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S.Ducasse Stéphane Ducasse 1 Elements of Design.

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Presentation on theme: "S.Ducasse Stéphane Ducasse 1 Elements of Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.Ducasse Stéphane Ducasse 1 Elements of Design

2 S.Ducasse License: CC-Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 2

3 S.Ducasse 3 Elements of Design Instance initialization Enforcing the instance creation Instance / Class methods Instance variables / Class instance variables Class initialization Law of Demeter Factoring Constants Abstract Classes Template Methods Delegation Bad Coding Style

4 S.Ducasse 4 Instance initialization Automatic initialize Lazy initialize Proposing the right interface Providing default value

5 S.Ducasse 5 Provider Responsibility This is the responsibility of the class to provide well-formed object The client should not make assumptions or been responsible to send specific sequence of messages to get a working object

6 S.Ducasse 6 Instance Initialization How to ensure that an instance is well initialized? Automatic initialize Lazy initialize Proposing the right interface Providing default value

7 S.Ducasse 7 A First Implementation of Packet Object subclass: #Packet instanceVariableNames: ‘contents addressee originator ‘ Packet>>printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ‘ addressed to: ‘; nextPutAll: self addressee. aStream nextPutAll: ‘ with contents: ’; nextPutAll: self contents Packet>>addressee ^addressee Packet>>addressee: aSymbol addressee := aSymbol

8 S.Ducasse 8 Packet class Definition Packet class is automatically defined Packet class instanceVariableNames: '' Example of instance creation Packet new addressee: #mac ; contents: ‘hello mac’

9 S.Ducasse 9 Fragile Instance Creation If we do not specify a contents, it breaks! |p| p := Packet new addressee: #mac. p printOn: aStream -> error Problems of this approach: responsibility of the instance creation relies on the clients A client can create packet without contents, without address instance variable not initialized -> error (for example, printOn:) -> system fragile

10 S.Ducasse 10 Fragile Instance Creation Solutions Automatic initialization of instance variables Proposing a solid interface for the creation Lazy initialization

11 S.Ducasse 11 Assuring Instance Variable Initialization How to initialize a newly created instance ? Define the method initialize Packet>>initialize super initialize. contents := ‘’. addressee := #noAd

12 S.Ducasse 12 (VW) Assuring Instance Variable Initialization Problem: By default new class method returns instance with uninitialized instance variables. Moreover in VisualWorks, initialize method is not automatically called by creation methods new/new:. How to initialize a newly created instance ?

13 S.Ducasse 13 The New/Initialize Couple Define an instance method that initializes the instance variables and override new to invoke it. (1&2)Packet class>>new “Class Method” ^ super new initialize (3)Packet>>initialize “Instance Method” super initialize. (4) contents := ‘default message’ Packet new (1-2) => aPacket initialize (3-4) => returning aPacket but initialized! Reminder: You cannot access instance variables from a class method like new

14 S.Ducasse 14 The New/Initialize Couple Object>>initialize “do nothing. Called by new my subclasses override me if necessary” ^ self

15 S.Ducasse 15 One single method application

16 S.Ducasse 16 Strengthen Instance Creation Interface Problem: A client can still create aPacket without address. Solution: Force the client to use the class interface creation. Providing an interface for creation and avoiding the use of new: Packet send: ‘Hello mac’ to: #Mac First try: Packet class>>send: aString to: anAddress ^ self new contents: aString ; addressee: anAddress

17 S.Ducasse 17 Examples of Instance Initialization step 1. SortedCollection sortBlock: [:a :b| a name < b name] SortedCollection class>>sortBlock: aBlock "Answer a new instance of SortedCollection such that its elements are sorted according to the criterion specified in aBlock." ^self new sortBlock: aBlock step 2. self new => aSortedCollection step 3. aSortedCollection sortBlock: aBlock step 4. returning the instance aSortedCollection

18 S.Ducasse 18 Another Example step 1. OrderedCollection with: 1 Collection class>>with: anObject "Answer a new instance of a Collection containing anObject." | newCollection | newCollection := self new. newCollection add: anObject. ^newCollection

19 S.Ducasse 19 Lazy Initialization When some instance variables are: - not used all the time - consuming space, difficult to initialize because depending on other - need a lot of computation Use lazy initialization based on accessors Accessor access should be used consistently!

