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Technology and Youth: Trends and Safety Heidi Dusek 4-H Youth & Family Coordinator, Outagamie County UW-Extension.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology and Youth: Trends and Safety Heidi Dusek 4-H Youth & Family Coordinator, Outagamie County UW-Extension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology and Youth: Trends and Safety Heidi Dusek 4-H Youth & Family Coordinator, Outagamie County UW-Extension

2 Resources for this presentation  This presentation is available at:  Research is sited on most slides, however much of my information comes from the PEW Research Center: Internet & Technology and PBS: Growing Up Online & Digital Nation PEW Research Center: Internet & Technology PBS: Growing Up Online & Digital Nation  Videos links are included in the slides

3 Adult online demographics 1.PEW Internet and American LIFE project, Generations online in 2009PEW Internet and American LIFE project, Generations online in 2009

4 All Whites (75%) All Blacks (59%) English-Speaking Hispanics (80%) 73%* of the population reports using the internet or email. Here is a breakdown of use among different online groups. (shown as a percentage of population online) 18-29 Years Old (90%) 30-49 Years Old (85%) 50-64 Years Old (70%) 65+ Years Old (35%) No High School Degree (44%) College Graduates (91%) <$30K Income (53%) >$75K Income (95%) Men (73%) Women (73%) *Source: Pew Internet & American Life Survey, May 2008. ** This statistic comes from the Pew Internet Project’s Latinos Online data, collected June-October, 2006. High School Graduates (63%) Urban (74%) Rural (63%) Suburban (77%) Spanish-Dominant Hispanics (32%)**

5 How has technology changed us? Sources: videos Did You Know 4.0 Did You Know 4.0 Did You know 3.0  93% of the US population owns a cell phone  The average teen sends 2272 text messages a month  Top 10 demand jobs in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004  There are 31 billion searches on Google each month in 2008, up from 2.1 billion in 2006.

6 Today, an average college student will Source: Video A Vision of Students Today Sleep 7 hours Watch 1.5 hours of TV Spend 3.5 hours online Listen to 2.5 hours of music Spend 2 hours on their cell phone Be in class for 3 hours Spend 3 hours studying Eat for 2 hours +Work for 2 hours 26.5 hours per day They are multi-taskers.

7 Characteristics of adolescents Source: Digital Youth Research Digital Youth Research 1. Many youth struggle to for autonomy and identity. 2. Likely to explore interests through self-directed learning New Technology = New opportunities  “hang-out” with people they know offline  Connect to those with like interests  Publicize or share their work

8 What is most relevant to teens? (Ages 12-17): PEW Research: Internet & Tech (Ages 12-17)  97% play computer, web, portable, or console games (Guitar Hero most frequently played), 78% play games online  71% are cell phone owners (of them 38% send text messages daily)  64% have created content on the internet (35% blog, 54% post photos)  65% use social networking sites  32% have been a target of cyber bullying

9 Generational Divide  9 th grader: “My parents don’t understand that I’ve been online since I was in 2 nd grade. I know what to watch out for.”  Parent: “I feel like I’m always on the outside looking in. Technology is making it hard to relate to my child.”  Teacher: “I need to find way to entertain my students. We have to cut through the cloud of information and media surrounding them to capture their attention Source: PBS-Growing up Online

10 Opportunities technology can provide?  Globally connected  Engage newer/diverse audiences  Source of knowledge  Could save time and resources  constantly evolving- becoming more user friendly  Technical and media literacy skills  Facilitate self-directed learning

11 Challenges in using technology?  Keeping up with the changes  Creates artificial barriers  Inappropriate use  Safety/Security  Self-initiated behavior (cyber bullying, sharing tips for negative behavior)

12 Risks and Considerations  Who is your audience? Is it appropriate?  Privacy (settings/expected behavior)  Copyright & Fair Use  Terms of Service Agreement - liability, who owns the content  Accountability - how do people find your content  Life of the Data (permission to post)  Stability of site/Security

13 Best Advise for Parents  Do not allow a child to have a computer in their bedroom  Talk with your child  Show an interest- have them show you what they are working on.

14 Before getting connected…. What am I comfortable with? What do I want others to learn? What do I want to learn? What DON’T I want others to know? How will I use this?

