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2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by This December 2, will mark the 3 rd annual #GivingTuesday – a day of giving back to kick off the holiday.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by This December 2, will mark the 3 rd annual #GivingTuesday – a day of giving back to kick off the holiday."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by This December 2, will mark the 3 rd annual #GivingTuesday – a day of giving back to kick off the holiday giving season. Each year, this event attracts more and more participants – and more than 10,000 organizational partners - eager to do some good. The strategically chosen day is the Tuesday following Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In a very short time, #GivingTuesday has revolutionized year- end giving and transformed it into a mainstream movement for social good. While organizations may have been able to sit on the sidelines in years past, it’s apparent with each year’s growing momentum, that the #GivingTuesday impact is only getting stronger. This year is expected to be the biggest one yet, with donations expected to increase more than 46%. And here’s the big secret to #GivingTuesday success (or any nonprofit campaign for that matter): It’s easier to join a movement than to create one yourself. And this is a powerful movement. With a little preparation, #GivingTuesday can be the just the boost your year-end fundraising campaign needs to win the hearts and minds (and hopefully the wallets) of those already in the giving spirit. #GivingTuesday: A Brief Overview

2 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by The following slideshow is meant to be a resource for #GivingTuesday planning and to help coincide with your end-of-year fundraising strategy. Use these PowerPoint slides as a template and springboard for internal discussion. Our insider tips are found in the NOTES section below the slides. Underlined text in the notes section means an additional resource can be found at the end of the slides. Where you see text in this color or in black italics, it is to provide you with some hints and suggestions as to how you might best fill in the slides for your audience (staff, organizational leadership, supporters, etc.). Modify accordingly to best fit the needs and style of your organization (We recommend deleting the teal part when you have filled in the slides. Just a thought.) Instructions for Use

3 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan Jane Doe INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION’s LOGO HERE

4 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Begun in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. A global day for people to give back, usually by donating to their favorite nonprofits. #GivingTuesday launched a global movement that has engaged over 10,000 organizations worldwide. Save the date: Tuesday, December 2 What is

5 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by 90% INCREASE in online giving compared to 2012* Avg. online gift increased 40% year-over-year for #GivingTuesday nonprofits 10,000+ #GivingTuesday Partners across all 50 U.S. States + 11 countries 2 BILLION people reached on Twitter alone (Approx. 700 tweets per minute at its peak) Why is #GivingTuesday so important?

6 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Successes: [List your major accomplishments: What amazing things happened this year that you want your supporters to know? ] Stories: [List your supporting messages/stories: What messages are resonating? What stories do you want your current and future supporters to know? ] Resources: [List your supporting content: Include infographics, pictures, videos, any other visuals that help tell your story ] Data: [List your supporting data: How can you demonstrate you’ve made an impact? What are your strongest statistics or gains? ] Special Moments: [List other special moments: What makes this year unique or special compared to others? Why? ] Highlights

7 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by The following are examples. Identify the best 1-3 goals for your organization: To raise a total amount of $X To increase social media following by X% To gain X new donors To increase average donation by X% To retain X% of 2013 donors To increase advocacy by X% #GivingTuesday Goals

8 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by The following are examples. Identify the strongest KPIs for your organization: Total donation amount # of social media shares, likes or comments (be specific – which platform? Which action?) Action rate Avg. donation amount Click-through rate Measuring Success

9 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Staff Volunteers Partners CRM Email Social media accounts Take Inventory: Resources

10 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by The next slides will help define your 1) audience, 2) messages and 3) call to action. Spend some time sketching a persona of your typical donor. Who are they? How did they find out about your organization? What kinds of stories motivate them to give? Use this information and try to find the intersections between your existing donors and what you know about likely #GivingTuesday participants. Consider surveying a few select donors about whether they’ve given during past #GivingTuesdays. If they have, then did they give to your organization? Why or why not? You’ll be more successful at reaching new audiences if you better understand what drives your existing base of supporters. Campaign Theme/Message

11 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Existing Supporters: [Insert main message for this specific group here] Interests: Age: Demographics: Giving habits: Preferred form of communication: Call To Action: New Supporters: [Insert main message for this specific group here] Interests: Age: Demographics: Giving habits: Preferred form of communication: Call To Action: #GivingTuesday Audience/Message

12 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Example Audience - New High Donors: [Insert main message for this specific group here] Interests: Age: Demographics: Giving habits: Preferred form of communication: Call To Action: Example Audience – Millennials: [Insert main message for this specific group here] Interests: Demographics: Giving habits: Preferred form of communication: Call To Action: #GivingTuesday Audience/Message

13 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Email Newsletter Landing page Social media (specific platforms) Events Blog Mobile Channels Paid ads Homepage feature Video External websites Magazines, publications

14 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 Calendar WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6

15 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Twitter: [What is your goal for this specific platform?] Call to Action Events Approx. Number of Tweets Key dates for tweeting Creative content descriptions Facebook: [What is your goal for this specific platform?] Call to Action Events Approx. Number of Posts Key dates for posting Creative content descriptions Social Media Plan

16 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by What’s next? After #GivingTuesday, how will you reach out to your new donors? When? Segmentation What are your criteria for segmenting those donors? How will you do it? Messaging stream How are you planning to reach out? Newsletter? Email? Measuring success What will you use as your metrics? Report and Analyze What worked? What didn’t? Post-#GivingTuesday Nurturing

17 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Thank you! Last thoughts

18 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Twitter Facebook Google + Instagram Pinterest LinkedIn Keep In Touch Tell us how it’s going – and goes with your #GivingTuesday campaign:

19 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by Everything You Need to Know About #GivingTuesday GivingTuesday Shows Successful Fundraising Means Making an “Ask” The Essential Guide to End-of-Year Fundraising for Nonprofits of All Sizes Questions About Planning Your Year-End Fundraising and #GivingTuesday Campaign Tips to Maximize Your Year-End Fundraising 8 Social Media Fundraising Tips for Beginners Resources

20 2014 #GivingTuesday Campaign Plan empowered by 2014 Campaign Planner

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