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17 3. General Program Information. 18 Discount Calculations Calculated based on two factors 1.Percentage of students eligible for National School Lunch.

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Presentation on theme: "17 3. General Program Information. 18 Discount Calculations Calculated based on two factors 1.Percentage of students eligible for National School Lunch."— Presentation transcript:

1 17 3. General Program Information

2 18 Discount Calculations Calculated based on two factors 1.Percentage of students eligible for National School Lunch Program 2.Urban or Rural status of Entity

3 19 Discount Matrix % Eligible Students UrbanRural Less than 1%20%25% 1% to 19%40%50% 20% to 34%50%60% 35% to 49%60%70% 50% to 74%80% 75% to 100%90%

4 20 Discount Calculations Instructional Facilities will have a discount that comes straight from Matrix Non-Instructional Facilities will use District Weighted Average (District Office, Maintenance, Bus Barn, Gardener’s Shed, etc) –For use on Block 4 of the Form 471

5 21 Free and Reduced Lunch Information (NSLP) Reported to CDE in October of each year. (posted in April/May) Where the numbers come from –Claim Reimbursement from Food Services Manager for month of October –Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) looks at Dataquest information that is posted in April/May Dataquest Link: –Keep all Free and Reduced lunch information in your records for future USAC Inquiries

6 22

7 23 Eligible Services - Categories Four categories of service –Priority 1 (funded first) 1.Telecommunications Services 2.Internet Access –Priority 2 (starts with neediest applicants) 3.Internal Connections 4.Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections

8 24 Eligible Services List Posted on USAC website ( list.aspx) list.aspx Provides guidance to applicants and service providers on the eligibility of products and services under E-rate Organized by category of service Revised and updated each year in advance of the application window

9 25 ‘08 Proposed ESL Changes Centrex as basic phone service How distance learning and video conferencing may be eligible as Internet Access A definition of eligible web hosting “Failover” products or services added to the Other Miscellaneous Ineligible Components section as ineligible

10 26 Telecommunications Service The transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received. –Examples: ATM, T-1, Centrex, Local and Long Distance Telephone Service, Cellular Service and Paging Service –Rule of thumb: USAC funds the various types of services USAC does NOT fund end-user equipment - e.g., telephone sets

11 27 Internet Access Internet Access Basic conduit access to the Internet Examples: T-1, DSL, DS-3, and Wireless service –Rule of thumb: USAC funds the conduit to the Internet USAC does NOT fund content

12 28 Internal Connections Internal Connections Components at the applicant site that are necessary to transport information to the school or library. –Examples: Access Points, Routers, Switches, Hubs, Wiring, PBXs and Codecs –Rule of thumb: USAC funds items that get the information to the classroom or room in the library USAC does NOT fund end-user equipment such as telephones (including IP telephones) or laptops

13 29 Non-Instructional Facilities (NIFs) Are eligible for Priority 1 services, telecommunications and internet access Are NOT eligible for Priority 2 services, internal connections, UNLESS they are essential for the effective transport of information to an instructional building of a school or to a non-administrative building of a library

14 30 2 in 5 Rule Applies to Internal Connections funding requests only –Is entity specific –Implemented in Funding Year 2005

15 31 Basic Maintenance of IC Basic Maintenance of IC Ensures the necessary and continued operation of eligible internal connection components at eligible locations. –Ex: Repair and upkeep of eligible hardware, wire and cable maintenance. –Rule of thumb: USAC funds basic technical support of eligible hardware. (8 X 5, M-F) USAC does NOT fund end-user support or help desk

16 32 Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections (BMIC) Not subject to 2 in 5 rule Caution: –If a contract goes beyond what the FCC defines as basic maintenance, the entire contract will be denied –Eligible as recurring monthly services, ie – SmartNet –Include the components that the BMIC Contract will cover on your Item 21 attachment –BMIC can not be 24/7 coverage

17 33 Educational Purpose Activities that occur on library or school property are presumed to be integral, immediate and proximate to the education of students or the provision of library services to library patrons and therefore qualify as educational purposes. Customary work activities of employees of a school or library are presumed to fall under the definition of education purposes.

18 34 Manage the Cycle - Teamwork Authorized signer ( Legally Authorized Signer ) Designated contact person (Will receive E-rate calls) Organize paper trail –Written Technology Plan –Assessment of existing Contracts, with signatures and dates (expiring contracts, etc) –Prior years submitted applications –Correspondence from SLD, Service Providers, etc. –All bids received and evaluation documents –Calendar of Deadlines

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