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Mr Marc Corcoran Tourism Business Council of South Africa CSIR, Pretoria 17 September 2014 National Tourism Stakeholder Forum Private Sector Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Marc Corcoran Tourism Business Council of South Africa CSIR, Pretoria 17 September 2014 National Tourism Stakeholder Forum Private Sector Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Marc Corcoran Tourism Business Council of South Africa CSIR, Pretoria 17 September 2014 National Tourism Stakeholder Forum Private Sector Perspective of Progress

2 Table of Contents 1.State of the Industry – Private Sector Perspective 2.NTSS Progress Report 3.Market Opportunities 4.Conclusion

3 State of the Industry: Global  Latest reports from UNWTO show that international tourist arrivals have increased by 4.6% in the first half of the year globally  Travel & Tourism’s direct contribution to GDP is forecast to grow at 3.1%, continuing the trend of out-performing the wider economy, which is set to grow at 2.4% in 2014.

4 State of the Industry: Regional  The GDP forecast for Africa in 2014 remains unchanged at 4.9%  Our continent’s international arrivals also grew by 3% in the first half of the year 2014. The Ebola outbreak can jeopardize this growth in the second half of the year  There is a belief that stronger tourism branding and Africa’s image can be enhanced to double its international tourist arrivals by 2030. 

5 State of the Industry: Local  Local industry remains resilient but prone to domestic economic risks and externalities  Q1 2014 TBI is slightly down compared to the Q1 2013  TBCSA membership growth in the past half of the year – new members onboard (SACA and BON Hotels)  TOMSA levy collector base remains stagnant even though tourism levies collected continue to grow annually

6 Progress Report: CLUSTER 1 Research, Information & Knowledge  TBI remains private sector’s main tool to measure performance  TBCSA and SAT are putting together a Tourism Dashboard planned to be launched in September 2014. South African Tourism to give an update  TBCSA and TEP to work together to populate content on wiki-tourism

7 Progress Report: CLUSTER 1 Policy and Legislative Framework  B-BBEE: Sub-committee formed by TBCSA to prepare for TECSA engagement and comment on proposed Tourism scorecard. Concerns about the engagement process remain.  New Travel Regulations – Decision by DHA, after active engagement by TBCSA with DHA, to defer the requirement to carry unabridged certificates when travelling abroad with children under the age of 18 is most welcome. A joint task team between DHA and TBCSA has been formed to engage further on regulations.  ASATA, FEDHASA and SAVRALA engaging with Treasury to address travel spend concerns.

8 Progress Report: CLUSTER 1 Policy and Legislative Framework Challenges business face: Policy changes - industry has limited capacity to respond to the many regulatory and policy changes which require comment. SARS accessing company bank accounts and delays in returning payments that were incorrectly retrieved Vehicle licensing and permit issues – inconsistency of application in provinces and enforcement Proposed introduction of the KwaZulu Natal 10% Hospitality levy in 2015. Task team formed in KZN with TBCSA and SATSA PENDING LEGISLATIVE AWARENESS??

9 Progress Report: CLUSTER 1 Collaborative Partnerships  NDT and TBCSA – ongoing partnership Hosting of Tourism Leadership Dialogues Hosting of the Tourism Public Lecture at UNISA To host the inaugural Women in Tourism Conference taking place on the 08-09 October 2014  Maintain close relations with counterparts in the region (RETOSA) and with WTTC at an international level

10 Progress Report: CLUSTER 2.1 Marketing and Brand Management  TOMSA levy collections by private sector contribute to destination marketing ; since inception to date – over R1billion has been collected and paid over to SA Tourism. MOU under review  Business uploading deals on shotleft website to encourage domestic travel  Tour operators and wholesalers are encouraged to tailor packages to different segments such as stockvels, school groups, couples etc  PHASA to meet with SA Tourism CEO to discuss SA as a hunting destination