20 S.Ducasse 20 Lazy Initialization Example A lazy initialization scheme with default value Packet>>contents contents isNil ifTrue: [contents := ‘no contents’] ^ contents aPacket contents or self contents A lazy initialization scheme with computed value Dummy>>ratioBetweenThermonuclearAndSolar ratio isNil ifTrue: [ratio := self heavyComputation] ^ ratio

21 S.Ducasse 21 Providing a Default Value OrderedCollection variableSubclass: #SortedCollection instanceVariableNames: 'sortBlock ' classVariableNames: 'DefaultSortBlock ' SortedCollection class>>initialize DefaultSortBlock := [:x :y | x <= y] SortedCollection>>initialize "Set the initial value of the receiver's sorting algorithm to a default.” sortBlock := DefaultSortBlock

22 S.Ducasse 22 Providing a Default Value SortedCollection class>>new: anInteger "Answer a new instance of SortedCollection. The default sorting is a <= comparison on elements. " ^ (super new: anInteger) initialize SortedCollection class>>sortBlock: aBlock "Answer a new instance of SortedCollection such that its elements are sorted according to the criterion specified in aBlock. " ^ self new sortBlock: aBlock

23 S.Ducasse 23 Invoking per Default the Creation Interface OrderedCollection class>>new "Answer a new empty instance of OrderedCollection." ^self new: 5

24 S.Ducasse 24 Forbidding new? Problem: We can still use new to create fragile instances Solution: new should raise an error! Packet class>>new self error: 'Packet should only be created using send:to:'

25 S.Ducasse 25 Forbidding new Implications But we still have to be able to create instance! Packet class>>send: aString to: anAddres ^ self new contents: aString ; addressee: anAddress => raises an error Packet class>>send: aString to: anAddress ^ super new contents: aString ; addressee: anAddress => BAD STYLE: link between class and superclass dangerous in case of evolution

26 S.Ducasse 26 Forbidding new Solution: use basicNew and basicNew: Packet class>>send: aString to: anAddress ^ self basicNew contents: aString ; addressee: anAddress Conclusion: Never override basic* methods else you will not be able to invoke them later

27 S.Ducasse 27 How to Reuse Superclass Initialization? A class>>new ^ super new doThat; andThat; end B class>>forceClientInterface ^ self basicNew ??? Solution: Define the initialization behavior on the instance side A>>doThatAndThatEnd ^ self doThat; andThat; end A class>>new ^ super new doThatAndThatEnd B class>>forceClientInterface ^ self basicNew doThatAndThatEnd

28 S.Ducasse 28 Different Self/Super Do not invoke a super with a different method selector. It’s bad style because it links a class and a superclass. This is dangerous in case the software evolves.

29 S.Ducasse 29 Example Packet class>>new self error: 'Packet should be created using send:to:' Packet class>>send: aString to: anAddress ^ super new contents: aString ; addressee: anAddress Use basicNew and basicNew: Packet class>>send: aString to: anAddress ^ self basicNew contents: aString ; addressee: anAddress

30 S.Ducasse 30 Super is static! With the super foo: A new bar -> 10 B new bar -> 10 C new bar -> 10 Without the super foo: A new bar -> 10 B new bar -> 100 C new bar -> 50 super shortcuts dynamic calls

31 S.Ducasse 31 Basic Design Mistakes

32 S.Ducasse 32 A Class should have Class Person { String getName(); void setName(String name); int getAge(); void setAge(int age); Car getCar(); void setCar(Car car); } What do we see ? A class should have one main responsibility and some behavior not just holding state Minimal access to its data!

33 S.Ducasse 33 Confusing Class City extends Place { … } Class Jerusalem extends City implements Capital { … } Class TelAviv extends City { … } What is wrong here? Confusing inheritance and instantiation Too much inheritance?

34 S.Ducasse 34 Do not expose implementation

35 S.Ducasse 35 Do not overuse conversions nodes asSet removes all the duplicated nodes (if node knows how to compare). But a systematic use of asSet to protect yourself from duplicate is not good nodes asSet asOrderedCollection returns an ordered collection after removing duplicates Look for the real source of duplication if you do not want it!

