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TSB 1 WTSA-04 Preparation Briefing GSC-9, Seoul, Korea by Houlin ZHAO Director Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) International Telecommunication.

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Presentation on theme: "TSB 1 WTSA-04 Preparation Briefing GSC-9, Seoul, Korea by Houlin ZHAO Director Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) International Telecommunication."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSB 1 WTSA-04 Preparation Briefing GSC-9, Seoul, Korea by Houlin ZHAO Director Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) International Telecommunication Union, Geneva Place des Nations - CH-1211 Geneva 20 - Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 5851Fax: +41 22 730 5853 E-mail: ITU Home page address: http://www.itu.int

2 TSB 2 History of WTSA (formerly called CCITT Plenary Assembly) CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee): 19561st Plenary Assembly 19602nd Plenary AssemblyRed Book 19643rd Plenary AssemblyBlue Book 19684th Plenary AssemblyWhite Book 19725th Plenary AssemblyGreen Book 19766th Plenary AssemblyOrange Book 19807th Plenary AssemblyYellow Book 19848th Plenary AssemblyRed Book 19889th Plenary AssemblyBlue Book ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - Telecom. Standardization Sector): 1993 1st World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC-93), Helsinki 1996 2nd World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC-96), Geneva 2000 3rd World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-2000), Montreal

3 TSB 3  650 delegates from 86 countries  192 documents, 28 TDs, 23 INF documents  8 working days, no evening sessions (a few receptions)  Some difficult tasks, no voting  Call for candidates for SG Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, 1 st time in CCITT/ITU-T history  (commitment is a problem; not wish SSG to work is another problem)  15 Chairmen nominated, 14 out of 15 from industry  More power for TSAG (Res. 22)  Maximum term of office for SG Chairmen and Vice Chairmen (Res. 35): no more than 2 consecutive 4-year terms in the same position  Standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries (Res. 17)  Associates accepted (Res. 31)  ITU Reform (Res. 36)  Voluntary contributions (Res. 34)  Recommendations A.7, A.8, A.9  Regulatory aspects (Res. 40) Statistics for WTSA-2000

4 TSB 4 Contract ITU-Brazil: Signed 24 September 2003 Convening letter: Invitation by ITU Secretary-General 27 October 2003 TSB Circular 221: 25 February 2004 Chairman: Candidate proposed by Brazil WTSA-04 Venue: Florianópolis, Brazil, 5-14 October 2004 Cybersecurity Symposium: 4 October 2004

5 TSB 5 Qualified participants of WTSA-2004 (ITU Convention, Article 25) a)Member States b)Observers of: - regional telecommunication organizations; - intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems; - any other regional organization or other international organization dealing with matters of interest to the Assembly; - UN; - specialized agencies of UN and the International Atomic Energy Agency. c)Sector Members The ITU Elected officials shall be represented at the Assembly in an advisory capacity.

6 TSB 6  To adopt the working methods and procedures (Marrakesh, 2002)  Consider the reports by Study Groups, TSAG  Decide on the need to maintain, terminate, or establish other groups and appoint their Chairs and VCs (such groups shall not adopt Questions or Recommendations) (Marrakesh, 2002)  Approve, modify, or reject draft Recommendations  Approve working programme  Decide to maintain, terminate, or establish Study Groups and allocate to them the Questions to be studied  Group, as far as practicable, Questions of interest to the developing countries to facilitate their participation  Consider and approve the reports of the Director  May assign specific matters to TSAG  Appoint Chair and Vice-Chairs of Study Groups and TSAG  etc. Duties of WTSA-2004 (ITU Convention, Article 13 )

7 TSB 7 Committee 1:Steering Committee (Chairman: Brazil; VCs from ITU Regions) Committee 2:Budget Control Committee 3:Working methods of ITU-T Committee 4:Work programme and organization of ITU-T Committee 5:Telecom. Network Infrastructure – Reports by SGs 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and SSG Committee 6:Telecom. Services and tariff issues – Reports by SGs 2, & 3 Committee 7:Editorial Committee Draft structure of WTSA-04 (as per Resolution 1, § 1.2)

