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The “Nothing is Obvious Story” Imagine a young boy in the Amazon jungles. This boy has always lived in the jungle without any modern conveniences. He.

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3 The “Nothing is Obvious Story” Imagine a young boy in the Amazon jungles. This boy has always lived in the jungle without any modern conveniences. He has never been in a city; he has never seen a television nor seen a book. Now imagine that for some unknown reason this young boy travels to Colorado in the Winter time. The little boy stands in a yard somewhere and watches the snow with bewilderment. He is astonished; he does not understand what is falling from the sky. Another little boy, about the same age, from Colorado, looks at the boy's behavior. The Colorado boy is confused, why is the boy acting so odd? Obviously it is snowing, so what is the big deal?

4 Corn Flakes & Iced Tea Most Americans consider it "obvious" that cold milk is poured on corn flakes. However, in Europe, everybody knows you put warm milk on your cereal. Most Europeans consider it "obvious" that Tea is to be served warm, preferably hot. They are completely baffled when Texans actually put ICE in their Tea.


6 The Exposure Equation Bewilderment + Exposure = Obvious

7 Exposure in Extracurricular Activities Drill team performance Half-time band show Football Team blocking Basketball free throws Baseball batting

8 The Curious Exposure Discrepancy Students recognize that only continuous practice will result in a good showing at a brief performance or brief competition Many of the same students barely read or practice a topic once for an academic subject. It appears that preparation for a known, short performance requires practice, but preparation for life receives only minimal effort from many students.


10 Roller Coaster Emotions The majority of computer science assignments work or they do not work. This causes considerable emotions with most beginning students. Many students get very excited when a program works, and very depressed when many hours of effort result in nothing. Accept the fact that a computer is not intelligent and requires 100% correct information. Do not become angry with the computer, nor with yourself. Determine the discrepancy (small we always hope) and try again.


12 Learning Computer Science Read the assigned textbook pages before the lecture. Read the material again after the lecture. Listen closely to the lecture.Play with the computer. If program examples are used at your computer, make sure that you are at the same place as the lecture. Make sure that you get clarification in any area that is confusing before you take a test. Read lab assignments before arriving for a scheduled lab. Pay particularly close attention when a test is returned Ask questions, if you are confused with a lecture or lab. Please realize that cramming does not work with computer science!


14 Excessive Help Positive Help Kind of help a student gets to understand the required concepts, so that the student learns to do the assignment Excessive Help Kind of help a student uses to complete an assignment without learning the required concepts.

15 Excessive Help Catches Up: Lab Exercises Computer Lab Programming Tests Class quizzes Multiple Choice Tests


17 The Abacus 3000 B.C. The Abacus was originally invented in the Middle Eastern area. This rather amazing computing device is still very much used in many Asian countries today.

18 Napier's "Bones" 1617 A.D. John Napier used some bones marked with special scales to simplify arithmetic by using addition for multiplication.

19 The Slide Rule 1622 William Oughtred created the slide rule. This device allows sophisticated mathematical calculations, which was widely in use until around 1970.

20 Numerical Calculating Machine 1642 Blaise Pascal built the first numerical calculating machine. This device works similar to the old car odometers and could perform addition and subtraction.

21 Joseph Jacquard invented flexible cards that are punched with information in such a manner that it is possible to program how cloth will be weaved. It was one of the first examples of programming. Jacquard's Loom 1805

22 Analytical Engine 1833 Charles Babbage invented a machine that can read instructions from a sequence of punched cards. This became the first general purpose computing machine.

23 Programming 1842 Countess Ada Lovelace was Charles Babbage’s assistant. She designed programs that work for Babbage's analytical machine. Some concepts in today’s modern languages are based her ideas. Today a programming language is named after Ada.

24 Tabulating Machine 1884 Herman Hollerith invented a tabulating machine that records statistics for the U.S. Bureau of census. Hollerith started a tabulating company, which after various name changes eventually became International Business Machines (IBM).

25 ABC 1940 The first electronic digital computer was invented by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State University.

26 Colossus 1941-1944 This computer is developed in England in various stages and helps to decrypt the secret code message of German communication during Word War II.

27 Mark I 1944 This relay-based computer was developed by Harvard University and IBM. Grace Hopper, then a Navy Lieutenant, becomes the first programmer of the Mark I.

28 ENIAC 1946 The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) is the first functionally useful fully- electronic computer. The computer is two stories tall, weighs 80 tons, contains 19,000 vacuum tubes, and is programmed by walking inside the computer.

29 Mark II 1947 A technician found and removed moth from one of its relays. This was the first computer bug. The actual moth is currently on display at the San Diego Computer Museum.

30 UNIVAC I 1951 The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer) was the world’s first commercially available computer. The computer became famous when it correctly predicted the results of the 1952 presidential election.

