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August 13 – 17, 2012 Dr. Harper’s Plans & Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, & Study Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "August 13 – 17, 2012 Dr. Harper’s Plans & Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, & Study Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 13 – 17, 2012 Dr. Harper’s Plans & Agendas Language Arts, Social Studies, & Study Skills

2 Language Arts Monday, August 13, 2012 Target Learning: I can analyze the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution. RD 3.3. Daily Writing Prompt: Annie Oakley was born on this date in 1860. Would you liked to have lived back in the Wild West days of cowboys, cowgirls, and stagecoaches? Why or why not?

3 Language Arts Monday, August, 13, 2012 Target Learning: I can analyze the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution. RD 3.3. Sub Day 1. Vocabulary Diagnostic Test last of entry-level tests. 2. Common and Proper Noun practice worksheet. 3. Writing literary verse using the literary device of alliteration.

4 Social Studies Monday, August 13, 2012 Target Learning: I can explain the importance of themes and specialized historical vocabulary in understanding historical events. HSS 6.1 (Sub Day). 1. Introduce Job Description Project, worksheet, p. 1from Uncovering the Past – Focus on Writing. Project is due August 24, 2012. 2. Introduce the themes of studying history, p. 4. Have students work in groups to generate information about each theme, then share with class. (Developing collective knowledge using previous knowledge—scaffolding activity).

5 Social Studies Monday, August 13, 2012, p. 2 3. Direct student’s attention to the specialized historical vocabulary chart on p. 4. Have students read the chart in table groups and discuss each terms importance in studying history. 4. Complete You Try It! p. 5. 5. Create a glossary for their Unit one folders using the key terms and people on p. 5. Timelines due tomorrow!

6 Study Skills Monday, August 13, 2012 Target Learning: : I can identify strategies that will help me to better manage my time. Read/discuss, p. 14 then complete survey on p. 16. Tell students a score of 0 or 1 = needs improvement. A score of 2 or 3 = good. Read/ discuss pp. 18-19 and compare Brad and Josh’s planners. Complete Planner Checklist and How Do I Spend My Time, pp. 20-21.

7 Language Arts Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Target Learning: I can clarify an understanding of informational texts by creating outlines and logical notes. R2.4. Word of the Day: Setting – the place or places where a story takes place. Name a childhood fantasy story and identify its setting. Writing Prompt: Describe a time that you had to solve a problem with a friend or family member. What was the problem and how was it resolved?

8 Language Arts Tuesday, August 14, 2012, page 2 KWHL: What do you know about taking notes? What do you want to learn about taking notes? Discussion: In study skills class we are learning how to be better organizers. Why is organization important for successful learning? Outlining helps us to organize information we have read or we plan to write. Three steps to outlining: 1. Getting the main idea. 2. Taking notes. 3. Putting the notes into outline form.

9 Language Arts Tuesday, August 14, 2012, page 3 Guided Reading and Note-taking, Literature text, p. 64: Identify the four main ideas of The Wind People, pp. 65- 66. Write each main idea on a note card. Independently read the The Wind People. No note- taking yet! Guided reading and note-taking: write at least two supporting details for each main idea note card. KWHL Chart: complete the H and L columns. Turn-In note cards and KWHL Chart (put name on lined side of card in top right corner with number of class period).

10 Social Studies Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Learning Target: I can prepare a Double Door Fold Note to help me categorize key terms from Unit 1 as either geographical or historical—Uncovering the Past. HSS 6.1 1. Students share personal timelines. 2. Teach procedure for creating a Double Door Fold Note to place terms into geographical and historical. Directions found in the teacher textbook edition on p. 5. 3. After completing the Double Door Fold Note, students create a glossary for their unit folders for terms on p. 5.

11 Study Skills Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Learning Target: I can create a personal schedule and reflect on how I chose to spend my time. Discussion: What do you spend most of your week nights doing? Brainstorm daily priorities: Write down the things that you want to accomplish each day or what you consider to be your daily priorities. Time Estimation Activity: Estimate how much time is spent on each activity. Are there any times that could be adjusted to allow more time for tasks with a higher priority—like homework?

12 Language Arts Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Learning Target: I can clarify an understanding of informational texts by creating outlines and logical notes. R 2.4. Journal Writing: Word of the Day from Word Dynamo (App) – Category: The Structure of Plot: Exposition – writing intending to explain; a detailed statement or explanation.

13 Language Arts Wednesday, August 15, 2012, p. 2 Writing Prompt: On this day in 1869, the Transcontinental Railroad was completed. Describe how you think the men working on this railroad may have felt when they saw their goal achieved?

14 Language Arts Wednesday, August 15, 2012, p. 3 1. KWHL Charts: Hand-out charts to students and ask— “What do you know about outlining?” (5 minutes) “What do you want to learn about taking outlining?” (5 minutes) 2. Putting the notes into outline form, p. 64. Roman numerals mark the main sections (main idea). Each main section includes two supporting points or details—marked by capital letters A, B, C, and so on.

