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Mapping the Processes of a Small Public Library Erin Larucci.

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1 Mapping the Processes of a Small Public Library Erin Larucci

2 North Franklin Public Library North Franklin, NY

3 The North Franklin Public Library is located in the rural village of North Franklin, New York, with a population of just under four thousand. It forms part of the Three-County Library Consortium, which includes libraries in Otsego, Delaware, and Schoharie Counties. The five participating libraries rely heavily on Interlibrary Loan to provide services and materials to patrons of the included communities. The library resides in a Victorian house donated by the town. The two main floors included reading rooms, a children’s area, computer area, research room, and a public meeting room. The attic and basement are utilized as office space and storage space for unused, or rarely used, materials. Due to the limitations of space and budget, selection focuses mostly on electronic resources. With an annual budget of $350,000, the collection is comprised of roughly 35,000 books and magazines as well as access to online resources such as databases and e-journals. Various audio and visual equipment is available for use. Recently, four Kindles were purchased using grant funds and are now available for circulation. In 2010, the number of area residents with library cards totaled over 5,000. Our patrons are made up of the following: 55% adults, 34% toddlers and school-aged children, and 11% teens. The staff in North Franklin Public Library is comprised of two full-time employees: the Library Director and the Librarian. A part-time bookkeeper manages the accounting and two part-time clerks handle circulation and sorting. A part-time janitor maintains the premises. During the school year, student workers are available for routine tasks. Volunteers are also available through a collaborative program called Alternatives to Incarceration, which provides teens with community service opportunities. Programs are instructed by the Library Director as well as contracted individuals. Various programs target young children, teens, adults, and teachers in order to improve literacy and computer skills.

4 Identification & Selection Organization, Preparation, & Storage Interpretation & Dissemination Utilization Acquisition KEY End User – Public Decision Points [Bold outline colors vary by section] Staffing Flow Lines BUDGET [In background of most pages] Connection Line [Colors vary by section]

5 Identification & Selection What to get/Why to get it? Identification & Selection What to get/Why to get it? Acquisition How to get it? Acquisition How to get it? Organization, Preparation, & Storage What to do with it? Organization, Preparation, & Storage What to do with it? Interpretation & Dissemination How to get it to users? Interpretation & Dissemination How to get it to users? Utilization What do users need to use it? Utilization What do users need to use it? Surveys Jobbers Publishers Jobbers Publishers Feedback User Requests Staff Requests Reviews Magazine Racks Bookshelves Licenses Book Swap Interlibrary Loan Purchase Orders Donations End User (Public) How do users react? End User (Public) How do users react? Kindles Website Monthly Newsletter Reference Desk Circulation Desk Workshops Book Clubs Children’s Story Hour Computers Printers A/V Racks Cataloging Local History Local Authors Sorting Instructional Sessions Labeling Book Swap/ Sales Rack Monthly Interest Display Children’s Display Bar-coding Stamping Periodicals Contracts Online Databases Need, Legal, Technical, Space Issues Need, Legal, Technical, Space Issues Environment Software Equipment Space Attend Workshops Consume Resources Receive Customer Service BUDGET Affects all aspects of library services BUDGET Affects all aspects of library services Local Teachers START

6 Identification &Selection REQUESTS Other Public Requests Staff Requests Verification Justification Acquisition Local Teacher Requests Reviews Booklist Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Curriculum Requirements Administration Parents Difficulty finding material in collection Item not found Item not in collection Government Under-supported School Library Ignorant about School Library Lack of communication Jobbers Blackwell Baker & Taylor Publishers /Vendors EBSCOhost NA Publishing Inc Scholastic BUDGET Newer Edition Available NY Times Bestseller List Need, Legal, Technical, Space Issues Need, Legal, Technical, Space Issues Non- redundancy Staff Involved: Director, Librarian Staff Involved: Director, Librarian (Youngman, 2006) What to get/why to get it?

7 Acquisition Open and Subscription Purchase Orders (Standing Orders) Open and Subscription Purchase Orders (Standing Orders) Licenses for Electronic Resources Licenses for Electronic Resources Web Domain Fees Interlibrary Loan Book Swap Donations Special Item/Service Purchase Orders (Firm Orders) Special Item/Service Purchase Orders (Firm Orders) Organization, Preparation, & Storage Organization, Preparation, & Storage Items/Services Received Periodicals Individual Books/eBooks & A/V items Individual Books/eBooks & A/V items Printing Newsletter Library Supplies Contracted Services Online Databases & Journals Online Databases & Journals Three County Library Consortium Used Books, Serials, A/V Items Used Books, Serials, A/V Items SELECTION Reader’s Digest Newsweek Instructors Teacher Reference Center Infotrac Interlibrary Loan-to- Buy Option Low-use items at one library can be purchased by another library with high-use patterns Interlibrary Loan-to- Buy Option Low-use items at one library can be purchased by another library with high-use patterns Jobbers Blackwell Baker & Taylor Publishers /Vendors EBSCOhost NA Publishing Inc Scholastic BUDGET NYS Newspapers NY Times LISTA Grolier Online Litfinder Note: Approval Plans not used HarperCollins NoveList Need, Legal, Technical, Space Issues Need, Legal, Technical, Space Issues Library Staff Involved: Purchaser, Librarian Staff Involved: Purchaser, Librarian (van Dyk, 2011) How to get it?

