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 Section 1 ◦ Nativism ◦ Isolationism ◦ Communism ◦ Anarchists ◦ Quota system  Section 2 ◦ Ohio gang ◦ Teapot Dome scandal  Section 3 ◦ Urban Sprawl.

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Presentation on theme: " Section 1 ◦ Nativism ◦ Isolationism ◦ Communism ◦ Anarchists ◦ Quota system  Section 2 ◦ Ohio gang ◦ Teapot Dome scandal  Section 3 ◦ Urban Sprawl."— Presentation transcript:

1  Section 1 ◦ Nativism ◦ Isolationism ◦ Communism ◦ Anarchists ◦ Quota system  Section 2 ◦ Ohio gang ◦ Teapot Dome scandal  Section 3 ◦ Urban Sprawl ◦ Installment plan

2 The Effects of Peace on the Public  War leaves Americans exhausted cost of living doubles - soldiers take jobs from women, minorities - farmers, factory workers suffer

3  people fear Red conspiracy Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer conducts raids ◦ The Palmer Raids The Palmer Raids Palmer, J. Edgar Hoover hunt down Communists, socialists, anarchists Raids trample civil rights, fail to find evidence of conspiracy

4 J. Edgar Hoover

5 Sacco and Vanzetti fear of foreigners 1920, Sacco and Vanzetti, Italian immigrants, anarchists, arrestedSacco and Vanzetti - charged with robbery, murder - trial does not prove guilt Jury finds them guilty; widespread protests in U.S., abroad - Sacco, Vanzetti executed 1927

6  1919–1921 maximum number set that can enter U.S. from each country  1924, European arrivals cut to 2% of number of residents in 1890  Discriminates against southern, eastern Europeans ◦ Prohibits Japanese immigration

7  Anti-Immigrant Attitudes Fewer jobs, fear of anarchist and communist  The Klan Rises in number  KKK opposes blacks, Catholics, Jews, immigrants, unions, saloons - 1924, 4.5 million members

8 President Warren G. Harding “normalcy”Warren G. Harding Washington Naval Conference; invites major powers, not Russia In 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact nations renounce war as national policy

9  4 Power Treaty- United States, Great Britain, France, Japan ◦ Establish who owned what in the pacific  5 Power Treaty – U.S., Great Britain, France, Japan and Italy – Freeze on naval buildup  9 Power Treaty – U.S., GB, France, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal and China ◦ Established the open door policy equal trade in China

10  The Teapot Dome Scandal naval oil reserves used for personal gain Interior Secretary Albert B. Fall leases land to private companies

11  Calvin Coolidge favors minimal government interference in business  - allow private enterprise to flourish Cars change life—paved roads, gas stations, motels, shopping centers urban sprawl (spread of cities)

12  Incomes Grow  Electrical Conveniences electricity to suburbs homes begin to have electrical appliances Appliances make housework easier, free women for other activities

13 18 th Amendment—alcohol production, sale, and transportation is illegal not enough money to enforce the law Organized Crime

14  Speakeasies and Bootleggers ◦ Speakeasies (hidden saloons, nightclubs) become fashionable ◦ People distill liquor, buy prescription alcohol, sacramental wine ◦ Bootleggers smuggle alcohol from surrounding countries

15 Prohibition contributes to organized crime in major cities Al Capone controls Chicago liquor business by killing competitors killing competitors By mid-1920s, only 19% support Prohibition 18 th Amendment in place until 1933; repealed by 21 st Amendment

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