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Transitioning to High School. WELCOME WHITE PLAINS HIGH SCHOOL Counselor Angela Forbus.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to High School. WELCOME WHITE PLAINS HIGH SCHOOL Counselor Angela Forbus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning to High School


3 Transition….defined as “a process during which institutional and social factors influence which students’ educational careers are positively or negatively affected by this movement between organizations.” Schiller (1999, pp.216-217, “Effects of feeder patterson on students’ transition to high school.” Sociology of Education)

4 Our Mission It is the mission of White Plains High School to create an environment where every student is encouraged to master high levels of academic achievement as determined by state and national standards. The staff of White Plains High School is committed to a comprehensive system of support in producing active learners through self-assessment, activities, and mentoring.

5 Students Going to High School Fear… Peer Pressure New Schedule Getting through crowded halls without getting lost Bullying Fitting in/not fitting in Peer Pressure

6 Parents of New High Schoolers Have Fears, Too. And They DO Impact Schools and Classrooms… Puberty/Adolescence Peer Pressure from others Losing control Being disconnected & irrelevant Not having the power/impact they had on middle school classrooms

7 Social Media

8 BYOD Bring Your Own Device

9 Attendance & Requirements

10 All students are expected to attend regularly in accordance with public school laws. Attendance is related to a higher success rate for the student. Any student late to school or tardy to class will report to ISD for the remainder of the period. Any student with unexcused absences of more than 5 will be referred to the Board of Education for truancy violation. What is the Attendance Policy ?

11 Policy Any student in Grade 9 must meet all requirements or will automatically be considered for retention. A student must pass all courses and receive a final grade of 60 or above “D” in each subject per semester not yearly average in order to receive credit. Credits are earned by semester. A student who does not meet this requirement may be recommended to attend summer school or Credit Recovery during the school year.

12 Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2019 Career Preparation Credit Requirements High School Assessments

13 Four Year Plan Career Preparation KUDER Program State Assessments Resume

14 High School End of Course Assessments Math Science Social Studies English

15 Credit Requirements English 4 credits Health ½ credit Social Studies 4 credits Career Preparedness 1 credit Math 4 credits CTE/ Foreign Language/Fine Arts 3 credits Science 4 credits Electives 2 ½ credits PE Life 1 credit TOTAL REQUIRED CREDITS 24

16 95 or above GPA Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude Recognition of Excellence 90- 94.99 GPA 85-89.99 GPA **Students must have an Advanced with Honors diploma in order to receive these additional recognitions of honor.

17 Career Tech Programs Automotive ServiceTechnology Collision Repair Technology Cosmetology Culinary Arts Childhood Education & Teaching Medical Preparation Precision MachiningTechnology Welding Technology Drafting and Design Technology

18 Upcoming 9 th Grade Parent Orientation The Course Selection Process Student take course request form home Parent reviews, signs, and returns to Mrs. Sparks By Friday, May 3rd Mrs. Forbus inputs students 9th grade schedule

19 What is the parent’s role in course selection?

20 3. Encourage your child to take the most rigorous courses while enjoying other aspects of high school. 1. Talk with your child about goals for the next four years. 2. Review courses and make the best decision for your child.

21 English History Mathematics Science PE Health/Career Preparedness Elective A Typical 9th Grade Schedule

22 High School Schedule MONDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYStartEnd Class Time 1 st Period 2 nd Period BREAK 7:30 8:30 9:25 8:25 9:25 9:35 55 MINUTES 10 MINUTES 3 rd Period 4 th Period 9:40 10:40 10:35 11:35 55 MINUTES 5 th Period (Lunch)11:4012:55 75 MINUTES (Lunch 20 minutes) 6 th Period 7 th Period 1:00 2:00 1:55 2:55 75 MINUTES 55 MINUTES

23 High School Schedule Tuesday students will attend odd number classes. Wednesday students will attend even number classes. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY StartEnd Class Time 1 st Period 2 nd Period 7:30 8:55 9:05 85 minutes 95 minutes Break8:55 9:05 9:15 10 minutes 3 rd Period 4 th Period 9:10 9:20 10:35 10:55 85 minutes 95 minutes 5 th Period (Lunch) 6 th Period (Lunch) 10:40 11:00 12:05 12:35 85 minutes (lunch) 95 minutes (lunch) 7th Period Strategies 1 Strategies 2 6th period Strategies 1 Strategies 212:101:402:2011:0012:401:50 1:35 2:25 2:55 12:35 1:45 2:55 85 minutes 35 minutes 95 minutes 65 minutes

24 Extracurricular Activities Athletic Teams School Clubs Cheerleading/ Danceline MENTORING Service Clubs Band/ Choir


26 Transition is a process….. …..NOT an Event!

27 Web Presence School Website: Mrs. Forbus – Guidance Counselor Check INOW

28 Contact Information Phone –256-741-7807 Fax# –256-237-3301 Email: – Website: –Can also be found under counselor corner on school website.

29 Additional Resources for Transitioning to High School Make a Successful Transition to Middle School – successful-transition-to-middle-school successful-transition-to-middle-school Making Transition to High School Easier – 20from%20middle%20school%20to%20high%20scho ol&source=web&cd=54&cad=rja&ved=0CEYQFjADOD I& FMAKING_THE_TRANSITION_TO_HIGH_SCHOOL_E ASIER.pdf&ei=74p2UdLjIYf- 4AOzsYGoCw&usg=AFQjCNFBzoe_R0IaBc5e2CQE_ QfZZqWihw&bvm=bv.45512109,d.eWU 20from%20middle%20school%20to%20high%20scho ol&source=web&cd=54&cad=rja&ved=0CEYQFjADOD I& FMAKING_THE_TRANSITION_TO_HIGH_SCHOOL_E ASIER.pdf&ei=74p2UdLjIYf- 4AOzsYGoCw&usg=AFQjCNFBzoe_R0IaBc5e2CQE_ QfZZqWihw&bvm=bv.45512109,d.eWU

30 Additional Resources for Transitioning to High School Transition to High School – Student Transition from Middle School to High School – 20from%20middle%20school%20to%20high%20scho ol&source=web&cd=95&cad=rja&ved=0CEgQFjAEOF o& 2FStudent_Transition_Middle_to_High.pdf&ei=TYx2U Y7cHpTE9gSjhoCYBA&usg=AFQjCNEdFgGN- YXJyom4u533OmnMESSQPA&bvm=bv.45512109,d.e WU 20from%20middle%20school%20to%20high%20scho ol&source=web&cd=95&cad=rja&ved=0CEgQFjAEOF o& 2FStudent_Transition_Middle_to_High.pdf&ei=TYx2U Y7cHpTE9gSjhoCYBA&usg=AFQjCNEdFgGN- YXJyom4u533OmnMESSQPA&bvm=bv.45512109,d.e WU


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