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Increasing district level evidence-based decision making in Côte d’Ivoire Tara Nutley MEASURE Evaluation / Futures Group Mini University, Washington DC.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing district level evidence-based decision making in Côte d’Ivoire Tara Nutley MEASURE Evaluation / Futures Group Mini University, Washington DC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing district level evidence-based decision making in Côte d’Ivoire Tara Nutley MEASURE Evaluation / Futures Group Mini University, Washington DC March 7, 2014

2 Improving Information Systems  Global commitment to M&E and information systems have generated more & improved data

3 Data Demand & Use Intervention  8 mutually reinforcing activity areas that are based on the literature & MEASURE Evaluation experience  Traditional M&E activities coupled with linkages to decision makers & decision making functions

4 Data Use Intervention 1.Assess the data use context 2.Engage data users & producers 3.Identify information needs 4.Improve data quality 5.Improve data availability (access, synthesis, communication) 6.Build capacity in data use core competencies 7.Strengthen organization’s data use infrastructure 8.Evaluate & communicate data use successes

5 Data Use Activities Individual data use skills, capacity, attitudes and behavior improved Data use procedures/ policies institutionalized & functioning Data regularly demanded, analyzed, synthesized, reviewed, and used Intermediate Outcomes Long-term Outcomes

6 Data-informed decision making in Côte d’Ivoire

7 1. Assess data use context  PRISM 2008 - found improved RHIS processes but weaknesses in data quality and use of information

8 2. Engage data users & producers  Regional data review meetings every 6 months  Questions identified  Additional analysis  Recommendations for improved programs  Tool application 3. Identify information needs

9 4. Improve Data Quality  National data management procedures manual  Trained at central & regional levels in data quality procedures & use of RDQA  RDQA supervision by MOH

10 5. Improve data availability (access, synthesis, communication)  Created and disseminated data use modules for the OVC database & care and treatment database

11 6. Build data use core competencies  Data use concepts & tools incorporated into 4 in- service & pre- service training institutions  Schools of: health professionals, public health, statistics & economics, social training  Trained: students, PEPFAR IPs, MOH staff  Cascade training

12 7. Strengthen organization’s data use infrastructure  M&E staffing  MOH mandated new regional positions - Head of M&E  Six regions hired regional M&E specialists  1 region hired 6 district M&E officers  Regular regional data review meetings, data use tools, DQA procedures

13 8. Evaluate results PRISM results 2008 & 2012  Data use  44% to 70% district level  38% - no change facility level  Data quality  43% to 60% at district level  40% to 81% at facility level  Data availability - facility level (information feed back)  7% to 29%

14 8. Assess data use results (cont.) Observed results:  Engagement & ID information needs - Established 2 types of quarterly strategic data use meetings  Capacity building - data use curriculum in national universities  Institutionalization - National guidelines & protocols, regular data use fora, new positions to oversee data use activities

15 Data Use Instructions Divide into groups First group selects a category and $ amount and receives a question (groups can confer among themselves for the answer) The first group to raise their flag answers. If answered correctly they get the points. If incorrect they lose the points and the first group to raise their flag can answer.

16 Data Use

17 Daily Double

18 MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Futures Group International, ICF International, John Snow, Inc., Management Sciences for Health, and Tulane University. Views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. government. MEASURE Evaluation is the USAID Global Health Bureau's primary vehicle for supporting improvements in monitoring and evaluation in population, health and nutrition worldwide

19 Next Session Room Numbers: Please fill out an evaluation by going to this session’s page on your mobile app OR by filling out a paper evaluation in the back of the room. Thank you! The Baby and the Bathwater: WASH, Nutrition, and Rubber Ducks301 Not So Good to Be So Sweet: Pregnancy and Diabetes302 Proximal, Distal and Everything In-Between: Measuring Organizational Capacity307 One Size Doesn't Fit All: SRH Services for Young People308 Triple Threat (or The Art of Balancing ART): New Directions in HIV Treatment310 UHC from A to Z: Definitions, Designs, and Pathways311 Cooking up Knowledge Management (KM): Recipes for Practitioners405 Maternal Health: What's Infectious Disease Got to Do with It?407 Beyond Insertion Technique-Providing High Quality Implant Services413 Positive Connections: Leading Information and Support Groups for Adolescents Living with HIV414 Addressing Emerging Pandemic Threats: Lessons from the Past 10 YearsBetts Theatre Impact? Intrigue? Value-add? The In's and Out's of Data Visualization Continental Ballroom The "F" Word: Learning from Failure to Ensure Success Grand Ballroom

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