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Programming Languages
The Beginning
In the beginning... Computers were very expensive; programmers were cheap Programming was by plugboards or binary numbers (on-off switches) Memories were maybe 4K and up Cycle times were in milliseconds No compromises for programmer's ease
Early compromises Assembly language FORTRAN reduced human error
programs were just as efficient FORTRAN the compiler generated very efficient code easier to read, understand, debug need to compile was still extra overhead the idea was: compile once, run many times
The Automation Principle
Automate mechanical, tedious, or error-prone activities. Higher-level languages are an example Assembly language automates writing binary code FORTRAN automates writing assembly language or binary code Textbook, p. 10
FORTRAN Efficiency was everything
Card oriented, with information in fixed columns First language to catch on in a big way Because it was first, FORTRAN has many, many "mistakes" Algol 60 was a great leap forward
Expressions In FORTRAN, an expression...
In a WRITE statement, could be c (constant), v (variable), or v+c, or v-c As a parameter, could be c or v As an array subscript, could be c, v, c*v, v+c, v-c, c*v+c, or c*v-c On the RHS of an assignment, could be anything In Algol 60, an expression is an expression is an expression!
The Regularity Principle
Regular rules, without exceptions, are easier to learn, use, describe, and implement. Arithmetic expressions in FORTRAN vs. Algol are an example BNF is a great aid to imposing regularity Textbook, p. 11
Lexical Conventions Reserved words, used in most modern languages (C, Pascal, Java) Easier for experts, somewhat harder for novices Keywords, unambiguously marked Hard to type and often hard to read Keywords in context (FORTRAN, PL/1) If it makes sense as a keyword, it's a keyword, otherwise it's something else
The Reserved Word Controversy
FORTRAN had no reserved words IF (I) = 1 was an array assignment Advantages of reserved words Easier for the compiler writer Helps avoid ambiguities in the language Disadvantages of reserved words Programmer has to know them all Few reserved words imply less language power?
Other FORTRAN "Mistakes"
The FORTRAN compiler ignored blanks DO 50 I=1,10 became DO50I=1,10 Did not require variable declarations Misspellings were automatically new variables Earliest versions did not have subprograms But they did have callable library routines DO , IF, and GO TO were the only control structures
The Impossible Error Principle
Making errors impossible to commit is preferable to detecting them after their commission. In FORTRAN, variables were declared simply by appearing in a program DO 50 I = is an assignment to DO50I In general, the earlier an error can be detected, the better Textbook, p. 12
Algol 60 Introduced the idea of a virtual machine
Used BNF to define syntax formally Introduced nested scopes Introduced free-format programs Introduced recursion Required declarations of all variables Introduced if-then-else and flexible loops
Algol 60 was three+ languages
The language definition was given in the reference language Algorithms were published using the publication language, in which keywords were boldface Programs were in a hardware representation Often looked like: 'IF' X < Y 'THEN' X := X + 1 Difficult to type, difficult to read
Algol 60 Shortcomings Algol 60 had no input/output!
