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ISM 4930 Section 601 Web Based Java Applications
ISM 4930 Section 691 Web Based Java Applications
ISM 4234 Section 002 Object-Oriented Design/Development (Java)
4 Today’s Class Student Orientation/Course Administration –Welcome and Introduction –Attendance –Course Goals –Review of Syllabus –Class Structure –Expectations Q and A Review of Prerequisite Knowledge – Quiz (not graded) Lecture Topic: Concepts, Definitions and Examples Lab – Using Forte and First Java Program
5 Introduction Dr Alison Watkins Coquina 227 St Petersburg (727) 553 - 1086
7 Office Hours Wednesday 10 -11 am Thursday 4 – 6 pm Friday (at Tampa) 4 – 5 pm
8 Prerequisite to this course: ISM 3232 with grade C or better
9 Attendance: MANDATORY … and will be taken at each class
10 Course Description Hands on experience with Java programming language and Java Server Pages Object-oriented programming Programming assignments
11 Course Goals To be able to write concise Java programs that compile and execute correctly and solve interesting problems. To understand and be able to implement Java Server Pages
12 The Skills You will Acquire in this Course Write programs in Java Understand the difference between object oriented and procedural programming. Problem solving skills Efficient program design Java Server Pages
13 Blackboard Site: Or Students are responsible for monitoring this site on a regular basis.
14 Text: Required: –H.M.Deitel and P.J. Deitel, Java, How To Program, Fourth Edition, Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 0-13-0345151-7 –Faulkner et al. Beginning JSP Web Development, Wrox. ISBN: 1-861002-09- 2
15 Hardware and Software Using IDE Forte for Java Available in Labs May want to install on own computer (see hardware requirements) Two versions of Forte –2.0 available with textbook –3.0 download free from
16 Supplies IBM compatible diskettes for use in class and for programming projects Four binders for your documentation packages to accompany programming projects
17 Course Grading Mid-Term20% Final20% Programming Projects30% Quizzes/Assignments20% Participation10%
18 Exam Dates Mid-Term: –Week of February 20, 2002 Final: –Week of April 29, 2002
19 Quizzes Four are scheduled during semester What is the date of the first quiz? May be other Surprise quizzes as needed Can not be made up First quiz today! (not graded) Most quizzes on vocabulary from reading
20 Assignments Assignments are short programs or activities. They must be turned in. First assignment is due tomorrow What are the first two assignments? Programming requires time and effort!
21 Programming Projects 30% of final grade Four projects due over course When is the first project due? No late projects accepted Requires extensive programming …and time management skills.
22 Participation Class participation is graded: –willingness to engage in discussion topic; – answering questions when called upon or invited; –asking questions; –active participation in: the discussion board, group work in-class assignments. –Attendance will be taken into consideration when calculating participation grade
23 Grading System A94+ A-90 – 93 B+87 – 89 B83 – 86 B-80 – 83 C+77 – 79 C73 – 76 C-70 – 72 D+67 – 69 D63 – 66 D-60 – 62 F59 and below Students who enter USF under the 2001- 2002, or later, catalog are required to earn a grade of C-, or better, in every core course and an overall GPA of 2.0 for all core classes.
Making Up Missed Work Make-ups will only be allowed in cases of documented illness, family crisis or work-related emergencies. To qualify students must notify Dr. Watkins prior to schedule due date.
25 Incomplete Grade Policy See catalog page 41, USF Policy
Are Notes or tapes permitted for purposes of sale? NO
27 Religious Preference Absence Policy Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observation of major religious observation must provide advance notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing.
28 Date after which uncollected exams and papers will no longer be kept by instructor: May 4, 2003.
29 Academic Dishonesty Policy See page 44 of the 2000-2001 Undergraduate Catalog. In addition every student is required to do his/her own work. Every project submitted must include a signed statement that the project is solely the work of the person submitting the project. Anyone who copies another person’s program will receive an “F” grade in the course. Anyone who allows their work to be copied will receive an “F” grade in the course.
30 Mutual Support Working with other students is encouraged, but –each project must be designed and written by the individual student submitting it
31 Programming Problem? Suggestions working solo: Reread the appropriate parts of the text and review any lecture slides or notes taken or given in class. Read the appropriate sections of the relevant Java on-line documentation and help. Review the example programs that demonstrate language features. Experiment with corresponding but simpler feature Use the built in tools of the IDE (i.e. debugger, set breakpoints, watch window, etc.).
32 Programming Problem? Suggestions for help: Use the discussion list either to post a problem, see if someone has had a similar problem or respond with a solution to a problem someone else has posted. Consult with others in the class, or someone who knows Java. Email Dr Watkins Visit Dr. Watkins during office hours, make an appointment or just stop by.
33 Discussion Board Within Blackboard. Questions about assignments and projects, Forte or Java language feature. Other students should provide answers. Try to solve problem solo before posting. Read other postings before you post. Extra credit for those giving assistance.
34 More on Discussion Board Restrict discussion to Java/Forte Try to solve problem yourself before posting Do not post your program or substantial amount.
35 Good Programming Practice Remember those skills from previous programming courses. Indentation is important Specific Java conventions at at C.doc.html C.doc.html
36 Classroom Etiquette Please give your full attention to speaker, whether professor or classmate; Feel free to ask questions relevant to material being covered. Please be prompt to class and plan to spend the entire allotted time on the subject matter; Out of courtesy to you professor and classmates, please turn off phones during class
37 Readings Always read prior to class. Read handouts before text. Do not expect to understand all material in text on first read. Suggestions when reading text: –Read chapter summaries at end of each chapter first. –Then go back and review these concepts in the program examples.
38 Disclaimer Deviations will be made when necessary
39 Tentative Syllabus Can change during semester Check Frequently Notify if incomplete or incorrect
40 Class Structure Lecture Team Work – occasional Short break Lab Work Plan on staying for the entire class time
41 Q and A When should you use the discussion board? Readings should be done? –A. Before class –B. After class –C. Never –D. A and B Any other questions?
42 Quiz on Prerequisite Knowledge Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Review any material you do not remember. Seek help …
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