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ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel Update and ABDW #49  ECLOUD`10 Mark Palmer Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel Update and ABDW #49  ECLOUD`10 Mark Palmer Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel Update and ABDW #49  ECLOUD`10 Mark Palmer Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics

2 2 ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel  ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel belongs to the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA).  It has 22 members from accelerator laboratories and universities around the world.  Its mission is: “To encourage and promote international collaboration on beam dynamics studies for present and future accelerators”  Its activities include:  Publication of the ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter (3 issues per year)  Organization of ICFA Workshops (several series)  Organization of Linear Collider Schools (annually, in collaboration with the ILC GDE and CLIC)  Maintenance of accelerator data bases  Joint activities with other panels and international committees (e.g. ICUIL)

3 3

4 4 ICFA Workshops  There are two types of ICFA workshops:  ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop (ABDW)  ICFA Mini-Workshop  The ICFA ABDW  Is a full size workshop (100 participants or more)  Needs ICFA’s approval  Is open to public  Must publish formal proceedings via JACoW (effective after 2006)  The ICFA Mini-Workshop is more flexible, only needs the Beam Dynamics Panel’s approval, can be by invitation only, and is not required to publish proceedings.

5 5 ICFA Workshop Proceedings Published on JACoW

6 6 ICFA ABDW Series  There are several series of ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshops:  High Intensity Hadron Beams (HB series)  Future Light Sources (FLS series)  Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL series)  Electron Cloud Effects (Ecloud series)  High Brightness Electron Beams (HBEB series, in collaboration with the ICFA Advanced and Novel Accelerators Panel)  e+e- Factories (Factories series)  Each series has its own organizing committee. This makes the coordination of publication of the proceedings complicated.  Although in each workshop approval notice we asked the organizer to contact Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz for JACoW publication, some organizers did not take any action until after the workshop.  We are working with Christine trying to find a long-term solution for this problem.

7 May 27, 2010 JACoW Committee Meeting - IPAC 2010 7

8 ECLOUD10 Announcement May 27, 2010 JACoW Committee Meeting - IPAC 2010 8 49 th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Electron Cloud Physics: ECLOUD10 The 49 th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop will take place from October 8 to 12, 2010 at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. The development of the electron cloud (EC) in accelerator vacuum systems remains a significant issue for the operation of present and planned high intensity accelerators. The interaction of the electron cloud with the beam can lead to single and multi-bunch instabilities, emittance growth, and betatron tune shifts. The interaction of the cloud with the beam chambers can cause vacuum pressure to rise and can be a significant heat load on cryogenic surfaces. Finally the EC can interfere with accelerator system diagnostics. Over the past several years, an intense R&D effort has been underway to understand the physics of the EC and to investigate methods to mitigate the EC effects. The ECLOUD10 program will focus on: a review of EC observations at existing machines; experimental efforts to characterize the EC (including EC diagnostics, experimental techniques, characterization of mitigation methods, and characterization of beam instabilities and emittance growth); the status of EC physics models and simulation codes and their comparison to recently acquired experimental data; the mitigation requirements and potential performance limitations imposed by the EC on upgraded and future machines. In addition to the technical reports at the workshop, ECLOUD10 will present a set of introductory lectures for students and those new to the field on the opening day of the workshop. The meeting will be held at the Statler Hotel on the campus of Cornell University overlooking picturesque Cayuga Lake. We are looking forward to a gathering where we can enjoy the beautiful foliage as Fall begins in the Finger Lakes region. The workshop will include a tour of the facilities at Wilson Laboratory. Contact: ECLOUD10 Chair, Mark Palmer, Cornell University, USA,

9 Expectations Dates: Location: Emphasis: Attendance: Presentation Structure: (being finalized) Conference Management: Special Features : October 8-12 (Friday-Tuesday) Statler Hotel on the Cornell University Campus Progress on Electron Cloud R&D for high intensity lepton and hadron colliders (super B factories, LC damping rings, LHC upgrade,…) Targeting 80-100 researchers Talks presented strictly in plenary sessions (40-50) covering all areas of research. Will be selected by the program committee from submitted abstracts. Poster session for remaining presentations will last Sunday- Monday (planning for 60 posters) LEPP Indico Server Joint High School Teacher Workshop Tutorial Sessions on 1 st day for new researchers (HS teachers will be able to attend and interact with researchers) Public Lecture by Barry Barrish Satellite Meeting of ILC DR EC Working Group (Oct 13) May 27, 2010 JACoW Committee Meeting - IPAC 2010 9

10 Proceedings Individual paper for each talk and poster –Traditionally no page limits applied Oral presentations will be collected –Considering collecting posters –May include summary papers from working groups Paper deadlines –Under discussion –Have traditionally been collected after the workshop Standard JACoW proceedings and website to follow May-XX-2010 JACoW Committee Meeting - IPAC 2010 10

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