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Online Dangers Sexual Predators & Pedophiles A recent study found that two out of five children online is approached by a.

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2 Online Dangers Sexual Predators & Pedophiles A recent study found that two out of five children online is approached by a sexual predator, a predator who could try to set up a face-to-face meeting. Law enforcement officials estimate that more than 50,000 sexual predators are online at any given moment... and that was in 2006!

3 Online Dangers Cyberbullying Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once. Only 1 in 10 victims will inform a parent or trusted adult about their abuse. “Cyberbullying” is defined as a young person tormenting, threatening, harassing, or embarrassing another young person using the Internet

4 Online Dangers School Shootings Violence Gang Activity Bullies Identity Theft

5 The internet is a great thing. It’s a part of your children’s social lives - and that isn’t going to change. Parents must realize that there are dangers online and remain alert to what their child is doing. SafeTracker allows you to monitor your child’s internet use and much, much more so you’ll be certain that they are safe at all times.

6 It's an unfortunate but true fact. The Internet is quickly becoming a powerful tool for criminals to attack and exploit children. One technique sexual predators use is to pretend to be an interested friend in chat rooms until they develop a relationship with your child. Then the predator requests personal information such as your child's phone number and address. The results are often too scary to imagine. Don't let your teenager become a statistic! It's Time You Take Control of Your Children's Online Safety by using SafeTracker!

7 Easy to Download and Install SafeTracker is the Solution you have been waiting for! Undetectable on devices. Sends information to a secure data center where only you can access it. Provides you with history of internet use, including over 20 different tools to keep your kid safe! See texts, GPS location, call logs, emails, you can even turn texting OFF if their driving!!! Much, much more!



10 SafeTracker Facts SafeTracker is a subscription service. Was designed by a police officer to protect his own child. Now it’s available for everyone. 2 Devices - $14.99 per month with a $20 one-time set-up fee. 3-5 Devices - $19.99 per month with a $20 one-time set-up fee. Is very easy to install - even for “tech” challenged parents. Has free online USA support if needed. You can access the parental area from any computer, tablet, or phone, that has internet access and see what your child is doing at any time without being detected.

11 How you can help parents protect their children online and get paid to do it. Tell others about SafeTracker and we’ll reward you. For every person you sign up, you will receive $7.00 of the $14.99 from the monthly subscription paid by the customer. For example: If your efforts cause 1000 people to subscribe to SafeTracker, you will receive $7,000 PER MONTH from us. As long as they remain customers, you receive a monthy income!!! #1 - PERSONAL SALES NOTE: THESE NUMBERS ARE ASSUMING THAT THE CUSTOMER IS GETTING THE (2 DEVICE PLAN) if they get the (3-5 DEVICE PLAN) --- DOUBLE THE INCOME YOU ARE SEEING IN THESE EXAMPLES !!!!!!!!

12 How Do we Do this?? Very Simple!!!! Gather Your family and friends!!! Tell Them About SafeTracker. Does any of your Family Or Friends need Extra Money? Sure they do!!!! Soooo what are you waiting for? GO GETUM!!!!!

13 How you can help parents protect their children online and get paid to do it. Work with businesses and organizations such as schools, chuches, and service groups. The organization receives $5.00 of the monthly subscription paid by the customer and you get $2.00 of the $14.99 per month. For example: If the organizations efforts cause 1000 people to subscribe to SafeTracker, you will receive $2,000 PER MONTH from us and the organization receives $5,000 per month. Again, double this if the (3-5 device) plan is purchased by the customer. #2 - ORGANIZATIONAL SALES

14 How you can help parents protect their children online and get paid to do it. If you sign up representatives and help us spread the word about SafeTracker, we will pay you $2.00, per month, for each rep you bring into the company -- and $2.00 for anyone that THOSE reps bring in as well, and so on. Let’s take a look at how this works in more detail #3 - Recruit Representatives

15 The SafeTracker Compensation Plan (Building Social Circles) To create your First “Social Circle,” you'll sign up 5 reps. These 5 representatives are called your “Inner Circle” because these people will be working closely with you as the company grows. For every rep you sign up, we will pay you a commission of $2.00 per month. So once you complete your “inner circle,” you will start receiving ($2.00 x 5 reps) or $10 per month. That doesn’t sound like much, but... Your first Social Circle

16 When you create your Inner Circle and they go forward and do the same, you are creating a ripple effect of commission profits which will grow exponentially.

17 How your income grows as the ripple effect takes place To create your 2nd Social Circle, you’ll help your first 5 reps create their own inner Circles. Each one of them will bring in 5 new reps and you will now have 25 reps in your Second Social Circle. Now you’ll begin to receive $50.00 commission per month for those new reps. Still not impressed? Watch what happens as each Social Circle gets filled! $2 per rep x 25 reps, or $50.00.

18 The SafeTracker Compensation Plan (Building Social Circles) Third Circle Completed = 125 reps x $2.00, or $250 per month Fourth Circle Completed = 625 reps x $2.00, or $1,250 per month Fifth Circle Completed = 3,125 reps x $2.00, or $6,250 per month or $6,250 per month And there are FOUR more levels after this !!!

19 Keep this in mind. Bringing in reps is a THIRD form of income and is IN ADDITION to your PERSONAL and ORGANIZATIONAL Sales income! This means you CAN make money without bringing in a single rep, BUT, I think you can see that the residual income from Building Social Circles around you is the best way to GROW SafeTracker as a company which insures a great future for yourself and your family. Even after you are gone, your estate will receive your earnings monthly. Work hard now and you WILL have a great income, now and in the future.


21 This is one very exciting part of the SafeTracker program that could send your earnings skyward! Introducing the St. Vincent Program! How about a FOURTH way to make an income with SafeTracker?

22 How The St. Vincent Program Works How The St. Vincent Program Works Within 24 hours ALL Moms that subscribe to Safetracker will get an email telling them how they can get SafeTracker FREE FOR LIFE by referring only 3 of their family or friends. Every customer has a tracking link that they send or share which gives them credit for the referral! Of course these links are directly connected to YOU! Now let's see the magic there!!!

23 The St. Vincent Program EXTRA INCOME FROM THE ST. VINCENT PROGRAM If the “chain reaction” on ONE $7.00 SALE goes seven levels 3 = $21.00 per month 9 = $63.00 per month 27 = $189.00 per month 81 = $567.00 per month 243 = $1,701.00 per month 729 = $5,105.00 per month 2,187 = $15,309.00 per month THIS IS IN ADDITION TO INCOME FROM PERSONAL SALES, ORGANIZATIONAL SALES, AND SOCIAL CIRCLES Note: These numbers are for Personal Sales of the $14.99 product. If from an Organizational Sale, you and the organization split the profits as usual

24 Recap: SafeTracker's 4 Revenue Streams

25 SafeTracker, finally a way to keep your child safe online Our Team’s Website Website for General Public Website for Organizations

26 Property Of SafeTracker LLC. Artistic Creation Mike McCracken Producer In Charge Kara Goff Opportunity Meeting Host Angie Daniels 2015 SafeTracker LLC. All Rights Reserved © Item 2015.1.23-0002

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