31 Integrated Circuit 1958 Jack Kilby, of Texas Instruments, in Richardson, Texas invented the planar transistor, which allows creation of integrated circuits and later micro chips. This invention is a turning point between the monstrously huge and expensive computers of the past, and the much smaller and cheaper modern computers of today.

32 Video Games 1958/1962 The first video game was called Tennis for Two. It was created by William Higinbotham and played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope. Since this game did not use an actual computer monitor, some give credit for the first video game to SpaceWar! written by Stephen Russell at MIT in 1962.

33 Altair 1975 Altair became the first personal computer. It is created by Ed Roberts and Bill Yates. The computer was priced at $397.00 and had storage for 256 bytes.

34 Apple II 1977 The Apple Computer Company was created and introduced the Apple II personal Computer. It became the first commercially successful personal computer.

35 VisiCalc 1979 Dan Bricklin created VisiCalc, a spreadsheet program, which became the first wide spread software to be sold.

36 WordStar 1979 MicroPro releases WordStar, which became the most popular word processing software program.

37 IBM PC 1981 IBM's entry into the personal computer market gave the personal computer a serious image as a true business computer and not some sophisticated electronic game playing machine.

38 MS-DOS 1981 Microsoft, an unknown little company run by Bill Gates, agreed to create the operating system for the IBM Personal Computer and became a company larger than IBM.

39 Compaq Portable 1982 The Compaq Portable is known for two things. It was the first portable computer. By today’s standards it was nothing like a modern laptop. The 28 pound computer was the size of a small suitcase. Compaq was also the first computer to be 100% compatible with an IBM PC.

40 The Macintosh 1984 The "Mac" was the first commercially successful computer with the mouse/windows technology. The mouse technology was already developed earlier by Xerox Corporation.


42 Three Ways Where Computers Beat People Computers are faster. Computers are more accurate. Computers do not forget.


44 A ▀ ▀▀▀short - long B ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀long - short - short - short C ▀▀▀ ▀ long - short - long - short D ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀long - short - short E ▀short First Five Letters In Morse code


46 Electronic Memory offonoff on 01000001

47 0-31 in Bases 10 & 2 Base 10Base-2Base 10Base-2 001610000 111710001 2101810010 3111910011 41002010100 51012110101 61102210110 71112310111 810002411000 910012511001 1010102611010 1110112711011 1211002811100 1311012911101 1411103011110 1511113111111

48 Three Combinations of 8 Light Bulbs 01000001 01000001 (base-2) = 65 (base 10) or char A 01000010 01000010 (base-2) = 66 (base 10) or char B 01000011 01000011 (base-2) = 67 (base 10) or char C

49 Bits, Bytes & Codes Bit is a Binary digit that is either 0 (off) or 1 (on). 1 Nibble = 4 bits 1 Byte = 8 bits. 1 Byte has 256 different numerical combinations. 2 Bytes has 65,536 different numerical combinations. ASCII uses one byte to store one character. Unicode uses two bytes to store one character.


51 Motherboard & Computers Chips motherboard The main board with all the primary computer components. Has several computer chips attached: Read Only Memory (ROM) This chip stores permanent information for the computer. Random Access Memory (RAM) This chip stores temporary information for the computer. Central Processing Unit (CPU) This chip is the “brains” of the computer.

52 Measuring Memory Note: Technically, a kilobyte is exactly 2 10 or 1024 bytes. KBKilo Byte1 thousand bytes MBMega Byte1 million bytes GBGiga Byte1 billion bytes TBTera Byte1 trillion bytes PBPeta Byte1 quadrillion bytes EBExa Byte1 quintillion bytes

53 Secondary Storage Devices Since RAM is lost when the computer is turned off, files must be saved to some secondary storage device for later use.


55 Program Definition A program is a sequence of instructions that makes a computer perform a desired task. A programmer is a person who writes a program for a computer.

56 Programming in Machine Code Programming the first computers was an unbelievably difficult task. Individual vacuum tubes had to be switched on or off. Instructions were sequenced by physically plugging wires from one computer memory segment to another. Later computers allowed tape and cards to be used for program input. Still, thousands of 1s and 0s that had to be entered. Mistakes were very easily made, and very difficult to detect.

57 Programming in Assembly Language Every CPU instruction has a mnemonic name. For instance, mov AX,1234 is the instruction to place the value 1234 into the AX register. Uses hexadecimal (base-16) numbers rather than binary (base-2) numbers. There exists a unique relationship between base-2 and base-16 numbers. An assembler is used to translate the mnemonic commands into machine code.


59 Interpreters & Compilers Grace Hopper, a Navy lieutenant, was largely instrumental for developing translating programs that allow programming in a human-style language. Two types of translating programs were created: An interpreter translates a program one line at a time during execution. A compiler translates the entire program into a machine code file and then executes the file. The majority of today’s program languages use compilers for translators. Java, oddly enough, is both a compiled and an interpretive language. How this is possible will be explained soon.

