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Some recomendations to organize your information for the MYP Personal Project show case 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Some recomendations to organize your information for the MYP Personal Project show case 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some recomendations to organize your information for the MYP Personal Project show case 2014

2 You must take owership of your space, to make it look special. What are your needs? REQUEST A SPACE TODAY


4 1. TIME Have in mind the time: The show case will be taking place on Tuesday May 6th for primary 5 & 6th from 8:00a.m-12m and all Secondary Section and on May 7th from 5:45 -7:30p.m to Parents. There will be some holidays “festivos” so you will really have only one day to hang everything on Monday 5th May.

5 Design a Plan for the space and display. For doing so you need to construct an image of what you want, so, let´s start: - You may have a module or just the wall. If you need a module you have to ask for it NOW!!! You can not wait until the day before! There are not many left! Do you need an electric connection or videobeam, plug in your place. Ask for it now!!..There are not enough video beams. Some people bring their own. 2. SHOWCASE PLAN

6 -Think about a Wall paper to cover the entire Surface. You may: Choose one color: - or you can add a decoration, an image that has a relationship with your topic, you can put it at the bottom, on the top, on a corner, or make a top and bottom border with it: COVER THE SURFACE/ DECORATIONS RELATED TO TOPIC

7 Prepare the TITLE, you can do it in your computer with a size large enough to be seen, you can print it in black and White or you can do it in colour. But you can also make it with your own hands!!!! TITLE

8 What should be in your presentation? 1) At the beginning of your presentation explain the goal and connection to the global context. 2)Then choose a selection of sources you want to highlight that show the path of your learning to achieve your goal! Show some in your display—see examples Explain the path of your learning, the wow or aha moments. 3) Show/Explain your product/outcome 4) What did you gain from your personal project? The rotations are each 15 mins– make your presentations for 14 mins.

9 Choose which ones highlight best the process of your learning: -extracts from your Journal. -two or three paragraphs from your report. -Samples of the bibliography that you read. -Samples of main/new skills you applied -Samples of your reflections while you were doing the process -Your final conclusions -Your product What were the WOW moments of learning? 2. Select different sources:

10 Print those different sources. You may amplify them so they can be easy to read from the distance. Select a series of images, make sure to print them in a size to be seen from the distance. Paste all those samples on pieces of coloured paper or cardboard. You may use color that make a contrast with the color of the Surface. How will you show the different sources?

11 Now you are ready to distribute all your information on the board. Don´t paste it directly!!! Plan the way it will be distributed on the Surface beforehand! You can draw it or you can put all the pieces on a big table or on the floor in order to make the movements to have a wonderful magazine page. Yes… like a magazine page or a web page!!! Or like a Mac template!!! It is valid to use all those kind of samples. It might be like a map of ideas Be creative:

12 Y qué tal esta idea tridimensional???? No necesitas panel, solo 3 cajas de cartón!!!!! Like a web page

13 Now you have a plan!!!!!!! Make a list of the materials. You may Include: glue, pegastick, masking tape, staples, colured paper, coloured cardboard, markers. Buy them with the time enough!!!!!!! Bring them to school !!!!!! And enjoy having a successful PP showcase!!!

14 What to do if you do not have a Panel or a wall. Instead of a panel you can construct a cardboard wall to put on your desk, it may have 3 sides as in the samples below. All you need is a heavy cardboard ( cartón paja o cajas de cartón).

15 Or you may use a curtain…

16 Will I show work on my laptop? Bring good speakers, if you need sound. Make sure you request an electricity connection to Mrs Eleanor by email THIS WEEK for your place because the connections will be done between Monday 28th- 30th April because of the «festivos». It is too late to request this on Monday 5th May.


18 What to do if I am not creative? Ask for HELP AND IDEAS!!!! There are loads of creative people in the section: Art and Music teachers, Meissy, MYP Coord and any friend you know…YOU MUST ASK BEFORE WEDNESDAY 30TH APRIL!!!!!..SO YOU COME ON MONDAY 5TH MAY WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED READY TO SET UP. At home…. your mum,dad, cousin, neighbours… Look for ideas of stands In internet, in magazines, ask librarians to search for links or websites.

19 The only day to set up and leave it ready!... Monday 5th May– All day You will be assigned a place by Friday 25th April. Modules will be in place on Monday 28th April. Not everyone will have a module. On Wednesday April 30th, you can have 1 hour to set tables up. Have all your display elements ready to hang up on Monday 5th May!

20 MYP SHOWCASE PRESENTATIONS Both DAY 1 & DAY presentations are equally important. Day 1 --Showcase presentations Tue 6th May 7:30a.m -12:00 m (3-4 presentations to primary and 3- 4 presentations to Secondary) End of day– 10th graders watch each other or walk around peers presenations -- Watch 2 presentations from your peers gp 1-40 watch gps 41-81 then switch Gps 41-80 watch 2 different presentations from 1-40. Day 2 -- Normal classes– leave at 1:30p.m Showcase evening parents and teachers Wed 7th May 5:45-7:30p.m By Meissy Correa & E.Cosh Be ready May 5th!

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