8 TSB 8 Draft workplan of WTSA-2004 (as per TSB Circular 221 ) MorningAfternoon Tuesday, 5 OctoberHeads of Delegation Opening Meeting Plenary Meeting (1) COM 1 Wednesday, 6 OctoberCOM 4 COM 2 COM 3 COM 6 Thursday, 7 OctoberCOM 4 COM 5 COM 3 COM 5 Friday, 8 OctoberCOM 4 COM 6 COM 7 Heads of Delegation Plenary Meeting (2) COM 1 Monday, 11 OctoberCOM 3 COM 5 COM 7 COM 6 COM 4 COM 7 Tuesday, 12 OctoberCOM 2 COM 3 COM 7 COM 4 COM 7 Heads of Delegation Wednesday, 13 OctoberPlenary Meeting (3) COM 7 Plenary Meeting (4) Thursday, 14 OctoberPlenary Meeting (5)Plenary Meeting (6) Closing Ceremony

9 TSB 9  TSAG Nov 03 accepted Canada’s proposal on “Cybersecurity Symposium” at WTSA-04  Discussion on mailing list concluded on 30 January 2004  Venue: Same as WTSA-04  Date: 4 October 2004  Steering Committee is currently planning detailed content of event  Potential topics: - assessment of global Cybersecurity threat -national and multinational responses to Cybersecurity threat -standards, policies, regulatory and legal issues - gaps in Cybersecurity standards WTSA-04 side event: Cybersecurity

10 TSB 10  How to send in contributions:  electronically: email, web  paper copies: by post, fax  Deadlines for submission:  No deadline, but the sooner the better  Translation of documents: English, French and Spanish  Cybercafé and wireless LAN are available on site Some logistic information on WTSA-2004

11 TSB 11 Working methods:  AAP + TAP no major changes  However, there may be new issues if the new structure is dramatically different from the current one  EDH should be further strengthened  Workshops and seminars become an important part of regular activities (workshops are not only informative to audience but also very constructive and useful to SGs)  Find ways to accept options, if no unanimous agreement on Recommendations  Enhance the regional presence, and encourage regional activities  Establish “Groups” (focus group, project group, etc…) to deal with urgent needs Comments (1)

12 TSB 12 Structure considerations  Constructive proposals and considerations by ITU-T Members In addition We have to bear in mind the needs of the new comers, including those who have recently increased their participation in ITU-T activities  The needs for the future  The needs of the regions  The needs expected from external SDOs, etc… Comments (2)

13 TSB 13 Cooperation with SDOs  More flexibility to work with Forums/SDOs  Facilitate the adoption of SDOs outputs as ITU-T Recommendations  To establish joint groups with forums if justified Promotion  More aggressive  To address potential members; new players, universities, academic institutions Comments (3)

14 TSB 14 Financial -Encourage voluntary contributions - Reduced fee for universities, or meeting registration fees for universities - etc… Last but not least - Entrust TSAG with more authority - Request TSAG to be more efficient Comments (4)

15 TSB 15 A TSB Circular letter will be issued after the TSAG July 2004:  Will request Members to provide candidates of Chairmen/Vice-Chairmen of Study Groups.  The current Chairmen could be re-elected for a second term according to WTSA Resolution 35 Candidates for SG Chair / Vice-Chair

16 TSB 16  APT Meetings: 15-16 March 2004, Melbourne, Australia 2-6 August 2004, Hyderabad, India  Arab Region Meeting:9-12 August 2004, Damas, Syria (to be confirmed)  ATU Meeting: Week of 21-25 June 2004, Zimbabwe (tbc)  CEPT Meetings: 31 March 2004, Montreux, Switzerland (more meetings are planned)  CITEL Meetings:16-19 March 2004, Ecuador 24-28 May 2004, Washington DC, USA 3-6 August 2004, Paraguay  RCC Meetings:6-7 April 2004, Yalta, Ukraine 21-25 June 2004, Kyrgyzstan (tbc) Regional Preparation Meetings

17 TSB 17 See you at WTSA, Florianópolis, Brazil

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