60 High-Level Language Languages that are closer to human languages. Examples: BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/1, C, C++, Java Low-Level Language Languages that are very close to binary code. Examples: Machine Code and Assembly Language A translator (interpreter or compiler) translates a High-level language into a Low-Level language. Types of Languages

61 The first successful programming language -- released in 1956. FORTRAN stands for FORmula TRANslation Designed for the mathematics and scientific community. It could not handle the record processing required for the business world. FORTRAN

62 Created in 1960 (largely by Grace Hopper) for the business community and the armed forces. COBOL stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language. COBOL became extremely successful when the Department of Defense adopted COBOL as its official programming language. COBOL

63 PL/1 stands for Programming Language 1 It tried to be a language for everybody by combining all of the Math features of FORTRAN with all of the business features of COBOL. The result was an extremely cumbersome language that never gained much popularity. PL/1

64 BASIC stands for Beginner All-purpose Symbolic Instructional Code Was designed for beginning college students. BASIC became the first popular program language for personal computers in the 1970s. BASIC required little memory, and it was the only language that could initially be handled by the first micro computers. BASIC

65 Pascal was named after Blaise Pascal (the same guy who created Pascal’s Triangle). In the late seventies, early eighties, Pascal took a strong hold in the educational community. Pascal was developed by Niklaus Wirth, specifically for the purpose of teaching proper computer science programming techniques. For many years Pascal was the language taught in APCS1 & APCS2. Pascal

66 The UNIX operating system was developed at the Bell laboratories and was written in several languages including BCPL or just plain B. A later version of the language was called C. A new era with a powerful programming technique was born called Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Bjarne Stroustrup combined the popularity of the existing C language with the demands for OOP and developed C++. C and C++

67 Released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. Java is a Platform Independent Language. Platform Independent means that the language does not cause problems as programs are transported between different hardware and software platforms. Unlike C++, Java required you to use OOP which caused many universities to adopt it. This caused Java to be the official language for the APCS Exam starting in the 2003-2004 school year. Java

68 A new kind of programming has come about that is very high-level. In this style of programming, the programmers can click on different blocks. Each block performs a different task. By creating a sequence of these blocks, you can program a computer. In 1998, the Lego Corporation created their first point-and- click language for use with their Lego Mindstorms robots. In 2006, they released their next language, and decided to call it NXT. In 2009, NXT 2.1 was released. Lego Mindstorms NXT

69 During this school year, we will use a combination of Java and NXT 2.1 with the main focus being on Java. What We Use


71 Early personal computers were not networked at all. Every computer was a stand-alone computer. Some computers were hooked up to printers and many others were not. If you needed to print something, and you were not directly connected to a printer, you saved your work to a floppy disk, put on your sneakers, and walked to the printing computer. Sharing files was done in the same way. SneakerNet

72 The first practical networks for personal computers were peer-to-peer networks. These are small groups of computers with a common purpose all connected to each other. These types of networks were frequently called Local Area Networks or LANs. Initially, the networks were true peer-to-peer networks. This means that every computer on the network was equal. Peer-To-Peer Networks

73 A server is a specialty computer that is connected to the LAN for one or more purposes. It services the other computers in the network which are called clients. Servers can be used for printing, logon authentications, permanent data storage and communication. Client-Server Networks

74 The Internet has existed since the 1960s and has its origins in the "Cold War.“ During the Cold War there was a major concern about the country being paralyzed by a direct nuclear hit on the Pentagon. A means of communication had to be created that was capable to keep working regardless of damage created anywhere. This was the birth of the Internet. The Internet has no central location where all the control computers are located. Any part of the Internet can be damaged and all information will then travel around the damaged area. The Department of Defense

75 Normally, businesses and schools have a series of LANs that all connect into a large network called an Intranet. An Intranet behaves like the Internet on a local business level. This promotes security, speed and saves cost. Now the moment a school, a business, your home, wants to be connected to the outside world and giant world-wide network known as the Internet, you have access to millions of lines of telecommunications. This will cost money and every person, every school, every business, who wants this access needs to use an Internet Service Provider or ISP. You pay a monthly fee to the ISP for the Internet connection. The amount of money you pay depends on the speed of your Internet connection. The Modern Internet


77 Hardware refers to physical pieces of computer equipment. This included the main computer system unit, as well as all of the peripherals (things that plug into the computer.) Hardware

78 Software provides instructions to a computer. The most important aspect of this course is to learn how to give correct and logical instructions to a computer with the help of a programming language. Software falls into two categories: System Software Application Software. Operating Systems like Windows and Linux are examples of System Software. Applications software runs an application on a computer. Examples of Application Software are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Video Games, and the very programs that you will write in this course. Software

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