36 S.Ducasse 36 Hiding missing information Dictionary>>at: aKey This raises an error if the key is not found Dictionary>>at: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock Allows one to specify action aBlock to be done when the key does not exist. Do not overuse it: nodes at: nodeId ifAbsent:[ ] This is bad because at least we should know that the nodeId was missing

37 S.Ducasse 37 isNil Avoid to return special results as nil messages := self fetchMessages. messages isNil ifFalse: [ messages dispatchFrom: self ] What if we would simply return an empty collection in fetchMessages instead of nil? Less conditional and ugly tests!!

38 S.Ducasse 38 Say once and only once No Magic Number Duplicated Extract method Remove duplicated code

39 S.Ducasse 39 Factorize Magic Numbers Ideally you should be able to change your constants without having any impact on the code! For that define a constant only once via accessor provide testing method (hasNextNode) default value using the constant accessor

40 S.Ducasse 40 Factoring Out Constants We want to encapsulate the way “no next node” is coded. Instead of writing: Node>>nextNode ^ nextNode NodeClient>>transmitTo: aNode aNode nextNode = ‘no next node’...

41 S.Ducasse 41 Factoring Out Constants Write: NodeClient>>transmitTo: aNode aNode hasNextNode.... Node>>hasNextNode ^ (self nextNode = self class noNextNode) not Node class>>noNextNode ^ ‘no next node’

42 S.Ducasse 42 Default value between class and instance If we want to encapsulate the way “no next node” is coded and shared this knowledge between class and instances. Instead of writing: aNode nextNode isNil not Write: Node>>hasNextNode ^ self nextNode = self noNextNode Node>>noNextNode ^self class noNextNode Node class>>noNextNode ^ #noNode

43 S.Ducasse 43 Initializing without Duplicating Node>>initialize accessType := ‘local’... Node>>isLocal ^ accessType = ‘local’ It’s better to write Node>>initialize accessType := self localAccessType Node>>isLocal ^ accessType = self localAccessType Node>>localAccessType ^ ‘local’

44 S.Ducasse 44 Say something only once Ideally you could be able to change the constant without having any problems. You may have to have mapping tables from model constants to UI constants or database constants.

45 S.Ducasse 45 Constants Needed at Creation Time Node class>>localNodeNamed: aString |inst| inst := self new. inst name: aString. inst type: inst localAccessType If you want to have the following creation interface Node class>>name: aString accessType: aType ^self new name: aString ; accessType: aType Node class>>name: aString ^self name: aString accessType: self localAccessType

46 S.Ducasse 46 Constants Needed at Creation Time You need: Node class>>localAccessType ^ ‘local’ => Factor the constant between class and instance level Node>>localAccessType ^ self class localAccessType => You could also use a ClassVariable that is shared between a class and its instances.

47 S.Ducasse 47 Elements of Design Class initialization

48 S.Ducasse 48 Class Methods - Class Instance Variables Classes (Packet class) represents class (Packet). Class instance variables are instance variables of class They should represent the state of class: number of created instances, number of messages sent, superclasses, subclasses.... Class methods represent class behavior: instance creation, class initialization, counting the number of instances.... If you weaken the second point: class state and behavior can be used to define common properties shared by all the instances

49 S.Ducasse 49 Class Initialization How do we know that all the class behavior has been loaded? At the end ! Automatically called by the system at load time or explicitly by the programmer. Used to initialize a classVariable, a pool dictionary or class instance variables. ‘Classname initialize’ at the end of the saved files in Squeak In postLoadAction: in VW

50 S.Ducasse 50 Example of class initialization Magnitude subclass: #Date instanceVariableNames: 'day year' classVariableNames: 'DaysInMonth FirstDayOfMonth MonthNames SecondsInDay WeekDayNames’

51 S.Ducasse 51 Date class>>initialize "Initialize class variables representing the names of the months and days and the number of seconds, days in each month, and first day of each month. " MonthNames := #(January February March April May June July August September October November December ). SecondsInDay := 24 * 60 * 60. DaysInMonth := #(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ). FirstDayOfMonth := #(1 32 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335 ). WeekDayNames := #(Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday )

52 S.Ducasse 52 Sharing or not How can I share state and prepare for instance specific state?

53 S.Ducasse 53 Case Study: Scanner Scanner new scanTokens: 'identifier keyword: 8r31 ''string'' embedded.period key:word:. ' > #(#identifier #keyword: 25 'string' 'embedded.period' #key:word: #'.')

