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Project ROW: Restoring Our Waters Georgia START Team.

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1 Project ROW: Restoring Our Waters Georgia START Team

2 Georgia START Challenges –Pre-existing technology education structure (InTech) –Difficult to “sell” another technology skills training program Opportunities –Most teachers have experience with technology –Opportunity for comprehensive integration of technology and science education

3 Project ROW Statewide initiative –High school students assess environmental parameters. Start small; expand with successes –Identify potential environmental impact areas. Local projects with regional integration –Students will share their results at a statewide “environmental summit.” Virtual and/or face-to-face

4 Project ROW Collaboration among – –High schools –Colleges and universities –Professional organizations –Environmental agencies –Corporate sponsors

5 Rationale Environmental science provides opportunities for –Problem-based learning –Integration of technology in K-12 settings –Collaboration across disciplines and educational levels (P-16)

6 Rationale Little is known about local environmental parameters in many parts of Georgia –Authentic experiences –Application of science instruction to complex, real-world problems –K-12 students can significantly add to knowledge base

7 Planned Phases Training Phase (Summer 2002) –START Program –Dissemination to K-12 teachers –Protocols: water quality, GLOBE, etc. –Project-level planning and coordination

8 Planned Phases Implementation Phase (2002-2003 year) –Measurements by students in coordination with collaborating partners Organized by region –Action research by teachers and collaborating partners Statewide organization? –Statewide database Sharing ongoing projects

9 Planned Phases Assessment/Evaluation Phase –Environmental Summit (Spring 2003) –Research presentations (Spring-Fall 2003) –Dissemination of results (2003-2004) Keynote speakers Recommendations for future work Recommendations for action

10 START Technology Web page design –Each school will make a web page Electronic research strategies –Linking present research with literature Videoconferencing –Connecting high schools with experts Presentation software Portfolio development


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