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Welcome!! Mrs. Jessen’s Humanities Class to

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1 Welcome!! Mrs. Jessen’s Humanities Class to
Where anything can happen and often does.

2 9/3 Let’s Get to know you: On Your Piece of Paper
Write your name in large, creative letters in the middle of the page In the top left corner, finish the sentence "My family…” In the top right corner, finish the sentence "My favorite thing to do is....“ In the bottom left corner finish the sentence "I really don't like....“ In the bottom right corner finish the sentence "Other people find me...." In the top middle finish the sentence "One day I'd love to.....“ In the bottom middle finish the sentence and "I'd love to meet...."

3 What do you know about VSAA and how do you know it?
9/5 Let’s talk about VSAA What do you know about VSAA and how do you know it? From who’s point of view do you know this information? How does your knowledge of VSAA connect to anything else in your world? What do you think it would it be like to go to a different school? Why is it important for us to have a conversation about VSAA on the first day of school? What is next for us as members of the community of VSAA?

4 9/4 Writing about writing
What are your feelings about writing? What’s the most difficult part of writing? Why? What’s the most enjoyable part of writing? Why? Compare school writing to personal writing: How are they different? How did you learn to write? What type of writing do you prefer? What’s your most memorable writing experience? If you taught writing, how would you do it?

5 Agenda: 9/8 Learning Target: I will own this place
Seating Chart Interactive Notebook: Finish Cover if you need to Weekly Vocabulary: Root Words (What does that mean?) Template for Vocabulary: In the Appendix of your Notebook 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Mono & Uni Prefix meaning “One” Core Introduction: Project in a Bag New students in the hall with me 7th/8th graders in groups of 4 – Create a Core Project in 10 minutes Write an Artist Statement: What did you do? How did you do it? Why did you do it? Monopoly Unicycle Monotony Unison

6 Tomorrow Bring a Novel to Read for SSR
Agenda: 9/8 & 9/9 Learning Target: I will understand how to identify figurative language Weekly Vocabulary: Due on Friday 9/12 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Mono & Uni Prefix meaning “One” Agenda: 9/9 FINISH: Core Introduction: Project in a Bag New students in the hall with me 7th/8th graders in groups of 4 – Create a Core Project in 10 minutes Write an Artist Statement: What did you do? How did you do it? Why did you do it? Tomorrow Bring a Novel to Read for SSR Monopoly Unicycle Monotony Unison

7 9/10- Learning Target: I can identify regions of the United States
Reading Books: Book List Geography: US Geography-Notes in Interactive Notebook with Power Point Map Study Guide for US map Quiz Quiz : To Be announces Weekly Vocabulary: Due on Friday 9/12 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Mono & Uni Prefix meaning “One” Monopoly Unicycle Monotony Unison

8 9/11- Learning Target: I can identify regions of the United States
Reading Books: Book List Language and Writing: Simile: “Willow and Gingko” and “Sea Lullaby” p. 131 Responding: p.134 answer 1-6, number 1 in the QuickWrite Weekly Vocabulary: Due on Friday 9/12 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Mono & Uni Prefix meaning “One” Monopoly Unicycle Monotony Unison

9 9/12- Learning Target: I can identify regions of the United States
Reading Books: Book List Check Weekly Vocabulary 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Mono & Uni Prefix meaning “One” Finish: Language and Writing: Simile: “Willow and Gingko” and “Sea Lullaby” p. 131 Responding: p.134 ques. 1-6, number 1 in the Quick Write Social Studies: Notes in Interactive Notebook Monopoly Unicycle Monotony Unison

10 9/15- Learning Target: I can identify figurative language
Reading Books: Book List New Vocabulary 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): bi & di Prefix meaning “Two” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Finish: Language and Writing: Simile: “Willow and Gingko” and “Sea Lullaby” p. 131 Responding: p.134 ques. 1-6, #1 QuickWrite Core: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? bilingual dilemma bisect dipterous

11 9/16- Learning Target: I can identify figurative language
Map Quiz on Friday 9/19 Reading Books: Book List Response to reading: Find three Similes or instances of personification in your reading book. Write them in you INB under “Reading, Writing, and Responding” (section 3) New Vocabulary 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): bi & di Prefix meaning “Two” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Finish: Language and Writing: Simile: “Willow and Gingko” and “Sea Lullaby” p. 131 Responding: p.134 ques. 1-6, #1 QuickWrite Core: Finish Conversation: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? bilingual dilemma bisect dipterous

