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CIO / DDC State Reporting Meeting June 10, 2015 1.

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1 CIO / DDC State Reporting Meeting June 10, 2015 1

2 Data Warehouse Deadlines June 3 – Submit final TSDL and Staff Assignment data to Level 0/Level 1, verifying linkage and duration, for teachers and principal State-provided growth score calculation. – Remember to have teacher’s sign off as accurate – Only Assessment (Evaluation) Records are used for growth calculations. Anything submitted after June 3 will not be used in calculations. June 12 – Electronic Certification of TSDL data, including SSC and Staff Assignment June 18 – Final data submission for LEP counts to be used for 15-16 Title III allocations June 25 – CC Algebra I Regents Exam Scores (Assessment Fact) loaded to Level 0/Level 1 to be used in 8 th grade State-provided growth score calculations. June 26 (new date) – Not Highly Qualified / Not Certified Teacher report corrections made and ePMF forms certified. 2

3 Data Warehouse Deadlines July 9 – Submission of all 2014-15 Regent Exam Scores and approved alternatives (including June 2015 scores) to be used in principal evaluations August 27 – Final Deadline for all 2014-15 data to Level 0/Level 1. – Including all SE End of Year Snapshot for VR’s 13, 15, and 16. – Including demo, enroll, program service for special ed data included in VR-s 11,12,13 – The window opens to begin to submit Staff Evaluation Ratings (HEDI) August 28 – APPR Implementation Certification form to be used to determine eligibility for 2015-16 State aid. Signed by Superintendent and Bd. Pres. 3

4 Data Warehouse Deadlines September 1 – 2014-15 APPR Evaluations to be completed and provided to teachers and principals September 4 – 2014-15 Statement of Certification for all 2014-15 school year data October 15 – Staff Evaluation Rating 20%, 20%, 60% and Overall Composite (HEDI) scores for teachers and principals October 23 – Certification of Staff Evaluation Rating data November 19 – August 2015 graduates to be considered 2014-15 graduates 4

5 Electronic Certification due June 12 1. Superintendent downloads the form and fills in the information 2. “Save” the completed form to the desktop. 3. Upload the saved form to the IRS Portal. 5

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7 2014-15 Not Highly Qualified / Not Certified Report The 2014-15 Not Highly Qualified / Not Certified Report is now posted to the IRS Portal. If you do not see a report on the portal, then your district did not have any teachers who were not highly qualified or teaching out of certification. If your district does have this report on the portal, your BEDS coordinator should review the report and make any corrections directly on the ePMF forms by Friday, June 26. 7

8 Corrections to HQ / NHQ 1.Once the administrator is signed in, an icon will be present at the bottom of the screen to “uncertify” all of the ePMF data. 1.Select the teacher form that requires a correction by clicking on the “PMF status”. 2.This will open the form so that it can be “Unsubmitted.” Administrators can then make edits as necessary and “Submit” the form to save the changes. 2.Once all ePMF forms have been updated and are in a “Submitted” status, the CEO can lock all forms by certifying once again in TAA. *For questions concerning this process, contact the Office of Information and Reporting Services at (518) 474-7965 or email 8

9 Staff Data Collections I.Staff Snapshot II.Staff Assignment III.Staff Student Course IV.Staff Tenure (new for 2014-15) V.Staff Evaluation Ratings VI.Staff Attendance (new for 2015-16) Presented by Margarita Pieri 9

10 I. Staff Snapshot August 27, 2015 Submit new template fields such as “salary” and “years in district” for original staff snapshot staff Submit non-teaching professionals (pink BEDS forms) 10

11 II. Staff Assignment August 27, 2015 Load ePMF (BEDS assignment codes) for all Non- Teaching professionals (pink BEDS forms) 11

12 IV. Staff Tenure – August 27 2014-15 School Year 1.Tenure Area Code 2.Tenure Status Code 3.Effective Date -N ot the board meeting date, but the date the tenure is effective. 2015-16 School Year – more specific tenure area codes will be used. Click on link below 12

13 CC Algebra Regents for 8 th Graders Assessment Fact is due to Level 1 by June 25 Regents is administered Wednesday June 17 at 1:15 First load possible is Thursday June 18 by 2:30 – L2RPT will be refreshed Monday June 22 for review NYSED has allowed one additional load on Tuesday, June 23 by 12:00 noon – L2RPT will be refreshed again Wednesday June 24 – Review the scores in SIRS-309 and make any final corrections Final load on Thursday June 25 Rest of Regents exam scores are due in Assessment Fact by July 9 13

14 “Fast Score” vs “Hand Score” Districts utilizing Fast Score should be able to view the scores in ASAP within 24 hours or sooner of submission. This file should be extracted from ASAP, imported into your SMS, loaded into Level 0 and pushed up to Level 1 by either: – Thursday June 18 (if possible) or – Tuesday June 23, or – by the final deadline of 12:00 noon on June 25. Districts that choose to use the teacher’s hand score in lieu of the electronic Fast Score, should hand enter the scores into their SMS, load into Level 0, and push up to Level 1 by Tuesday June 23. These districts should let their BOCES Testing Coordinator know, and they will provide the district with an ASAP Discrepancy Report, which will show discrepancies between the manually scored test and the Fast Scored test. Any changes should be made by the final deadline of Thursday, June 25 by 12:00 noon. 14

15 Remember To Keep Verifying Reports Accountability SIRS-102 Elementary AVR (not yet available) Participation Rate Performance Index compared to EAMO’s ELA, Math Science Pay attention to subgroup populations SIRS-101 HS AVR Participation Rate 2011 Accountability Cohort (Performance on Regents) Graduation Rate Cohort – shows frozen data 2010 4-year Total Cohort Cohort Based Reports SIRS-201 Total Cohort Summary Shows your current 12 th graders for Graduation Rate. Data from this report is used for the public release of 4, 5 and 6 year graduation rates. This data will freeze as of August 27. SIRS-202 Total Cohort Assessment Summary – Displays Regents scores for students in the 4,5,6 year cohorts Annual Outcomes – (Not Cohort Based Reports) SIRS-307 Annual Dropout and NonCompleter Report SIRS-308 Annual Graduation and Post Grad Plans Report SIRS-309 Annual Regents Report SIRS-310 Annual Regents Competency Report Tested / Not Tested SIRS-104 NYSITELL Summary Report (??) 15

16 English Language Learner Student Counts for 2015-16 Title III Allocations Districts should review the counts in the reports available on the IRS Portal from Monday May 18 – June 15. The final load for districts to report accurate counts is Thursday June 18. These counts will used for the allocations. Please refer to the business rules to see who should be included or excluded in the report Students will be counted as ELL when exited with 3 of the 4 the new LEP Exit codes. Students reported with the new 3045 (LEP Exit based on identification determination) will NOT be counted as ELL. 16

17 Special Ed PD Data System Timelines PD Data System Electronic Certification deadlines: All Districts VR-13: August 31, 2015 VR-14: September 28, 2015 Check SPP Indicators for District Submission: VR-11: September 28, 2015 VR-12: September 28, 2015 VR-15: COSF – August 31, 2015 *VR-16: CEIS – August 31, 2015 17

18 Nassau BOCES Contacts ●Phil DeGrazia: 832-2815 ●John Cahill: 832-2860 ●Vivian Tripi: 832-2794 ●Audre Midura: 832-2718 ●Margarita Pieri: 608-6673 Patricia Reinhardt: 832-2737 preinhardt@nasboces.org18 18

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