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How can we measure development? LO: I can categorize different indicators of development I am able to assess how effective these indicators are.

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Presentation on theme: "How can we measure development? LO: I can categorize different indicators of development I am able to assess how effective these indicators are."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we measure development? LO: I can categorize different indicators of development I am able to assess how effective these indicators are

2 As a class put these countries in order of development…..

3 Were you correct? Were you correct? re=player_embedded&v=BPt8ElTQMIg

4 The problem is that there is no universally recognised definition of development. However for or many people it is "a general improvement in the standard of living or a general improvement in the quality of life".

5 How can we measure the development of a particular country?

6 Ways of measuring development….

7 Extension For each indicator indicate what you would expect that indicator to be like in an MEDC or LEDC and explain why: e.g. I think Death rates would be high in LEDCs and low in MEDCs because of better access to medical facilities and a better diet.

8 Evaluation… Are these effective ways of measuring development? I.e. Does the wealth of a country show development?

9 Human Development Index (HDI) HDI is the normalized measure of : - life expectancy - literacy - GDP per capita It is used to determine and indicate whether a country is a developed, developing, or an underdeveloped country. It is also used to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life

10 NORWAY 0.944 USA 0.914 GERMANY 0.911 UK 0.892 SAUDI ARABIA 0.836 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBYA 0.784 IRAN 0.749 BRAZIL 0.744 CHINA 0.719 JAMAICA 0.715 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH AFRICA 0.658 INDIA 0.586 EQUATORIAL GUINEA 0.56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIGERIA 0.504 AFGHANISTAN 0.468 LIBERIA 0.412 NIGER 0.337

11 Countries fall into three broad categories based on their HDI: high, medium, and low human development. High ██ 0.950 and over ██ 0.900–0.949 ██ 0.850–0.899 ██ 0.800–0.849 Medium ██ 0.750–0.799 ██ 0.700–0.749 ██ 0.650–0.699 ██ 0.600–0.649 ██ 0.550–0.599 ██ 0.500–0.549 Low ██ 0.450–0.499 ██ 0.400–0.449 ██ 0.350–0.399 ██ under 0.350 ██ not available

12 How do we fit into this pattern?


14 Statistics and correlations Geographers compare the statistics for different countries to see if there is a relationship or correlation between the data for different countries. A correlation helps to show what factors contribute to development. The example below compares GDP per capita to adult literacy rate in a scatter graph. The plotting for each country does not show much on its own, but together they show a pattern.


16 How can I use indicators of development? 1. Choose 2 indicators of development that are different 2. For the countries listed on the sheet use the data at the back of the atlas to record this data 3. Rank this data from 18 as most developed to 1 as least developed 4. Use this data to complete a scatter graph showing the rank order v rank order 5. Describe and explain the pattern shown on the graph Homework due: Monday 10 th September

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