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Published byToby Tate Modified over 9 years ago
1 The Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development Managing Authority for Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development The Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family European Commission Mission National Strategic Reference Framework - Meeting October, 27 th 2005
2 SOP HRD priorities: 1: Human Capital Development Following the statistical figures which revealed the lowest rate of participation to education and training for 25-64 age group, the lowest percentage for the enterprises organizing vocational training, very low access to vocational training of the persons from rural area and a high rate of early school leavers. (In line with the Second Report to the Joint Assessment Paper on Employment Priorities, the revised EES, in accordance with the Commission Paper – “A new Start for the Lisbon Strategy” and in line with the Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs, 2007-2013). A strong focus on HRD 2: Promoting Full Employment The statistical figures revealed a gap between the Romanian rates of employment and EU level targets, the low employment rate among the 15-24 years old, a very high weight for the population employed in Agriculture, a low rate for people employed in services and a high unemployment rate for the 15-24 age group, important skill shortages in different sectors. (In line with the conclusions of the Second JAP Report especially for the need to reduce the level of subsistence economic activities in Agriculture, the Revised EES and the New Social Agenda 2005-2010, which underpins the EU’s revamped growth and jobs strategy and in concordance with the Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs, 2007-2013). - A focus on adaptability, partnership and quality delivery of Active Labor Market Policies
3 3: Promoting Social Inclusion From the perspective of the socio-economic analysis, the vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, youth over 18 years old leaving the state child protection and the Roma populations) are facing social exclusion (low employment rate for the vulnerable groups, high percentage of Roma in informal (grey) economy, low education level, poverty, poor housing and health, difficult access to quality jobs). (In line with the Joint Inclusion Memorandum targets, priorities and measures, and in accordance with the revised EES and the Social Agenda 2005-2010 goals, to create a more cohesive and inclusive society: equal opportunities for all, combating poverty and promoting social inclusion, promoting diversity and non-discrimination). Focus on inclusive Labor Market, promotion of social economy SOP HRD priorities:
4 Priority 1: Human Capital Development Measures: 1.1Promoting of reforms, developing and modernizing initial education and training in the context of Life Long Learning (MoER IBs); 1.2Promoting Life Long Learning with special focus on continuous vocational training (MoLSSF – NAE IBs); 1.3Quality assurance and quality management in education (MoER IBs).
5 Promoting Full Employment Priority 2: Promoting Full Employment Measures: 2.1 Increasing the adaptability of labor force and enterprises (MoLSSF – NAE IBs); 2.2Initiatives for social partners (MoLSSF – NAE IBs); 2.3Promoting the entrepreneurial culture in the compulsory education and training (MoER IBs); 2.4Identifying and promoting opportunities for the integration on the labor market (MoLSSF – NAE IBs); 2.5Modernizing and strengthening the administrative capacity of the Public Employment Services (NAE IB).
6 Priority 3: Promoting Social Inclusion Measures: 3.1Combating the discrimination and promoting the measures for the integration on the labor market of the vulnerable groups, promoting social economy (MoLSSF – NAE IBs); 3.2Improving access to education and vocational training for the vulnerable groups (MoER IBs); 3.3Gender mainstreaming and combating the social exclusion of women (MoLSSF – NAE IBs); 3.4Developing an efficient social services system aiming at reducing the risk of social exclusion and marginalization (MoLSSF – NAE); 3.5Transnational Initiatives for the inclusive education (MoER IBs); 3.6Transnational Initiatives for the inclusive labor market (MoLSSF – NAE IBs).
7 Project pipeline preparation The Main element will be Phare HRD Grant Schemes The Measures for the three relevant objectives financed under Phare 2004-2006 Programme, in line with the NDP 2004 – 2006 priorities, are: 1.Tackling the Structural Unemployment Active Employment Measures (AEM) for young and long-term unemployed and for the job seekers in rural areas and people with low incomes employed in agriculture. 2.Improving the Long Term Labour Market Adaptability Promoting of Life Long Learning (LLL) for qualification and re-qualification of the work force, developing the HR strategies at the companies level. 3. Actively Combating the Social Exclusion Promoting Social Inclusion for vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, youth over 18 leaving the state child protection and the Roma populations).
8 Partnerships in elaboration of Human Resources Development, increasing employment and tackling social exclusion priority of NDP 2007-2013 and Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development Partnership principle in programming is applied at national and regional level. The Managing Authority for SOP HRD, in cooperation with the 8 IBs of NAE and MoER IBs, organized consultative meetings with the representatives of social partners and civil society, as follows: At national level, Bucharest: period 28 September – 4 October 2005 (on 28 September meeting with the social partners; on 29 September meeting with civil society – NGOs representatives for persons with disabilities and youngsters up to 18 years old leaving the child protection state system; 30 September NGOs for Roma and National Agency for Roma; 4 October NGOs for equal opportunities between men and women). At regional level, in each of the 8 regions: period 12 October – 24 October 2005. For consultations participated representatives of: - Regional Development Agencies; - local authorities; - social partners (trade unions and employers associations) - Chambers of Commerce and business environment; - NGOs acting in the social inclusion field of rroma persons, persons with disabilities, youngsters over 18 leaving the state child protection system and equal opportunities; - vocational training providers etc.
9 The discussions followed the main topics: the actual stage of Romanian context in preparation for ESF; concentrating on the main areas of intervention identified in Romanian society for human resources development and social inclusion; the partnership principle to involve the socio-economic partners and civil society in strategic planning and financial programming documents elaboration; the new European Commission approach for including the EQUAL principles in ESF; the social economy concept and the implication of civil society in creation of new jobs through social cooperatives and specific services for the community; the funds concentration principle; developing capacity of project promoters to participate to the developing of project pipeline.
10 Examples of concrete proposals for activities possible to be financed through ESF, proposed by the social partners and civil society representatives: Priority 1 - Human Capital Development Supporting and promoting development of information and counseling centers in educational system, mainly in schools; Establishing and development of local information and resources centers, especially in rural areas. Priority 3 Promoting social inclusion establishing of counseling services for ex-offenders; establishing of educational resources centers for Roma pupils, parents and teachers; establishing and developing of small productive activities for Roma in partnership with local authorities; training, benchmarking and identification of best models and good practice in equal opportunities field through transnational initiatives.
11 Thank you for your attention!
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