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NOVA Presentation for PhD students, Autumn 2015 Updated 12 Aug. 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "NOVA Presentation for PhD students, Autumn 2015 Updated 12 Aug. 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOVA Presentation for PhD students, Autumn 2015 Updated 12 Aug. 2015

2 WHAT IS NOVA? The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network (NOVA) is a university cooperation aimed at supporting the understanding of major global challenges in a Nordic context. Our main task is to initiate, administer, promote and financially support cooperation between the Nordic universities in postgraduate education. NOVA provides a platform for networking betweeen Nordic postgraduate students through facilitating high quality, international level education for postgraduate students. The courses are planned, run and taught by a group of leading Nordic teachers and researchers.

3 NOVA MEMBER INSTITUTIONS  University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, KU-HEALTH  University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, KU-SCIENCE  Aarhus University, Science and Technology, AU-ST  University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, HU-AF  University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, HU-V  University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences, UEF-F  The Agricultural University of Iceland, LBHI  The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU  The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU

4 Course ResponsibleNOVA PhD Courses Autumn 2015Dates Birgitta Åhman, SLUConnecting Science and Local Communities in Rangifer Research 10-15 Aug. Elise Norberg, AU‐STBiological Consequences of Selection17-21 Aug. Jun Zhou, SLUEmpirical Industrial Organization with Application to the Agri-Food Sector 17-21 Aug. Maibritt Hjorth, AU‐STEnvironmental Technology for Treatment and Management of the Bio-Waste Manure 24-29 Aug. Mogens L. Andersen, KU-SCIENCEFood Stability24-28 Aug. Igor Drobyshev, SLUNordic Vegetation under Changing ClimateSept. Göran Bostedt, SLUState of the Art in Payments for Environmental Services and Market-Based Instruments 5-9 Oct. Jukka Malinen, UEF-FDesign, Implementation and Analysis of Simulation Studies 19-23 Oct.

5 Course ResponsibleNOVA PhD Courses 2016Dates Søren K. Rasmussen, KU-SCIENCEGenomic Selection in Plant Breeding25-29 Jan. Pall Leifsson, KU-HEALTHPathology of Large Animal Disease Models25-29 Jan. Thomas Nord-Larsen, KU-SCIENCEApplied Statistical Modelling in Forest and Natural Resource Assessment and Planning 1-5 Feb. Leena Maunula, HU-VMolecular Methods for Detection of Food- and Waterborne Pathogens Mar. Elise Norberg, AU-STFeed Efficiency in Dairy Cattle2-8 Mar. Olav Fjeld Kraugerud, NMBUNovel Ingredients - Processed for Novel Nutrition4-8 Apr. Henrik Hjavard de Fine Licht, KU-SCIENCEChemical and Genomic Insight to Host-Microbe Symbiotic Interactions 16-20 May Terje Gobakken, NMBUDecision Oriented Data Acquisition Strategies for Analysis of Sustainable Forestry 23-27 May Jari Valkonen, HU-AFPlant-Associated Bacteria: Pathogens and Mutualists23-27 May Dirk Jan de Koning, SLUGenetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in Livestock7-11 Jun. Jim Rasmussen, AU-STSustainable Intensification of the Agricultural Production …20-25 Jun. Pekka Uimari, HU-AFQuantitative Genetics in Animal BreedingAug.

6 Course ResponsiblePhD Course Series: Biodiversity and Integrated Pest Management Dates Velemir Ninkovic, SLU2015: Biodiversity Based IPM in Field CropsBiodiversity Based IPM in Field Crops31 Aug. - 4 Sept. 2015 Heikki Hokkanen, HU‐AF2016: Pollinators within IPM Strategies for Agriculture 2016 Lars P. Kiær, KU‐SCIENCE2017: Stacking Biodiversity Benefits for Sustainable IPM 2017

7 More NOVA PhD courses can be scheduled for 2016. Information will be published on the NOVA website in November 2015 and spring 2016. Information on NOVA:   There is a local NOVA coordinator at your institution who can help you with questions on NOVA.

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