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AD and AS equilibrium Equilibrium in both markets P Y AD AS Y Potential.

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Presentation on theme: "AD and AS equilibrium Equilibrium in both markets P Y AD AS Y Potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 AD and AS equilibrium Equilibrium in both markets P Y AD AS Y Potential

2 Real GDP Turkey

3 Real GDP in Turkey

4 Growth rate of Real GDP in Turkey

5 Annual growth rate of real GDP

6 World economic crisis and our exports and imports

7 Fiscal Policy 1.Discretionary fiscal policy 2. Automatic stabilizers

8 Government Budget Maintaining a healty and sustainable government budget Primary Budget Consolidated Budget Gov’t Budget= Taxes- Gov’t Expenditure- Transfer Payments Gov’t Budget= Taxes- Gov’t Expenditure- Transfer Payments – interest Payments




12 Debt to GDP

13 Country Risk Premium

14 US Money growth rate

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