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ASL 2 Advanced Grammar & Culture

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1 ASL 2 Advanced Grammar & Culture
Welcome! Lecture day- please clear off your desks- no phones needed

2 Reduplication Seen in several Noun-Verb Pairs in ASL
Verbs-move slow and once Nouns-undergo reduplication: repeated and faster Examples: To-Fly vs. Airplane To-Sit vs. Chair

3 Non-Manual Signals in ASL include anything conveyed beyond the use of hand signs

4 ASL NMS Head Face Upper Body Mouth (oo, mm, cha, cs, “th”, ...)
*mouth morphemes often show “intensity” or “degree” Eyes (eye gaze, squint, ...) Eyebrows (raised, lowered…) Nose (e.g. crinkled=yes) Tongue (e.g. Not-Yet) Head Nod Shake Tilt Etc… Shoulder Shrug (e.g. shy, …) Role Shift movement Etc…

5 5 Parameters in ASL

6 Handshape Palm orientation movement location Non-manual signals
Parameters: can be compared similar to individual sounds

7 Minimal Pairs: Two words or signs that are identical except for ONE change; & this changes the meaning (minimally distinctive) English- Pat, Bat, Sat ASL- FATHER, MOTHER, FINE (location) NAME, WEIGHT, KNIFE; SCHOOL, PAPER, CLEAN (movement) HOME, DEAF, YESTERDAY (handshape) LATE, NOT-YET (non-manual signal) THING, CHILDREN (palm orientation)

8 ASL Uses Space!!! Know what is Neutral Space in ASL, and the different “planes” we generally use when signing Deixis- know this concept (establishing referents)- In ASL, we generally do this through indexing (pointing) and eye gaze

9 Movement ASL can use both non-manual signals and movement in space to simultaneously add meaning “on top of” signs, Movement changes to indicate person, number, etc.- often through certain verb types Links to Wikipedia: Movement can change meaning: e.g. MORNING; EVERY-MORNING; ALL-MORNING

10 Verb Types in ASL p. 37 SN Level 2
Plain/Uninflected- basic verb e.g. TO-LIVE, TO-DIE, TO-UNDERSTAND Inflecting Verbs e.g. THROW-UP (may have a plain/uninflected form, e.g. TO-THROW-UP (once) Recurring Inflection: repetitions (e.g. several times a day, every Monday) Continuous Inflection: repeated circular movement (e.g. continuously with little interruption- the whole hour, all morning, all week long) Spatial/Agreement Verbs (person, number) e.g. TO-SHOW, TO-GIVE, etc…

11 Multiple Meanings in ASL
Conceptual Accuracy- remember to use this in ASL Residential vs. Mainstreaming in Deaf Education- law and timeline handout (I will have copies again if you need them)

12 Lexicalized signs vs. Loan Signs
Lexicalized signs- #fun, #what, #style True loan signs- from another language, eg. CHINA, KOREA, etc.

13 Classifier types in ASL
You need to recognize these classifier types. An excellent resource for this is found on ASL University’s website: My PPT on classifiers- sample test questions

14 Tests for this six weeks, &Final Exam Information
Tomorrow (Friday)--- Written fingerspelling tips (see bellworks and side board);Unit 17 signs 2. Composition book test- including 4 practice tests, the self-assessment fingerspelling grid, and Bellworks. 3. Fingerspelling test- 1 on 1 signed to me- by Monday in class Final Exam (I will have review sheets online and printed next week): *Written cumulative culture/grammar multiple choice/true false *A signed portion-cumulative – you watch the video of me signing, and choose the correct sentence (A-D) *Remember, you need to know Units 1-17 signs for the final exam  My webpage has links to videos-

15 The End! Great Job!

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