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LONGER SCHOOL DAY PARAMETERS & PLANNING TEMPLATE Longer School Day Design Parameters and Planning Template Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:30 – 10:30 AM.

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Presentation on theme: "LONGER SCHOOL DAY PARAMETERS & PLANNING TEMPLATE Longer School Day Design Parameters and Planning Template Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:30 – 10:30 AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 LONGER SCHOOL DAY PARAMETERS & PLANNING TEMPLATE Longer School Day Design Parameters and Planning Template Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:30 – 10:30 AM

2 Logistics  Please note that today’s call is about the Longer School Day design parameters and planning template ONLY.  All other Longer Day questions can be addressed by networks  Schools can also contact Sundar Chari (  Please note that there will be other webinars, including on programming strategies, and with Pioneer schools, held later this month and in January  All scheduled webinars will be shared via the CEDO newsletter  For this call, it may be helpful to have the planning template  Schools should have received this from their networks  If you don’t have one, please go to:  This webinar (and all webinars) will be recorded and a link will be available at the website above 2

3 Why a Longer School Day? 32011 National Center on Time & Learning 3 We’re all here because we want to ensure all of our students graduate college and career ready… …sadly, we’re currently far from achieving that goal… …a Longer School Day can help us get closer to the goal, but only if we truly take advantage of the opportunity

4 4 With a Longer School Day, we can give students the time they need Deepen knowledge of Broaden Provide student with individualized (For high schools) Increase subjects, including physical education, art, music, etc. so every students receive the support they need when they need it opportunities A Longer School Day gives students the time to: especially as we implement more rigorous Common Core standards

5 Today’s Agenda  Design Parameters and Common Questions  Planning Process  Planning Template  Resources & Questions 5

6 Elementary School parameters:  Students will be in school for 7.5 hours and receive 6.5 hours of instruction (Increase of 1hr 45mins to the school day and 1hr 30mins for instruction)  Students will receive a 45-minute recess/lunch period  Teachers will receive a 45-minute duty-free lunch  Teachers will receive a 60-minute prep period (One of five preps per week will be principal-directed teacher collaboration) Within these parameters, schools will have the flexibility to redesign their day to meet the unique needs of their student body, with input from the community, parents, students, and school staff Schools will have freedom to redesign their day for their specific student body 6 Please also note that while this is the district’s plan, it is subject to final approval by the Board of Education.

7 Additional Information Regarding Longer School Day Guidelines 7  What are guidelines for preschool and kindergarten? o Full-day programs should follow the elementary school guidelines. o Half-day programs will run 3-hrs/ day Monday-Friday. o 4-hour programs will remain unchanged for students. o Elementary school guidelines will apply to teachers in all 3 programs  Are there minimum requirements for subjects? o Although there are no set requirements for schools, the Chief Instruction Office has created a set of recommendations to help networks in their review of Longer School Day plans.  Can schools have flexibility about the 60-minute prep periods? o At this point, schools should plan on providing all teachers with 60-minute prep periods each day  Can schools have flexibility about the 45-minute lunch / recess time for students? o While research supports the benefits of a full recess prior to lunch, schools do have the flexibility to provide recess and lunch at different times. Note that this may require staffing flexibility.

8 Additional Information Regarding the Longer School Day 8  How will a Full School Day impact afterschool activities, including sports, internships, and jobs? o Afterschool activities will likely need to occur at a later time. While each school will work to adjust their specific afterschool schedules, the district will work with relevant parties to facilitate the transition.  Will IEPs need to be revised? o Yes. A new grid for IEP revisions is expected to be ready in SSM by early March. IEP revisions will be based on the initial draft plan.  How does this impact students who receive bus transportation? o Students who receive bus transportation will continue to receive transportation.  How will planning for the Longer School Day impact SIPAAA planning? o We are coordinating with the team developing the SIPAAA to align the work of filling out the Longer School Day planning template with the SIPAAA. Guidance on SIPAAA is expected by late January / early February.  Will schools receive sample schedules? o Yes, we are working with the scheduling department to provide sample schedules, including sample schedules of the Pioneer schools.

9 Additional Important Information that the District will Provide Further Guidance on  Budget and staffing parameters  Guidelines for providing recess  Start and end times  Scheduling flexibility (i.e. banking minutes)  School year calendar 9

10 Today’s Agenda  Design Parameters and Common Questions  Planning Process  Planning Template  Resources & Questions 10

11 11 Overview of School Role and Support  Over the course of this year, schools will be asked to:  Redesign the school day to meet the needs of their student body  Engage teachers, parents, students, and communities in planning and implementing the redesigned Full Day  To ensure schools are not overwhelmed by the process, the process has been divided into 5 distinct phases  Schools will receive several supports at each phase, i.e.,  Ongoing training from their Chiefs of Schools  Templates, tools, and other resources  Access to best practice examples from Chicago and across the nation 11

12 Step 1: Convene the Full School Day planning team Step 2: Create ideal student schedules Step 3: Create a DRAFT master schedule Step 4: Refine the plan to maximize time Step 5: Create a FINAL plan Nov Dec Jan Feb-Mar Apr-May 5 phases of school planning 12 INITIAL PLAN DUE TO NETWORKS FEBRUARY 10th FINAL PLAN DUE TO NETWORKS MAY 25th

13 District supports for schools  Ongoing Principal trainings  Created by the National Center for Time & Learning  Delivered by Chiefs and network staff  Principal webinars  Series of webinars for networks and schools to utilize  Webinars include:  Review of tools and templates  Discussions with best practice Extended Learning Time school leaders  Other topics to be determined (e.g. special education, etc.)  Announced on weekly CEDO updates  Resources  Resources include:  Full school day planning template  Programming strategies booklet  Communication toolkits (one for Fall, Winter, and Spring)  Resources available to Principals via SHAREPOINT ( )  Scheduling support  Access to expert schedulers 13

14 Today’s Agenda  Design Parameters and Common Questions  Planning Process  Planning Template  Resources & Questions 14

15 School redesign steps Overview of how these schools redesigned their school day 15 Building blocks of school redesign Student needs School-wide focus Programming strategies Sample student schedules Grade-level schedules School-wide schedule

16 Planning Template  The purpose of the planning template is: o Support the longer school day planning process o Allow your network to quickly understand, provide feedback on, and support implementation of the plan o Help central office identify and address issues to facilitate implementation  Sections of the planning template o I. Staff, Community, & Family Engagement o II. Longer School Day Goals and Strategy o III. Schedules o IV. Resources o V. Central Office Coordination 16

17 Planning Template - Introduction New Deadline: February 10th 17

18 Planning Template – Section I 18

19 Planning Template – Section II  Many schools are already engaged in the goal setting process – these can be the same goals  The goals should help schools think through what their school-wide focus should be 19

20 Planning Template – Section II (cont.) 20

21 Planning Template – Section II (cont.) 21

22 Planning Template – Section III 22

23 Planning Template – Section III (cont.) 23

24 Planning Template – Section III (cont.) 24

25 Planning Template – Section IV 25

26 Planning Template – Section V 26

27 Planning Template – Section V (cont.) 27

28 Today’s Agenda  Design Parameters and Common Questions  Planning Process  Planning Template  Resources & Questions 28

29 Resources  The following resources will all be located at:  Planning template  Recording of this webinar  Answers to questions posted during the webinar (these will also be emailed to participants) 29 Questions regarding planning template Contact Sundar Chari ( or 773-553-2330) Questions regarding planning template Contact Sundar Chari ( or 773-553-2330)

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