15 Web 2.0 tools  Interactive  Open-Source  Collaborative  Interact with other applications (widgets)  Integrated, often using RSS  Real Simple Syndication

16 Social Networking  Means for individual profiles  Connect globally  Virtual communities  Examples: Facebook, MySpace, Linked In, Ning

17 Ways to Use Social Networking  Extend your network- “friends” -friends, extended family, parents & children  Update on what others are doing -individual pages -fan pages -group pages -event announcements  Communicate with others - Through status updates, private messages, pictures



20 Adults and Social Networking  89% of 13-17 year olds have profile  75% of 18-24 year olds have profile  57% of 25-34 year olds have profile  30% of 35-44 year olds have profile  19% of 45-54 year olds have profile  10% of 55-64 year olds have profile  7% of adults 65 and older have a profile. These rates have quadrupled since 2005

21 Adults use of Social Networking

22 Real-Simple-Syndication. By having an RSS feed/aggregator, websites that you subscribe to will update in your RSS, rather than you having to go to different website for current content. It’s like having an INBOX for the web. RSS in Plain English-video RSS in Plain English Examples: Google Reader, Bloglines, PageflakesGoogle Reader RSS

23 Social Bookmarking  Similar to a real-life bookmark  A marker for a Web site. (In Internet Explorer, they're called "Favorites“).  Accessible from anywhere on the web  Allow “tags” to sort your bookmarks Examples: Delicious, Filamentality, Diigo, EdmondoDeliciousFilamentalityDiigo

24 Blog and Micro-blogs  Short for "Web Log"  journal entries posted on a Web page-given a personalized URL address.  Allows ANYONE to be an author Examples: Wordpress, Blogger, Twitter

25 Managing a blog  Establish content- long or short  Updates (at least 2x per month)  Make others aware of your blog (clients, partners)  Track Statistics  Can embed multimedia into blog  Can embed blog into other networks (Facebook)  comments-interactive


27 What is Twitter?Twitter  Micro-blogging platform  140 character limit  Integrates into other web 2.0  Allows web and mobile updates  Tweet: Twitter posting

28 Who uses twitter?

29 Twitter and Tweets  Twitter uses  Breaking news  Marketing  Grassroots organizing  Thought ticklers  Ask questions  Integrate with Facebook status

30 Collaboration Tools  Wikis: a Web site that allows users to add and update content. (public or private)  PBWorks, Wikispaces, Wet-Paint  Collaborative editing and file sharing  Google Docs  Writeboard   Calendar/scheduling  Doodle

31 Multimedia Tools  Images, video, audio  TONS of open source software for editing and sharing Note: Copyright laws apply to any material you post. For example: putting pictures to copyrighted music and posting on youtube is a violation of copyright law.

32 Photo editing and Sharing  GIMP/Pixlr- open source for high end photo editing (similar to Photoshop-but free)  Flickr- create groups for organization to share photos (classroom display example)classroom display example  Picassa –requires download. Integrated with Google. Also includes Collage and presentation tools  Cooliris-fast, cinematic way to view pictures in 3-D Cooliris  Foto Flexer-easy-to-use photo editing that integrates with the major online photo-sharing sites Foto Flexer

33 Podcast  Audio or video recording  Posted online  Available for download onto mp3 or Ipod Examples: Gabcast, podOmaticGabcastpodOmatic SkypeSkype- Live feed to communicate with others  works like a phone  Video capabilities

34 Video Editing and Sharing  Teachertube - video sharing site for teachers. Bypasses most filters typically blocked by youtube. Teachertube  Youtube- free web-based platform to publish videos. Can easily embed into other Web 2.0 Youtube-

35 Presentation tools  Animoto - Upload images to this site, select your music and it applies all the transitions and creates a customized video. Easy-to-use, and very high quality! Animoto  Jing - create short (<5 minutes) screen capture videos with audio support. Free download and server space to store and share the videos you have created. Jing  SlideRocket - With SlideRocket you quickly make stunning presentations, manage a library of slides and assets, share them securely with colleagues, and measure how they're used SlideRocket  Slideshare - upload PowerPoint presentations to share publicly or privately. Like YouTube, but for presentations. Slideshare

36 Tips for Responsible Use (4R’s)  Recognize: Cyber bullying, copyright materials  Refuse: personal information, to open messages from cyber bully  Respond: Assertively by leaving the activity  Report: Cyber bully, unusual or suspicious activity Source: I-SAFE America tip sheets for internet safety

37 Questions:

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