54 S.Ducasse 54 A Case Study: The Scanner class Class Definition Object subclass: #Scanner instanceVariableNames: 'source mark prevEnd hereChar token tokenType saveComments currentComment buffer typeTable ' classVariableNames: 'TypeTable ' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'System-Compiler-Public Access'

55 S.Ducasse 55 Scanner enigma Why having an instance variable and a classVariable denoting the same object (the scanner table)? TypeTable is used to initialize once the table typeTable is used by every instance and each instance can customize the table (copying).

56 S.Ducasse 56 Clever Sharing

57 S.Ducasse 57 A Case Study: Scanner (II) Scanner class>>initialize "Scanner initialize" | newTable | newTable := ScannerTable new: 255 withAll: #xDefault. "default" newTable atAllSeparatorsPut: #xDelimiter. newTable atAllDigitsPut: #xDigit. newTable atAllLettersPut: #xLetter. '!%&*+,-/ ?@\~' do: [:bin | newTable at: bin asInteger put: #xBinary]. "Other multi-character tokens" newTable at: $" asInteger put: #xDoubleQuote.... "Single-character tokens" newTable at: $( asInteger put: #leftParenthesis.... newTable at: $^ asInteger put: #upArrow. "spacing circumflex, formerly up arrow" newTable at: $| asInteger put: #verticalBar. TypeTable := newTable

58 S.Ducasse 58 A Case Study: Scanner (III) Instances only access the type table via the instance variable that points to the table that has been initialized once. Scanner class>> new ^super new initScanner Scanner>>initScanner buffer := WriteStream on: (String new: 40). saveComments := true. typeTable := TypeTable A subclass just has to specialize initScanner without copying the initialization of the table MyScanner>>initScanner super initScanner typeTable := typeTable copy. typeTable at: $) asInteger put: #xDefault.

59 S.Ducasse 59 A Simple Case... Introducing parametrization

60 S.Ducasse 60 Parametrization Advantages DialectStream>>initializeST80ColorTable "Initialize the colors that characterize the ST80 dialect" ST80ColorTable _ IdentityDictionary new. #((temporaryVariable blue italic) (methodArgument blue normal) … (setOrReturn black bold)) do: [:aTriplet | ST80ColorTable at: aTriplet first put: aTriplet allButFirst] Problems: Color tables hardcoded in method Changes Require compilation Client responsible of initialize invocation No run-time changes

61 S.Ducasse 61 One Step DialectStream>>initializeST80ColorTable ST80ColorTable := IdentityDictionary new. self defaultDescription do: [:aTriplet | ST80ColorTable at: aTriplet first put: aTriplet allButFirst] DialectStream>>defaultDescription ^ #((temporaryVariable blue italic) (methodArgument blue normal) … (setOrReturn black bold)) Still requires subclassing and recompilation

62 S.Ducasse 62 Composition-based Solution DialectStream>>initializeST80ColorTableWith: anArray ST80ColorTable := IdentityDictionary new. anArray do: [:aTriplet | ST80ColorTable at: aTriplet first put: aTriplet allButFirst]. self initialize In a Client DialectStream initializeST80ColorTableWith: #(#(#temporaryVariable #blue #normal) … #(#prefixKeyword #veryDarkGray #bold) #(#setOrReturn #red #bold) )

