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Lecture 03a: C++ classes Topics: basic classes and objects constructor, destructor Miscellaney An intro to the STL (Standard Template Library)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 03a: C++ classes Topics: basic classes and objects constructor, destructor Miscellaney An intro to the STL (Standard Template Library)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 03a: C++ classes Topics: basic classes and objects constructor, destructor Miscellaney An intro to the STL (Standard Template Library)

2 Overview A way to combine – Data (attributes, or member variables) We had this in struct’s – Behaviors (methods, or member functions) We didn’t have this in struct’s Very natural way to program… – …for some people – …after you get past the learning curve

3 Part I: Basic Classes and Objects Two parts: – Class design Not necessary if using someone else's class (e.g. SDL) Designing a blueprint for a new type – Make instances (objects) of a class Each shares the common structure defined by the class… …but has it's own copy of the attributes Sound familiar? – We've seen this with C structs – …struct's are a limited form of classes classes can do everything struct's can, but not vice-versa

4 Basic example // Basically a struct class Monster { public: int hp; char name[16]; }; int main() { Monster m1, m2; m1.hp = 100; m2.hp = 50; strcpy(, “Ogre“); // string.h included strcpy(, "Goblin“); cout << << " has " << m1.hp << "hp" << endl; }

5 Basic Example…add methods class Monster { public: int hp; char name[16]; void takeDamage(int amt)// an inline method { hp = hp – amt < 0 ? 0 : hp – amt; cout << "Ouch!" << endl; } void heal();// method prototype }; void Monster::heal()// non-inline method definition { hp = 100; cout << "Ahhhh" << endl; } int main() { Monster m1, m2; m1.hp = 100; m2.hp = 50; strcpy(, "Ogre“); strcpy(, "Goblin“); m1.takeDamage(5); cout << << " has " << m1.hp << "hp" << endl; m1.heal(); }

6 Basic Example…add methods void Monster::heal() // non-inline method definition { hp = 100; cout << "Ahhhh" << endl; } All instances have their own copy of attributes (see the first version of main) All instances share the same object code for methods. So…on the line "hp = 100;", whose hp is changing? – The answer involves the keyword this.

7 this Any time a method of an object is called: – The normal registers, parameters, etc. are created on the stack. – In addition, a pointer to the calling object is put on the stack as well (this). These 3 lines are all equivalent hp = 100;// as it is on prev. slide (*this).hp = 100;// de-reference this this->hp = 100;// shorthand for above [Show the stack on prev. example]

8 Part II: Constructors / Destructors [Motivation] Called automatically when: – constructor: a new instance is made – destructor: an instance is destroyed When stack-based variables go out of scope When heap-based data is deallocated Uses of constructor – Guarantee that all data has been initialized – Run any "startup" code Uses of destructor – Run an cleanup code – Often: de-allocate memory

9 Constructors / Destructors, cont. Both the constructor and destructor look like functions – No return values, though. – Name must be exactly the same as the class – Destructor has a tilde (~) before it. In the constructor, you can [slightly quicker] initialize your attributes using the colon operator You can overload the constructor (have multiple versions)

10 Constructor / Destructor example class Sprite { public: Sprite(); // "Default" constructor Sprite(char * fname);// "Loader" constructor ~Sprite();// Destructor int load(char * fname); protected: SDL_Surface * mSurf; int mWidth, int mHeight; }; Sprite::Sprite() : mSurf(NULL), mWidth(-1), mHeight(-1) { } Sprite::Sprite(char * fname) { mSurf = NULL;// Possibly a bit slower than using colon op. mWidth = -1; mHeight = -1; load(fname); }

11 Constructor / Destructor example Sprite::~Sprite() { if (mSurf) SDL_FreeSurface(mSurf); } int Sprite::load(char * fname) { mSurf = SDL_LoadBMP(fname); if (mSurf) { mWidth = mSurf->w; mHeight = mSurf->h; return 1; } return 0; }

