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Welcome to Agder University Library! Arthur N. Olsen, Research Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Agder University Library! Arthur N. Olsen, Research Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Agder University Library! Arthur N. Olsen, Research Librarian

2 Facilities Gimlemoen IT & library Newspapers and periodicals Reference books of all kinds Reading/work space Wireless and wired connection to the campus network Group rooms Internet terminals Brief usage for the library catalog, Internet and e-mail Standard PC’s Login necessary, 3 printers Specialized equipment Listen to cassettes and CD’s, film on video and DVD, microfilm and microfiche Mediatek: access to specialized hardware and software for graphics and video work Printers and copiers Follow Me, use of student card Arthur N. Olsen Presentation Foreign Students Spring 20152

3 Oria – one search for everything Used by all university and college libraries in Norway Possible to find books : In our library At other Norwegian research libraries Millions of articles from journals, newspapers and open archives DVD’s, musical scores, etc. Arthur N. Olsen Presentation Foreign Students Spring 20153

4 Borrowing and ordering documents Your student-id is also your library card Normal loan period is 4 weeks reduced to 1 week if others are waiting Inter-library loans and reservations Renewals Purchase suggestions Arthur N. Olsen Presentation Foreign Students Spring 20154

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