15 Language Arts Wednesday, August 15, 2012, p. 4 How to find a main idea? Look for key- detail sentences in each paragraph and ask… What is this part of the piece mainly about? What’s the big idea here? 4. Finish outlining The Wind People, pp. 65- 66. Begin by copying the first main idea as outlined on p. 64. Students will use note cards to outline main ideas three, four, and five. 5. KWHL Chart: complete H and L then turn-in.

16 Social Studies Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Learning Target: I can take Cornell Notes to document important information found in textbook reading assignment HSS 6.1. Review Cornell Notes rubric and note-taking template. Guided Reading and Note-Taking: Chapter 1, section 1, pp. 6-11. Peer Evaluation of Notes using the Cornell Notes rubric. Suggest areas of improvement. Turn-in notes and Peer Evaluation.

17 Study Skills Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Learning Target: I can explain how to break a long-term assignment into manageable chunks. Present the CUCC Model: Circle, Underline, Count, Complete on p. 5-24. Discuss “What is Task Analysis?” p. 4-17 Examine Task Analysis Example on p. 4-19 Teach strategies for analyzing tasks (Steps 1-5, p. 4-17 and 4-18): Reference the Task Analysis Template on p. 28 in the Student Guide. Practice on Project Recycle, p. 25 Break down all the steps into manageable chunks of work.

18 Language Arts Thursday, August 16, 2012 Learning Target: I can identify the difference between common nouns and proper nouns and revise sentences. WOC 1.2. Journal Writing: Word of the Day from Word Dynamo (App) – Category: The Structure of Plot: Dialogue – conversation between two or more people. Writing Prompt: Today is National Joke Day. Think about some of your favorite jokes and then write one of your own.

19 Language Arts Thursday, August 16, 2012, page 2 KWHL Chart. Complete K and W columns about :What I Know and want to learn about nouns. Review/Test: The Wind People. Return Common and Proper Nouns worksheet. Discuss any difficult or challenging sentences. Diagnostic Preview, p. 24: (Independent work). identify each of the italicized words as a noun, pronoun, or adjective. Check/discuss. Taking –Notes, p. 25: Included the definition of a noun and examples of persons, places, things, and ideas. Also identify compound nouns and spelling as one word, hyphenated words, and two words. 6. Independent Practice: Exercise 1, #1-10, pp. 25-26.

20 Social Studies Thursday, August 16, 2012 Learning Target: I can imagine a tribe or group of people that might have lived a long time ago and write a short essay about their culture. (Study Guide Challenge Activity) HSS 6.1. Assessment Questions, p. 11: Answer each question in complete sentences then trade/grade/discuss. Chapter 1:1 Study Guide, worksheet pp. 2-3. Read and answer reading guide questions. Use critical thinking skills to complete the challenge activity by writing a short essay about an imaginary culture.

21 Social Studies Thursday, August 16, 2012, p. 2 Writing a Summary (Literature textbook, p. 699) 1. Read each section carefully and restate the main idea in your own words. 2. Identify important details that support each main idea in the summary. 3. Write the main ideas and the supporting details in a paragraph using your own words.

22 Study Skills Thursday, August 16, 2012

23 Language Arts Friday, August 17, 2012 Learning Target: I can identify the difference between common nouns and proper nouns and revise sentences. WOC 1.2. Journal Writing: Word of the Day from Word Dynamo (App) – Category: The Structure of Plot: Monologue – any writing in which a single person speaks alone for a long time. Writing Prompt: On this day in 1786, Frontiersman Davy Crockett was born. Before turning 15, Davy was on his own, helping drive cattle from Tennessee to Virginia. What do you think were some of the obstacles Davy encountered on his journeys?

24 Language Arts Friday, August 17, 2012, p. 2 Writing Prompt: On this day in 1786, Frontiersman Davy Crockett was born. Before turning 15, Davy was on his own, helping drive cattle from Tennessee to Virginia. What do you think were some of the obstacles Davy encountered on his journeys?

25 Language Arts Friday, August 17, 2012, p. 3 KWHL Chart. Add to chart created during Part 1 in the K and W columns about: What I Know and want to learn about the differences in common and proper nouns. Group Work: In groups, create a common and proper noun chart with a list of 10 concepts or ideas for each type of nouns that are related to going to school at Almeria. Share and compare charts.

26 Language Arts Friday, August 17, 2012, p. 4 Independent work: Exercise 2, pp. 26 – 27. Identify the nouns in the sentences and label them common or proper. Check and discuss. Independent work: Exercise 3, pp. 27-28. Substitute proper nouns for each italicized common noun. Check and discuss. Collect all independent work.

27 Social Studies Friday, August 17, 2012 Learning Target: I can create a study plan for studying for my social studies test on Monday. KWHL Chart: What do I know about studying for a test? What do I need to know? Writing a Study Plan. Identify the key terms and people you need to know. Make flash cards. Practice writing a summary of what you learned (PPT writing guide). Make it fun—study with a friend.

28 Social Studies Friday, August 17, 2012 Relay Review. Complete KWHL Chart. Homework: Study for Chapter 1:1 test.

29 Study Skills Friday, August 17, 2012

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