8 Organization, Preparation, & Storage Organization, Preparation, & Storage Reference ACQUISITION Interpretation & Dissemination Local Authors Display Local History Display Stamping Library of Congress & Dewey Decimal System Children’s Display Interest Display Magazine Racks Sorting Cataloging Labeling Book Jackets Remote & Local Access Physical Resources Electronic Resources Book Swap/ Sales Rack Book Swap/ Sales Rack Entering Barcodes Dust jacketing/placing protective film Placing Care Instructions (for A/V) Update as needed Infotrac NYS Newspapers Grolier Online Computers LISTA Teacher Reference Center Weeding Low-Use Items New Items & Regular Items New Items & Regular Items New Item Display Bookshelves A/V Racks BUDGET Staff Involved: Librarian, Clerk, Student Workers, Volunteers Staff Involved: Librarian, Clerk, Student Workers, Volunteers (Aloi, Esposito, Gotsch, Holliday, Kretz, 2007) What to do with it?

9 Interpretation & Dissemination Organization Utilization Physical Resources Monthly Newsletter Book Clubs Computers & Printers Website Children’s Story Hour Workshops Kindles Reference Desk Circulation Desk Electronic Resources Services Online Databases Monthly Newsletter Tiny Tykes Club Teen Reading Club Improving Computer Literacy Shakespeare for All Improving Reading Literacy Making Reading Fun www.nflibrary. org Instructional Sessions Using Library Resources Guides to Research BUDGET Staff Involved: Director, Librarian, Clerk, Contracted Instructors Staff Involved: Director, Librarian, Clerk, Contracted Instructors (Roy, Bolfing, Brzozowski, 2010) Books, A/V Materials, Serials Books, A/V Materials, Serials How to get it to users?

10 Utilization End User (Public) Interpretation & Dissemination Space Environment Meeting Room Computer Area Computer Games Research Rooms Restrooms Children’s Area Temperature Control Privacy Screens Lighting Storage Software Equipment Offices Computers Photoshop Printers Games iTunes Utilities Reference Desk Circulation Desk Windows Media Player Reading Rooms Ellison Machine & Dies Screen Chairs & Tables Projectors Speakers BUDGET Microsoft Works Suite Corel Word Perfect Internet Explorer Microsoft Office Suite 2010 Kindles Book Stacks Staff Involved: All Staff Staff Involved: All Staff What do users need to use it?

11 End User (Public) Consume Resources Attend Workshops Receive Customer Service Receive Customer Service Comment Box Feedback Surveys Identification & Selection Utilization Staff Involved: All Staff Staff Involved: All Staff How do users react to it?

12 Staffing Library Director Volunteer Student Worker Part-Time Clerk Librarian Part-Time Purchaser Part-Time Janitor BUDGET Board (unpaid) Board (unpaid) Contracted Instructors


14 References Evans, G.E., Intner, S.S., Weihs, J. (2011). Introduction to technical services. Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited. vanDuinkerken, W. (2009). Bringing public services experience to technical services: Improvements in practice. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 33, 51-58. doi: 10.1016/j.lcats.2009.4.001 van Dyk, G. (2011). Interlibrary loan purchase-on-demand: A misleading literature. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 35, 83-89. doi: 10.1016/j.lcats.2011.1.001 Youngman, D.C. (2006). Process Flow Analysis in Academic Libraries. Technical Services Quarterly, 24(1), 37-44. doi: 10.1300/J124v24n01_03 Aloi, M.J., Esposito, L., Gotsch, J.R., Holliday, D., Kretz, C. (2007). Technology of Displays: Using Technical Services Skills to Enhance Library Displays. Technical Services Quarterly, 24 (4), 15-24. doi: 10.1300/J124v24n04_02 Roy, L., Bolfing, T., Brzozowski, B. (2010). Computer classes for job seekers: LIS students team with public librarians to extend public service. Public Library Quarterly, 29, 193-209. doi: 10.1080/01616846.2010.502028 American Library Association. (2011). Marketing to Libraries. Retrieved September 23, 2011, from Other Resources Used: Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta, NY 13820

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