I/O was considered to be too hardware-specific Most implementations “borrowed” FORTRAN's I/O Used “call by name” semantics powerful, but hard to implement sometimes hard to understand Few but very flexible control structures were considered to be “baroque”
Metalanguages A metalanguage is a language used to talk about a language (usually a different one) We can use English as its own metalanguage (e.g. describing English grammar in English) It is essential to distinguish between the metalanguage terms and the object language terms
BNF BNF stands for either Backus Naur Form or Backus Normal Form
BNF is a metalanguage used to describe the grammar of a programming language BNF is formal and precise BNF is essential in compiler construction There are many dialects of BNF in use, but… …the differences are almost always minor
BNF < > indicate a nonterminal that needs to be further expanded, e.g. <variable> Symbols not enclosed in < > are terminals; they represent themselves, e.g. if, while, ( The symbol ::= means is defined as The symbol | means or; it separates alternatives, e.g. <addop> ::= + | -
BNF uses recursion <integer> ::= <digit> | <integer> <digit> or <integer> ::= <digit> | <digit> <integer> Many people find recursion confusing "Extended BNF" allows repetition as well as recursion Repetition is often more efficient when using BNF to construct a compiler
BNF Examples I <digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<if statement> ::= if ( <condition> ) <statement> | if ( <condition> ) <statement> else <statement>
BNF Examples II <unsigned integer> ::= <digit> | <unsigned integer> <digit> <integer> ::= <unsigned integer> | + <unsigned integer> | - <unsigned integer>
BNF Examples III <identifier> ::= <letter> | <identifier> <letter> | <identifier> <digit> <block> ::= { <statement list> } <statement list> ::= <statement> | <statement list> <statement>
BNF Examples IV <statement> ::= <block> | <assignment statement> | <break statement> | <continue statement> | <do statement> | <for loop> | <goto statement> | <if statement> |
Extended BNF The following are pretty standard:
[ ] enclose an optional part of the rule { } mean the enclosed can be repeated any number of times (including zero) The textbook uses a different notation: x* means repeat x zero or more times x+ means repeat x one or more times { } enclose alternatives, usually listed vertically
Limitations of BNF No easy way to impose length limitations, such as maximum length of variable names No way to impose distributed requirements, such as, a variable must be declared before it is used Describes only syntax, not semantics Nothing clearly better has been devised
Functions and Procedures
In mathematics, a function: returns a value has no side effects (except maybe I/O) does not alter its parameters A procedure (a.k.a. subroutine): does not return a value is called precisely for its side effects may (probably does) alter its parameters
C Has No Procedures Functions may return void (no value)
Functions really can’t alter their parameters This is inadequate for real programs There are workarounds, such as passing pointers to values Hence, “functions” in C are seriously distorted
Predicates A predicate is a binary (two-valued) function
In some languages, a predicate returns “true” or “false” In other languages (Snobol IV, Prolog, Icon), a predicate “succeeds” or “fails”
Methods A procedure or function is called directly
In an O-O language, an object has methods A message is sent to an object The object decides what to do about the message Typically, the object chooses a method to execute
Scope Rules The scope of a variable is the part of a program in which it is defined and accessible FORTRAN: scope is the enclosing subprogram Prolog: scope is the (one) enclosing clause Java: scope is from point of definition to } Algol, Pascal: scopes are nested
Nested Scopes begin int x, y; int x and int y are defined here begin float x, z; int y, float x, float z are defined here this is a “hole” in the scope of int x end int x, int y are defined here end
Actual and Formal Parameters
Parameters are passed to subprograms in a variety of ways Actual parameters are the values used in a call to the subprogram Formal parameters are the names used for those values in the subprogram
Parameter Transmission
Call by reference (FORTRAN, Pascal, Java) Call by value (C, Pascal, Java) Call by name (Algol 60) Call by value-result (Ada) Call by unification (Prolog)
Call by Reference Every value (data item) is stored at some particular machine address The subprogram is given that address The subprogram directly manipulates the original data item This is the most efficient way to pass parameters In FORTRAN, could alter “constants” this way
Example of Call by Reference
procedure A int X X = 5 call B (X) end procedure B (Y) Y = Y + 1 end X is stored in only one place (that place is in A), and B is made to refer to that place.
Call by Value Subprograms are given a copy of the formal parameter
Subprograms are free to change their copy The changed value is not copied back Safe, but not efficient or flexible C uses call-by-value exclusively workaround: pass a pointer to the data item
Example of Call by Value
procedure A int X X = 5 call B (X) end procedure B (Y) Y = Y + 1 end Value is copied down when B is called, and never copied back up
Call by Name Used in Algol 60, hardly anywhere else
Uses the copy rule: the subprogram acts as if it had a textual copy of the formal parameter Mathematically, this is very neat Doesn’t play well with scope rules Violates information hiding (names matter) Difficult to implement and usually inefficient
Example of Call by Name int a, r;
function fiddle (int x) { int a = 3, b = 5; return a * x + b; // means a * (a+1) + b } a = 9; r = fiddle (a+1); // should return 17 print (r);
Algol Supported Recursion
Four rules for recursion: Always check for base cases first Recur only with a simpler case Avoid global variables Don’t look down
The End
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