63 S.Ducasse 63 Methods are Units of Reuse Dynamic binding and methods = reuse in subclasses

64 S.Ducasse 64 Methods are Unit of Reuse

65 S.Ducasse 65 Example: Forced to Duplicate! Node>>computeRatioForDisplay |averageRatio defaultNodeSize| averageRatio := 55. defaultNodeSize := self mainWindowCoordinate /maximiseViewRatio. self window add: (UINode new with: (self bandWidth * averageRatio / defaultWindowSize) … We are forced to copy the complete method! SpecialNode>>computeRatioForDisplay |averageRatio defaultNodeSize| averageRatio := 55. defaultNodeSize := self mainWindowCoordinate + minimalRatio / maximiseViewRatio. self window add: (UINode new with: (self bandWidth * averageRatio / defaultWindowSize) …

66 S.Ducasse 66 Self sends: Plan for Reuse Node>>computeRatioForDisplay |averageRatio defaultNodeSize| averageRatio := 55. defaultNodeSize := self defaultNodeSize. self window add: (UINode new with: (self bandWidth * averageRatio / defaultWindowSize)... Node>>defaultNodeSize ^self mainWindowCoordinate / maxiViewRatio SpecialNode>>defaultNodeSize ^ self mainWindowCoordinate+minimalRatio/maxiViewRatio

67 S.Ducasse 67 Do not Hardcode Constants Node>>computeRatioForDisplay |averageRatio defaultNodeSize| averageRatio := 55. defaultNodeSize := self mainWindowCoordinate / maximiseViewRatio. self window add: (UINode new with: (self bandWidth * averageRatio / defaultWindowSize).... We are forced to copy the method! SpecialNode>>computeRatioForDisplay |averageRatio defaultNodeSize| averageRatio := 55. defaultNodeSize := self mainWindowCoordinate / maximiseViewRatio. self window add: (ExtendedUINode new with: (self bandWidth * averageRatio / defaultWindowSize).

68 S.Ducasse 68 Class Factories Node>>computeRatioForDisplay |averageRatio | averageRatio := 55. self window add: self UIClass new with: (self bandWidth * averageRatio / self defaultWindowSize)... Node>>UIClass ^ UINode SpecialNode>>UIClass ^ ExtendedUINode

69 S.Ducasse 69 Hook and Template

70 S.Ducasse 70 Hook and Template Methods Hooks: place for reuse Template: context for reuse

71 S.Ducasse 71 Hook and Template Methods Templates: Context reused by subclasses Hook methods: holes that can be specialized Hook methods do not have to be abstract, they may define default behavior or no behavior at all. This has an influence on the instantiability of the superclass.

72 S.Ducasse 72 Hook / Template Example: Printing Object>>printString "Answer a String whose characters are a description of the receiver." | aStream | aStream := WriteStream on: (String new: 16). self printOn: aStream. ^aStream contents

73 S.Ducasse 73 Hook Object>>printOn: aStream "Append to the argument aStream a sequence of charactersthat describes the receiver." | title | title := self class name. aStream nextPutAll: ((title at: 1) isVowel ifTrue: ['an '] ifFalse: ['a ']). aStream print: self class

74 S.Ducasse 74 Overriding the Hook Array>>printOn: aStream "Append to the argument, aStream, the elements of the Array enclosed by parentheses." | tooMany | tooMany := aStream position + self maxPrint. aStream nextPutAll: '#('. self do: [:element | aStream position > tooMany ifTrue: [ aStream nextPutAll: '...(more)...)'. ^self ]. element printOn: aStream] separatedBy: [aStream space]. aStream nextPut: $)

75 S.Ducasse 75 Overriding False>>printOn: aStream "Print false." aStream nextPutAll: 'false'

76 S.Ducasse 76 Specialization of the Hook The class Behavior that represents a class extends the default hook but still invokes the default one. Behavior>>printOn: aStream "Append to the argument aStream a statement of which superclass the receiver descends from." aStream nextPutAll: 'a descendent of '. superclass printOn: aStream

77 S.Ducasse 77 Another Example: Copying Complex (deepCopy, veryDeepCopy...) Recursive objects Graph of connected objects Each object wants a different copy of itself No up-front solution

78 S.Ducasse 78 Hook Example: Copying Object>>copy " Answer another instance just like the receiver. Subclasses normally override the postCopy message, but some objects that should not be copied override copy. " ^self shallowCopy postCopy Object>>shallowCopy "Answer a copy of the receiver which shares the receiver's instance variables."

