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2 Support 2 Administration of Children and Families – Office of Child Support Enforcement Joe Bodmer Greg Jordan Jacqueline Leguia

3 Executive Planning Team 3 Doug Landin Steve MaasDavid MenefeeStephanie Rondenell Alex StuartGail WaggonerChris WellsHerb Wilson

4 Historical Context (2010 to Present) 4  Colorado Practice Model  Collaborative Management Program  Trauma Informed System of Care  Family Engagement  Permanency by Design  CW Training Academy  Differential Response  No Time to Loose  Permanency Roundtables  Nurse Family Partnership  Kinship Support  C-Stat  Results Oriented Management  Mobility and Technology  SACWIS Assessment  Colorado’s First Response  Safe Care  Hotline  Psychotropic Medications  IV-E Waiver

5 5

6 VISION 6 An interoperable human services System of Care that provides high-quality, cost-effective and efficient services using data driven decision making strategies to improve the lives of all children, youth, and families in the state of Colorado.

7 Colorado Client Information Sharing System 7

8 CCISS Approach to Interoperability 8  Develop an agency wide policy, governance and technical infrastructure with improved business practices needed to support efficient and coordinated delivery of services to children, youth and families in Colorado;  To facilitate a secure electronic client health and human service record using state and nationally recognized standards;  Work closely with state and federal partners to collaborate and move forward towards interoperability.

9 CCISS Project Approach 9

10 Approach Supports Governor Hickenlooper’s and Executive Director Reggie Bicha’s Child Welfare Master Plan 10  Install a child welfare performance management system  Integrate and/or align the components of the Office Children Youth Family QA system  Develop meaningful, reliable, and valid outcome measures  Develop valid and reliable practice process measures  Create a web-based reporting system so that all counties have on-going access to real-time data about the children and families they serve  Conduct an in-depth analysis of the Trails database and make recommendations for modernization or alternative solution  Actively support counties with consultation, training, and coaching in CQI using outcome and practice measures  Develop a plan to implement strategies to enhance data collection, establish a public facing website, and distribute mobility resources to counties.

11 Assessment and Analysis 11  Data Documentation and System Inventory  Assessment of Existing System Interfaces  Internal and External  Review Privacy and Security Guidelines and Review Governance Best Practice Models  Business Intelligence and Analytics  Identified ongoing related projects  Internal and External  Overlap and Potential Incorporation or Linkages

12 Data Discovery 12 Data Discovery –  Findings:  There were over 1100 statewide applications identified - this count does not include database or data details  Governor’s Office of Information Technology identified that 133 of these statewide applications are ‘critical and essential’ Current CDHS platforms utilized include: Oracle, SQL Servers, Informix and Adabas  Additional Data Stores – MS ACESS, MS EXCEL  Total of 32 Servers, 72 Databases and 41critical and essential applications within CDHS  Duplication of data and duplication of function exist between many of State Agencies and across divisions of CDHS

13 Data Discovery Strategy/Next Steps for CCISS 13  Reviewed multiple data discovery/meta data repository tools  Selected ‘E/R Studio  Proof of Concept is being initiated to:  Create a Meta Data Repository using two data systems to determine differences between data structures, data objects and,  Validate the two systems moving across two enterprises (CDHS and Health Care Policy and Finance)

14 Business Analytics / Intelligence 14  Findings  Production of CDHS statistics involves substantial manual efforts which are time-consuming and labor intensive  Staff do not have direct access to the extract files from legacy systems  Ability to develop reports and perform business analyses is severely constrained by the limitations of current technology  Ability to apply advanced analytical methods, such as predictive analytics, is lacking due to the absence of technological capabilities  Users have two software packages to pull reports, Crystal Reports and Cognos, but in general the implemented ad-hoc functionality of both packages to do analysis and reporting outside of canned reports is severely limited.

15 Business Intelligence Strategy/Next Steps for CCISS 15  Working with a BI consultant to identify two to three key insights and develop a working dashboard to support the identified insights  Provide ongoing training of key resources on the use of business discovery, data visualization, in-memory and business discovery best practices  Integrate information learned in the Proof of Value phase into custom training program

16 Existing Interface Assessment 16 Existing Interfaces  Findings  Reviewed total of 18 core applications within CDHS  Found over 500 specific interfaces supporting connections to 95 systems and interface partners  Using 28 different technologies, protocols and various other processes to exchange information

17 Current CDHS Environment 17

18 Just Say No to 500 Interfaces 18

19 Existing Interfaces Strategy/Next Steps for CCISS 19  Leverage existing Enterprise Service Bus solution  Expand Single Pane solution Proof of Concept that will include:  Common Client Index  Identity Management/Access Control to Data  Identity Resolution System – Matching  Service Virtualization to ensure a stable environment to test new interfaces and transitions from a test environment to a go-live environment

20 CCISS Enterprise Solution 20

21 Privacy and Security Guideline Analysis 21 Privacy and Security  Findings  Collected existing policies from CDHS:  HIPAA Compliance  HIPAA HITECH  42 CFR  Information Sharing State Statutes  State Cyber Security Policies  Interagency Agreements including Business Associate Agreements

22 Privacy and Security Strategy/Next Steps for CCISS 22  Leveraged Colorado Children Youth Information Sharing Collaboration Privacy work – including Automated Consent form  Developed Data Category Matrix and cross referenced state and federal statutes, regulations that govern the information and how it can be shared  Identified policies that appear to be out of date; identified policies that needed to be developed for interoperability  Incorporate data matrix into the identity management / rules component of interoperability solution  Working with Colorado Regional Health Information Organization on privacy process for CDHS health information

23 Governance Best Practice Models 23 Governance  Findings  Reviewed existing / successful governance structures within the state  CICJIS  EDAC  GDAB  Identified best practice models from other state initiatives that fit with the CCISS goals and objectives  Examined models from other domains

24 CDHS – Interoperability Advisory Council 24

25 Conceptual IAC Governance Structure 25

26 Outreach Upcoming Tasks 26  OCYF and Child Welfare meeting to review findings and strategy.  Individual meetings with each CDHS Office to gather feedback and next steps.  Meet with CDHS Executive Management Team for detailed overview of plan.  Meet with external stakeholders to share findings and request their support moving forward.

27 Lessons Learned 27  Consistent leadership  Must maintain a strong team approach  Internal clearance processes must be understood to ensure timely approval  Approval processes need to be streamlined  Hold vendors accountable  Keep the stakeholders involved all the way through the process  Use internal expertise wisely  Import expertise when needed  Project management is essential  Stay on task  Don’t Panic!

28 Questions 28


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