (ENISA) established in 2004 A policy initiative on CIIP is announced in the CLWP 2008 [COM(2007) 640]

4 Towards a secure Information Society DIALOGUE structured and multi-stakeholder Open & inclusive multi-stakeholder debate EMPOWERMENT commitment to responsibilities of all actors involved PARTNERSHIP greater awareness & better understanding of the challenges

5 CIP at the EU level In June 2004, the European Council asked for an overall strategy to protect critical infrastructures On 17 November 2005, the Commission adopted a Green Paper on the policy options for a European Programme on Critical Infrastructure Protection (COM(2005)576) –Contributions from 22 Member States and over 100 private companies and industry associations –need for action at the European level to enhance the protection and resilience of critical infrastructures In December 2006 the Commission adopted –a communication and –a proposal for a directive on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructure

6 Dialogue & Partnership: CLWP 2008 Policy initiative on CIIP Objectives –Enhance the level of CIIP preparedness and response across the EU –Ensure that adequate and consistent levels of preventive, detection, emergency and recovery measures are put in operation Approach –Build on national and private sector initiatives –Engage relevant public and private stakeholders –Adopt All-hazards –Strengthen the synergies between 1 st and 3 rd pillar measures

7 Dialogue & Partnership: Challenges for CIIP Organisational: build trusted relationships and engage the stakeholders at the EU level Policy orientations: achieve a better understanding and clarity on the guiding policy principles Issues: –National vs. European information Infrastructures (criteria); –long-term Internet stability & resilience; –preventive, detection/early warning & responsive measures; –recovery and continuity strategies; –sharing knowledge and good practices; –cross-sectors proactive information assurance methods; –risk management culture and tools; –inter-dependencies, in particular across heterogeneous infrastructures; etc.

8 CIIP - Preparatory activities (1) 2006 –Study on “Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications Infrastructures” (ARECI) 2007 –Informal meeting of National experts on CIIP – Brussels, 19 January 2007 –Public consultation on the final ARECI report drafted by Alcatel-Lucent - April 2007 –Joint Member States and private sector meeting o– Brussels, 18 June 2007” –Workshop on “cc TLD’s Contingency practices”, 19/09/2007 –Workshop on challenges for awareness raising, 07/12/2007 –Study on “Critical dependencies of energy, finance and transport infrastructures on ICT infrastructures (under negotiation)

9 CIIP - Preparatory activities (2) 2008 –Workshop on “Learning from large scale attacks on the Internet: policy implications”, Brussels, 17 January 2008; –Meeting with MS on the criteria to identify European Critical Infrastructures in the ICT sector, Brussels, 5 February 2008; –Planned studies and projects funded under EPCIP financial scheme: "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security Related Risks“

10 Workshop on “Learning from large scale attacks on the Internet: policy implications Objectives –Foster discussions on lessons learnt and best practices –Raise awareness on further Internet security issues –Discuss and investigate the value of: EU cooperation International cooperation Public Private Partnership Attendance –86 participants 57 delegates from EU MS + EFTA from ministries of defence, interior affairs, industry, communications, finance, and Telecom National Regulatory Authorities 12 experts from academia and industry

11 Lessons learned critical issues to be considered –Availability and reliability of the DNS service underpinning the resolution of web names –Security of traffic exchange between operators (in particular IXP) –Increased complexity: sophistication of attacks; professional malware’s development cycle; commercial-alike distribution pattern (malware toolkits) –Web pages are becoming the vector for infections –Increased targeted attacks –Information Asymmetry between attackers and targets –Attacks exploit P2P and increasingly WEB 2.0

12 Lessons learned current situation –The distributed nature of the Internet Enhances its resilience But also provides structural vulnerability  public policy should respect this distributed nature –Critical trends Computers at the edges are more and more part of the global infrastructure The distributed nature of P2P is more and more exploited to decentralise the command of malware -Attackers are hard if not impossible to identify –Internet’s security is a shared responsibility Every stakeholder has a role and responsibility Ones security brings more benefits to others  Hence, the question of the incentives for stakeholders to adopt security measures

13 Lessons learned the way forward (1/2) –Build resilience / Harden the infrastructure Servers and links redundancy, Anycast Security of routing protocol / traffic exchange Security of DNS service –Profiling attackers and understanding their objectives (know your enemies) –Response preparedness National contingency plan for the Internet Cyber exercises on National/international level are crucial Strengthen multinational cooperation for rapid response (formal rather than informal)  Importance of CERTs/CSIRTs and their role for national and international cooperation –Measurement - monitoring of traffic to understand what is going on Computers at the edges could be leveraged to build collective intelligence

14 Lessons learned the way forward (2/2) –Technology will not be sufficient –Study the economics of security and cyber crime –Set-up Public Private Partnership (PPP) Importance of the role of government, which is to coordinate and be a good user –Develop cross-sector and cross- organisational cooperation on National, EU and international levels –Agree on responsibility’s allocation –Information and best practices sharing  importance of trust –Raising awareness and education of individuals, public bodies, corporate users and service providers

15 CIIP – next steps Criteria for the ICT sector Questionnaire out  response by mid-March Comments to JRC report by mid-March Next meeting mid-May (tentative) Time Frame: end 2008 Survey on MS Policy approaches on CIIP Focus on i) definitions/criteria; ii) risk assessment activities; iii) incident response capability; iv) Public Private Partnership; v) International dimension Questionnaire ou  response by mid-March Report: second half of 2008 Thematic workshops Meetings with Member States Call for tenders & proposals (next slides) A Commission policy on CIIP in early 2009

16 CIIP – Planned public procurements EPCIP financial scheme 2008 –In cooperation with DG JLS, three planned studies to: Analyse and improve emergency preparedness in the field of fixed and mobile telecommunications and Internet (400 k€); Identify rationale and propose criteria to designate European CII in the sub-sectors of information system and network protection, Internet, fixed and mobile telecommunications (500 k€) and, Idem in the sub sectors of instrumentation automation and control systems (350 k€ - via arrangements with JRC);

17 CIIP – Planned calls for proposals EPCIP financial scheme CIIP – Planned calls for proposals EPCIP financial scheme 2008 –In cooperation with DG JLS, calls on: Analysis of new media capabilities and identification of requirements to ensure critical communications between authorities and the public Prototype of a European multilingual information sharing and alert system to provide appropriate and timely information via dedicated е-security web portals on threats, risks and alerts as well as on best practices. Analysis of the dependency on electrical power of modern ICT infrastructures supporting the Internet as well as fixed and mobile telecommunications networks; Supporting information sharing in the context of the Directive 2006/24/EC on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or networks and amending Directive 2002/58/EC

18 Web Sites DG INFSO Web site on the EU policy on secure Information Society is/index_en.htm Page on CIIP ities/ciip/large_scale/index_en.htm

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