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WIGOS IMPLEMENTATION AT NATIONAL LEVEL IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE Daouda KONATE Directeur de la Météorologie Nationale CG-17 25 May – 12.

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Presentation on theme: "WIGOS IMPLEMENTATION AT NATIONAL LEVEL IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE Daouda KONATE Directeur de la Météorologie Nationale CG-17 25 May – 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIGOS IMPLEMENTATION AT NATIONAL LEVEL IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE Daouda KONATE Directeur de la Météorologie Nationale CG-17 25 May – 12 June 2015 Genève Switzerland

2 1. Introduction 2. National Observations Network 3. Implementatin activities 4. Conclusion

3 Current Network Type de stationsQte Automatic OR Manual Partners SYNOPTIC6AutomaticUniversity Felix Houphouët Boigny/NMS CLIMATOLOGICAL8AutomaticWASCAL project CLIMATOLOGICAL/AGROMETEO70AutomaticMinistry of Agriculture /NMS Projects 2015-2016

4               synoptic climatology WASCAL stations

5 Main partners domainsNumber of stations ASECNAAviation met1 AWS, 2 upper air CNRA (research)Agromet, rainfall27 agromet ANADER (national agency for the development of agriculture) agrometeorology100 farmers raingauges CRO (center of research in oceanography) oceanograghy9 topography level, 2 buoy, 1 maregraphy, 1 laboratory IHH (hydrology)hydrology173 hydrology station CIAPOL (center of pollution) air and water quality85 station for air and sea quality MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE agrometeorology1 sattellite reception

6              ◊ ◊ ♂ ♂  CMS ASECNA CNRA CRO

7 ACTIVITES MENEESSTATUS WIGOS/WIS focals points Focals points WIGOS and WIS designated Governance of WIGOS -WIGOS Team created in the NMS with an action plan - National Working Group (W-NWG) established -National Governance Structure (W-NGS) established Partners Identification 8 main partners(hydrology, agriculture, environment, océanography, aviation) have been identified and sensitized One form questionnaire information on the network is established and analyzed The focus points of the partner structures identified for W-NWG and W-NGS Other partners have been identified WMO Sub Regional workshop on WIGOS (november, 2014 –Abidjan) Development of the Regional Implementation Plan Training of national focal points

8 ActionsStatus Organization of the workshop to launch the national WIGOS Project (16 to 17 December 2014 with the support of WMO)  8 participation of key partners and a WMO expert  Each partner presented its network (difficulties, projects, challenges)  The launch of a consultation on the state of art of stations (MND -PNCC -GIZ) - Choosing a secondment consultant Implementation Plan for WIGOS Ivory Coast has been developed A 2015 work program was adopted for each group Strengthening of national Observations Network Acquisition of 8 (2014) Mercury barometer have been replaced by electronic barometer ( Minamata Agreement) Wind systems installed in all stations MoU with partners to strengthen the network (future) 8 stations will be install by WASCAL project 6 stations (by University)+ 80 stations (by Ministry of Agriculture) Reinforcement of Data base system Acquisition of CLIDATA system and et CLIMSOFT system (2015) 1st meeting of W-NWG (April 30th, 2015) Assessment of the implementation plan Interministerial legal Act have been elaborated for WIGOS project The data based of the 8 main partners have been presented Implementation Budget Others partners identified

9 CIDT, IVOIRE COTON: partners with some stations in the cotton field University: in the University, the laboratories of atmosphere research have stations SAPH: industries in palm oil, National program of Climate change (PNCC) MoU Signed with the Maritime Port of Abidjan and maritime Port of San pedro

10 Natonal Wigos Budget Identification et sensitization of others partners Signing the Interministerial Act Hire the consultant for the state of the art of all the national network Standardization process of the network Interconnecting of all network (NMS – partners ) -OSCAR Assessment of the network (NMS+partners ) Linking WIGOS national with GFCS national


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