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Student engagement International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste (Italy) Developing knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Student engagement International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste (Italy) Developing knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student engagement International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste (Italy) Developing knowledge

2 A dynamic international research environment performing cutting-edge scientific research with an educational programme designed with the aim of scientific capacity building in developing countries.


4 ICGEB PhD Course: the Aims Provides students with the means to understand and pursue scientific research Develops independent thought and critical appraisal Promotes personal responsibility and decision making Encourages collaboration and ability to work in a team environment Training for a scientific career The core activity is experimental laboratory bench work

5 ICGED PhD Course: Records (Dec. 2014) Total number of PhD awarded from 1988167 Open University UK60 Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy24 SISSA Trieste, Italy64 University of Trieste, Italy7 University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia12 University of Ferrara0 PhD students on board 201441 On ICGEB fellowships27 On funding from external bodies14 Total number of papers published429 Papers/PhD student2.7 First author papers148 First author paper/PhD student0.9

6 Student engagement Priority for the ICGEB educational strategy A PhD course is promoting the development of scientific thought and appraisal intellectual behavioral emotional assessment cultural social Enhanced learning of the student publish PhD thesis OU SISSA UNG experiments results reproducibility report funds

7 ICGEB PhD Course: Management Research Degree Committee (RDC) PhD Course Committee Student Representatives Selected by the students among 2nd-3rd year students The attend the PhD Course and RDC Committee meetings Term of office: 1 year re-eligible Runs the PhD course activities and holds bi-annual meeting with the student representatives Oversees the PhD. Programme This committee comprise all 15 group leaders based at the Trieste Component

8 ICGEB PhD Course: student representatives Role and Responsibilities Identifying student needs and issues Communicating information about student rights Explaining rights to students and how they can pursue a formal complaint Raise issues that students encounter about PhD course activities, access to equipment and facilities with the right person Attend internal meetings that have an impact on the PhD course and be prepared to represent the students’ best interest Provide inputs on the ICGEB Quality Assurance Process Report back to the PhD Course Committee any issue raised by the students.

9 ICGEB PhD Course: the structure Research Activity Training 3 years experimental bench work is the core activity of the ICGEB PhD Course Introductory course 1 week/8 hours of lectures per day complemented by recommended reading and further personalized tutorials according to project/student’s need, managed by the Supervisor Scientific training activities Participation in at least 24 seminars + 10 journal clubs + participation in 1 ICGEB course per year selected from the annual courses Full supervised access to state-of-the-art facilities


11 ICGEB PhD Course: Guarantee Quality & Monitoring Internal actions We are Open to students: Student representatives who report to the Ph.D Committee and have a say at the Committee Personal Tutors We guarantee quality and monitoring processes: Student feedback mechanisms Questionnaire after introductory course Appraisal forms after seminars and journal clubs We provide sound scientific research training in a stimulating international environment with equal opportunities for personal development

12 Introductory course - feedback gathered from 12 students


14 JC and Seminar feedback forms

15 PhD course questionnaire - feedback gathered from 12 students

16 ICGEB PhD Course: supervisor and tutor Each student has: 1 to 3 supervisors depending on the University of registration Keeping a line of communication open with supervisors avoids going into the wrong direction a tutor selected among ICGEB senior staff or experiences researchers by the student within 6 months from commencement To support students and provide a dispassionate view if problems arise Can be changed by the student if confidentiality is perceived as an issue ☞ ☞

17 1st Year Assessors: Two ICGEB staff members from outside the PhD student’s research group selected by the PhD course coordinator ✏ Student submits a written report one week in advance (same format as submitted to OU for completion of Probationary Period) - mini viva in September/October 2nd Year Same panel with emphasis in last 6 months and progress on any remedial action if requested - follow up to mini viva in April/May - PhD thesis introduction in July 3rd Year-Presentation at ICGEB Symposium in June (open to 2nd year students also) - 1 hr presentation + mock viva in September (evaluation performed by 6 group leaders)* Having regular appraisal and performance evaluation is essential ICGEB PhD Course: appraisal and assessment

18 Cultural & social engagement

19 ICGEB PhD Students Geographical distribution Member States (63) Signatory Countries (85) 41 on board 22Europe 14Asia 2Africa 3America 41 on board 22Europe 14Asia 2Africa 3America 167 Ph.D. and 3 M.Phil. degrees awarded 114Europe 29Asia 3Africa 24America 167 Ph.D. and 3 M.Phil. degrees awarded 114Europe 29Asia 3Africa 24America

20 ICGEB PhD Students by Gender

21 PhD degree: years of registration (167 degrees awarded from 1988 to date)

22 In home country Position held Global distribution Currently employed Back to home country What happens to our students 11% 5% 15% 1% 68% 55% 1% 17% 13% 1% 3% 10% 29% 63% 8% 20% 65% 3% 7%4% 1%

23 Thank You Prof. Francisco Baralle Dr. Lawrence Banks Dr. Oscar Burrone Ms. Barbara Argenti ICGEB


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