12 III. Miscellaney Class (static) attributes and methods – "Normal" attributes are instance attributes Each instance has its own copy – "Normal" methods are shared by all instances, but this is passed so we can access instance attributes – Static attributes are shared by all instances (only one copy per class) We can have a static attribute without any instances! – Static methods are also shared, but don't have a this parameter We don't have access to normal attributes

13 Static's example //---------------- Monster.h #ifndef _MONSTER_H_ #define _MONSTER_H_ #include using namespace std; class Monster { protected: int mScariness; // A normal (instance) attribute static int msNumInstances; // A static (class) attribute public: Monster(int slvl); // A normal (instance) method ~Monster(); // A normal (instance) method void roar(); // A normal (instance) method static int getNumInstances(); // A static (class) method }; #endif

14 Static's example, cont. //---------------- Monster.cpp #include "Monster.h" int Monster::msNumInstances = 0; // Note the static variables initialization Monster::Monster(int slvl) : mScariness(slvl) { msNumInstances++; // Note: We can access static attributes in // a normal method } Monster::~Monster() { msNumInstances--; } void Monster::roar() { cout << "ROAR"; for (int i = 0; i < mScariness; i++) cout << "!"; cout << endl; } int Monster::getNumInstances()// Note: don't put static keyword in the.cpp file { // cout << mScariness << endl; // Error. Can’t access non-static’s return msNumInstances; }

15 Static's example, cont. //---------------- main.cpp #include "Monster.h" int main() { cout << "#Monsters = " << Monster::getNumInstances() << endl; // cout << Monster::msNumInstances << endl; // Not allowed b/c // msNumInstances is protected Monster m1(5); Monster m2(7); Monster * mp; m1.roar(); m2.roar(); mp = new Monster(10); cout << "#Monsters = " << Monster::getNumInstances() << endl; mp->roar(); delete mp; cout << "#Monsters = " << Monster::getNumInstances() << endl; }

16 enum [Nothing to do with classes] An integer, basically. When defining the enum type, you can specify the values which can be assigned – a word (more descriptive than a number)

17 enum example // Somewhere else (maybe in a.h file) enum Day {monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday}; int main() { Day d; d = wednesday; cout << d << endl;// 2 //d = funday;// Error //d = 18;// Error //d++;// Error d = (Day)((int)d + 1); cout << d << endl;// 3 d = (Day)55;// Allowed in VC2012, but a bad idea... cout << d << endl; }

18 IV. STL Intro Standard Template Library Uses templates (we'll touch on these later) – I'll treat this part as "magic" for now… A relatively new addition to C++ Automates a lot of tedious tasks that we do a lot. Makes it more "Python"-ish. Internally, though, it uses tools we've seen already We'll look at vectors for now. Others include: – [linked] lists – maps (similar to python dictionaries) – sets –…–…

19 Vectors A "dynamic" array Behind the scenes, just an array – With the current max and used size. Can add and remove – Adds at the end are OK – in the middle they're very slow. – Similar for removes Includes code to grow the array if we add more than max – Really, re-allocates it on the heap (larger), copies existing data (SLOW!) Supports array-indexing (through operator overloading)

20 Vector example #include using namespace std; int main() { vector vint; vector vstr; unsigned int i; vint.push_back(5); vint.push_back(7); vint.push_back(13); cout << "Vint contents" << endl << "=============" << endl; for (i=0; i<vint.size(); i++) cout << i << "\t" << vint[i] << endl; vint.pop_back(); vint.insert(vint.begin() + 1, 99); // Inserts at pos#1, moves everything 'down' cout << "Vint contents" << endl << "=============" << endl; for (i=0; i<vint.size(); i++) cout << i << "\t" << vint[i] << endl;

21 Vector example, cont. vint.resize(7); cout << "Vint contents" << endl << "=============" << endl; for (i=0; i<vint.size(); i++) cout << i << "\t" << vint[i] << endl; cout << "Current max: " << vint.max_size() << endl; vint.clear(); cout << "Vint size: " << vint.size() << endl; // All the same operations are proved for strings (or any type) vstr.push_back("ABC"); vstr.push_back("XYZ"); //vstr.push_back(9);// ERROR! }

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