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Tackling Worklessness Chris Marsh Mat Ainsworth SSP Board 23 October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Tackling Worklessness Chris Marsh Mat Ainsworth SSP Board 23 October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tackling Worklessness Chris Marsh Mat Ainsworth SSP Board 23 October 2009

2 This presentation provides An update on current position on worklessness A progress report on delivery An outline of key policy issues and choices going forward An opportunity to take stock….

3 Pre - recession picture: a challenge, but sound foundations Employment rate above regional average for the first time in recent history 73.6%. 20,000 more people in work in June 08 compared to the turn of the Millennium. Slow, but steady reductions in worklessness JSA claimant rate around 3% Residents wages increased by £31/wk between 2007 & 2008

4 The recession has presented us a new challenge: JSA growth Salford GM NW UK

5 Working Neighbourhood Teams Joint Agency Commissioning Raising Aspirations Tackling Child and Family Poverty Media City UK Exemplar Employer/ Creating Demand City Regional Working 14-19 Links Our strategy: respond, reach out, join-up, scale-up

6 Impacts of our work: respond 1438 skills and work service job outcomes – five fold increase from previous years 3,668 skills and work registrations 330% up on previous year City Council Academies have supported 48 Salford residents into jobs 57% of Media City construction jobs employees to GM residents, 12% from Salford (234 people now) £92m of Media City supply chain investment In Salford firms: more than tripling the City Council investment £52m secured for FJF: 800 jobs for Salford = £5.2m

7 Impacts of our work: reach out Raising Aspirations providers engaged 525 workless residents Supported 127 (24%) into jobs so far Community and voluntary groups being supported to accreditation in Information Advice and Guidance 3 Orthodox Jewish Groups supported to full Matrix accreditation Back to Work team supported 51 ex - offenders into work Achieved GO Excellence Award for Skills for Life

8 Impacts of our work: Join up, scale up Much clearer view of skills and work investment – and its in the same room now WNT rolled out to cover almost all of City’s deprived areas. Spotlight and WNT recognised as national best practice – leading GM work on deprivation Real enthusiasm and buy in to the vision and approach from partners

9 Working Neighbourhood Teams Ordsall and Langworthy Eccles East Salford NDC Area Blackfriars & Broughton Little Hulton and Walkden Swinton & Pendlebury May 2009 Sep 2009 Apr 2010 Claremont and Weaste Irlam and Cadishead

10 Skills & Work IAG Enterprise activity Parenting family support Child- care In Work Support Train to Gain JCP Financial advice i Benefit advice Skills for life Confidence building Crime Housing support Drug & alcohol Common Assess -ment JCP Education JOB In work support Health support/ activity ‘Personal Shoppers’ i i Demand–side measures Building the Department Store Local Joint Management Teams Engagement & Outreach Teams Programme of 2 for 1s HR Development Support Neighbourhood Profiles Resident Incentives Scheme Local Budgets & Commissioning Sponsor Group Joint Working Processes Local Performance Management Marketing & Communications Political and Executive support

11 Local Management Team Local service managers are now ‘one team’ in six pilot areas, with specific plans for each

12 We are now on the streets together Example: Nine Acre Court Direct joint agency engagement on: –Skills & Work –Health –Money Advice –Redundancy

13 On the streets across the city Swinton: Plans for dedicated outreach team to work on the Poets estate Eccles: Consultation with members of the Yemeni community. Outreach on the Brookhouse estate Little Hulton: Multi-agency team planning activities on Amblecote NDC: Plans underway for outreach and engagement on London Street

14 Nine Acre Court Analysis: justifies joining up 138 properties 57% (78) residents engaged to date. 54% (42) of these actively ‘signed-up’ Engagement with service:

15 Future Jobs Fund: Creating new opportunities Scheme to create ‘new’ jobs of ‘community benefit’ primarily aimed at 18-24 year olds Programme funded by DWP up to max of £6500 per person for 6 months work, to cover wage and support costs Successful Greater Manchester bid to create 8000 new jobs over 18 months 1500 jobs to start between Oct 09 & March 10 800 new jobs being created in Salford – 150 by March 2010

16 Future Jobs Fund in action!!! Highways Maintenance Case Study Jointly funded by Salford City Council, Urban Vision Partnership, and Salford City College Employed and supported via Groundwork Promoted via Skills & Work, Connexions, Jobcentre Plus and WNT's 41 Open Day Enquiries (inc 16 on reserve list) 36 JSA Claimants (6 months+) 17 started pre-recruitment course (4wks) 15 completed pre-recruitment course 15 achieved Level 1 Certificate 8 (aged 18-24yrs) and 9 (aged 25+yrs) 8 now inducted via Groundwork & Urban Vision & started on-site with Urban Vision Partnership Further training to achieve NVQ Level 2 in Highways Maintenance via Salford City College

17 Key issues Tightening financial climate – A challenge and an opportunity Improving low skills base to tackle in-work poverty Going further on joint commissioning – an efficiency opportunity? Anticipating the wider effects of a period of higher unemployment – on places and people

18 Welfare reform: How should it feel? OR

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