11 Progress Report: CLUSTER 2.1 Domestic and Regional Tourism  Industry committed to working closely with Government to address issues such as product pricing, packaging, seasonality and geographic spread  Visa issues continue to negatively impact on both business and leisure trade – particularly affecting India, China, UK and Nigeria. Government intervention required. Business Events  TBCSA committed to supporting Tourism Indaba.  SAACI hosted annual conference at St Lucia

12 Progress Report: CLUSTER 2.2 Relevant Capacity Building  FEDHASA currently working on a business plan for a Youth programme to be launched in 2015 Niche – product development and Rural Tourism  SATSA collaborating with NDT to develop regulations for the adventure tourism sector  AHI has formed a new awards programme “Polish the Countryside”

13 Progress Report: CLUSTER 2.2 Product Information  AHI is currently working together with local Chambers of Commerce to train information centre staff across the country; Project started in in Mpumalanga in 2013 Responsible Tourism  FTT, NAA-SA and FEDHASA have been leading private sector’s activities in this area  FTT partnered with TEP in supporting tourism enterprises to prepare and apply for certification

14 Progress Report: CLUSTER 2.2 Investment Promotion  HICA (Hotel Investment Conference), held at Maslow Hotel on 14-16 September remains private sector’s main vehicle for investment promotion Quality Assurance  Serious concerns with current grading system. Industry awaits revised strategy presented to SA Tourism board Lekgotla in August 2014.(nb:Govt policy to only use graded accommodation?)  Tourism and Hospitality chambers within CATHSSETA reviewed the curriculum. The document was open for public comments

15 Progress Report: CLUSTER 3 Transformation  EXSA – TBCSA member released the state of transformation for the exhibition and events sector and identified areas that need improvement. TBCSA to request other sector associations to put together a similar document – to measure progress in transformation of each sector Service Excellence  Business continues to offer in-house training programmes to improve service levels  NDT and TBCSA completed a pilot project in Upington. Media event to celebrate the success of the project took place on the 04 th September 2014

16 Progress Report: CLUSTER 4 General tourism awareness amongst South Africans  Private sector is positively contributing to the domestic marketing campaign by putting together affordable packages Safety & Security  TSI – currently implemented in partnership with Gauteng Tourism Authority. It is intended that TSI be embraced by NDT and all provinces.

17 Progress Report: CLUSTER 4 Ground Transportation  DoT – National Land Transport Act (NLTA) presented for review at NEDLAC with partners. Not previously discussed at NTSS  SABOA - vehicle licence fees differ from province to province with significant differences. Uniform licence fee for buses and coaches in all provinces is encouraged.  Bad road conditions increase maintenance cost of buses & coaches. Roads to tourism key points needs focus

18 Progress Report: CLUSTER 4 Airlift DoT is leading the review of the 2006 Airlift Strategy. Focus on further liberalisation of air transport services for SA Domestic airlines  FlySafair – due to commence operations in October 2014  Skywise – now unlikely to start operating in the short term  Fastjet – still interested in operating domestic services and may begin operations by the end of 2014

19 Market Opportunities  Universal Accessibility – tapping into the market of people with disabilities  Climate Change – embracing the green economy  Land Claims – speedy resolution  Transformation & Empowerment – broadening economic participation of all citizens  Growing middle-class across emerging markets – in Africa and BRICS countries  Domestic market – entrenching a culture of local leisure travel  Youth – a reservoir of talent

20 Conclusion  Tourism in SA continues to develop but remains vulnerable to both domestic (eg: legislation, economy) and external factors (eg: terrorism, ebola)  TBCSA members remain resource challenged to effectively address the multitude of legislation requiring response  NTSS review welcome to ensure efforts can be more focused and expectations of respective stakeholders clarified  TBCSA to consider developing direct relationships with several other key Government Depts; eg Home Affairs, Transport, Finance, Trade and Industry  TBCSA committed to a successful tourism industry


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