12 9/17 Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states
Map Quiz on Friday 9/19 Reading Books: Book List Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): bi & di Prefix meaning “Two” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Map of North America: Continue longitude and latitude Regions and Collage project Core: Finish Conversation: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? bilingual dilemma bisect dipterous

13 9/18 Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states
Map Quiz on Friday 9/19 Reading Books: Book List Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): bi & di Prefix meaning “Two” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Map of North America: Continue longitude and latitude Regions and Collage project in Tech Lab Core: Finish Conversation: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? bilingual dilemma bisect dipterous

14 9/19 Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states
Map Quiz Today Reading Books: Book List Notebook check Vocabulary Today 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): bi & di Prefix meaning “Two” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Map of North America: Continue longitude and latitude Continue work on Regions and Collage project Core: Finish Conversation: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? bilingual dilemma bisect dipterous

15 9/22 Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states
Files and folder: Hand back Map Quiz Reading Books: Book List Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Tri = “three, Quadr, Tetr = “Four” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Map of North America: Continue Regions Collage Core: Finish Conversation: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? triennial quadrangle triplicate tetrahedron

16 Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26
9/23 : Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states MAPS Testing (Middle School Reading and Language Assessment) in Computer Lab Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Tri = “three, Quadr, Tetr = “Four” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Map of North America: Continue Regions Collage Core: Finish Conversation: What do I know and how do I know it? Why is it important? What is it connected to? triennial quadrangle triplicate tetrahedron

17 Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26
9/24 : Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states Reading Book Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Tri = “three, Quadr, Tetr = “Four” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Anchor Paper: Start Rough Draft - due Monday 9/29 for editing Topic – Tell about 3 people who are important to you and why Map of North America: Continue Regions Collage triennial quadrangle triplicate tetrahedron

18 Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26 (tomorrow)
9/25 : Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states Silently Reading Book Vocabulary: Notebook check on Friday 9/26 (tomorrow) 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Tri = “three, Quadr, Tetr = “Four” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Anchor Paper: Use your “Brain-Storming” to Start Writing- due Monday 9/29 for editing Topic – Tell about 3 people who are important to you and why Map of North America: Continue Regions Collage Please try to have this finished by tomorrow for a North American Celebration in the Hallway triennial quadrangle triplicate tetrahedron

19 Vocabulary: Notebook check on Today
9/26 : Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states Silently Reading Book Vocabulary: Notebook check on Today 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): Tri = “three, Quadr, Tetr = “Four” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Anchor Paper: Continue to use your “Brain-Storming” to write your paper due Monday 9/29 for editing Topic – Tell about 3 people who are important to you and why Map of North America: Continue Regions Collage Please try to have this finished by tomorrow for a North American Celebration in the Hallway triennial quadrangle triplicate tetrahedron

20 Vocabulary: Notebook Check on Friday
9/29 : Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states Silently Reading Book Vocabulary: Notebook Check on Friday 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): penta, quint = “five” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Anchor Paper: Peer Editing (See Rubric/Next Slide) Topic – Tell about 3 people who are important to you and why Final Draft due Thursday, 10/2 Map of North America: Finish Regions Collage North American Celebration in the Hallway - Wednesday pentagon quintessence pentathlon quintet

21 Writing Rubric Total: Comments: Category 4 3 2 1 Score Content
Main idea is supported by many specific details Main idea is supported by details Main idea is supported by some details Main idea is not supported Organization Ideas and details are presented in a logical order Ideas and details are grouped together Some ideas and details are out of place Ideas and details randomly appear in writing Sentence Fluency Sentences are easily read aloud and vary in structure Sentence are easily read aloud Some sentences are incomplete Most sentences are incomplete and confusing Word Choice Words are carefully selected and fit the audience and purpose Words fit the audience and purpose Some words are too simple for the audience or purpose Words are incorrectly used or make no sense Voice Writing is personal and informative Writing is informative Writing is somewhat informal Writing is very informal and uninformed Conventions No errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar Few errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar Several errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar Errors distract from the meaning of piece Comments: Total:

22 Vocabulary: Notebook Check on Friday
9/30 : Learning Target: I can identify the regions of the united states Silently Reading Book Vocabulary: Notebook Check on Friday 4 Words (well done) for a score of 3. 2 additional words, your choice (well done) for a score of 4 Root Word(s): penta, quint = “five” 1. Definition, 2. Sentence, 3. Synonym /Antonym, 4. Image/Icon Read together: p : “Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad” p.160, Ques Another Pathway Anchor Paper: Continue Working Topic – Tell about 3 people who are important to you and why Final Draft due Thursday, 10/2 Map of North America: Last two groups Finish Regions Collage North American Celebration in the Hallway - Wednesday pentagon quintessence pentathlon quintet

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