79 S.Ducasse 79 postCopy Object>>postCopy "Finish doing whatever is required, beyond a shallowCopy, to implement 'copy'. Answer the receiver. This message is only intended to be sent to the newly created instance. Subclasses may add functionality, but they should always do super postCopy first. " ^self

80 S.Ducasse 80 Sounds Trivial?

81 S.Ducasse 81 Hook Specialisation Bag>>postCopy "Make sure to copy the contents fully." | new | super postCopy. new := contents class new: contents capacity. contents keysAndValuesDo: [:obj :count | new at: obj put: count]. contents := new.

82 S.Ducasse 82 Guidelines for Creating Template Methods Simple implementation. Implement all the code in one method. Break into steps. Comment logical subparts Make step methods. Extract subparts as methods Call the step methods Make constant methods, i.e., methods doing nothing else than returning. Repeat steps 1-5 if necessary on the methods created

83 S.Ducasse 83 Inheritance vs. Composition

84 S.Ducasse 84 Delegation of Responsibilities New requirement: A document can be printed on different printers for example lw100s or lw200s depending on which printer is first encountered.

85 S.Ducasse 85 Ad-hoc Solution LanPrinter>>accept: aPacket (thePacket addressee = #*lw*) ifTrue: [ self print: thePacket] ifFalse: [ (thePacket isAddressedTo: self) ifTrue: [self print: thePacket] ifFalse: [super accept: thePacket]] Limits: not general brittle because based on a convention adding a new kind of address behavior requires editing the class Printer

86 S.Ducasse 86 Create Object and Delegate An alternative solution: isAddressedTo: could be sent directly to the address With the current solution, the packet can still control the process if needed

87 S.Ducasse 87 NodeAddress NodeAddress is responsible for identifying the packet receivers Packet>>isAddressedTo: aNode ^ self address isAddressedTo: aNode address “was name” Object subclass: #NodeAddress instanceVariableNames: ‘id‘ NodeAddress>>isAddressedTo: aNodeAddress ^ self id = aNodeAddress id Refactoring Remark: name was not a good name anyway, and now it has become an address -> we should rename it.

88 S.Ducasse 88 Matching Address For packets with matchable addresses Packet send: ‘lulu’ to: (MatchingAddress with: #*lw*) Address subclass: #MatchingAddress instanceVariableNames: ‘’ MatchingAddress>>isAddressedTo: aNodeAddress ^ self id match: aNodeAddress id

89 S.Ducasse 89 Addresses Object subclass: #Address instanceVariableNames: ‘id‘ Address>>isAddressedTo: anAddress ^self subclassResponsibility Address subclass: #NodeAddress instanceVariableNames: ‘‘ Address subclass: #MatchingAddress instanceVariableNames: ‘‘

90 S.Ducasse 90 Trade-Off Delegation Pros No blob class: one class one responsibility Variation possibility Pluggable behavior without inheritance extension Runtime pluggability Delegation Cons Difficult to follow responsibilities and message flow Adding new classes = adding complexities (more names) New object

91 S.Ducasse 91 Inheritance vs. Composition Inheritance is not a panacea Require class definition Require method definition Extension should be prepared in advance No run-time changes Ex: editor with spell-checkerS, colorizerS, mail- readerS…. No clear responsibility Code bloated Cannot load a new colorizers

92 S.Ducasse 92 Delegating to other Objects myEditor setColorizer: FastColorizer new. myEditor setColorizer: AdvancedColorizer new. Strategy design pattern

93 S.Ducasse 93 Composition Analysis Pros Possibility to change at run-time Clear responsibility No blob Clear interaction protocol Cons New class Delegation New classes

94 S.Ducasse 94 Designing Classes...

95 S.Ducasse 95 Designing Classes for Reuse Encapsulation principle: minimize data representation dependencies Complete interface No overuse of accessors Responsibility of the instance creation Loose coupling between classes Methods are units of reuse (self send) Use polymorphism as much as possible to avoid type checking Behavior up and state down Use correct names for class Use correct names for methods

96 S.Ducasse 96 Nothing magic Think about it Find your own heuristics Taste, try and be critic Be the force with you... Summary

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