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Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved ONE NOTEBOOK WILL SOLVE: 123456789 10 PROBLEMS THAT WECOMPLAINABOUT BUT ALL OF THEM HAPPEN TO BE TRUE 1. Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved ONE NOTEBOOK WILL SOLVE: 123456789 10 PROBLEMS THAT WECOMPLAINABOUT BUT ALL OF THEM HAPPEN TO BE TRUE 1. Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved ONE NOTEBOOK WILL SOLVE: 123456789 10 PROBLEMS THAT WECOMPLAINABOUT BUT ALL OF THEM HAPPEN TO BE TRUE 1. Students are not encouraged to carry the required materials to class. 2. Students don’t know what to do in order to learn. 3. Students can not manage their personal or academic lives. 4. Students don’t know what to do with materials of interest. 5. Students can not stay on track in the classroom. 6. Students can not keep up with the concepts that are covered each day. 7. Students have no consistent way to repeat difficult concepts. 8. Students have no way to create transparency for their educational life. 9. Students maintain no references to enhance their learning. 10. Students have no programatic way to reduce the chaos in their lives.

2 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK WILL: Align any Student’s Thought Process From Chaos: CHAOS To The Educational / Learning Process Educational and Learning Process Completely Eliminates Conflict In Schools

3 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 1.Students are not encouraged to carry required materials to class. THIS CLEAR POCKET The High School Guide Notebook is designed with a clear pocket in the upper left-hand corner in order for the student to customize the notebook to fit his or her own desires. Example, a photo placed in this clear pocket makes this notebook as important to the student as the person in the photo.

4 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 2. Students don’t know what to do in order to learn. THESE INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION for using the “High School Guide Notebook” 1. Upon receiving your notebook, ensure that the following insertable dividers are included in order: (1) Specially Designed Calendar (District and School), (2) Personal (Personal information such as athletic statistics, milestones, college information, etc…. (3) Dividers for each Class Period (1thru 6), (4) References (English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies), 2. Make sure that you obtain and insert your school’s “District Calendar” and your specific “School Calendar”. a. Write all your personal-calendar-information directly in the white spaces on your school’s calendar (This is very important) b. Briefly look through your calendar on a daily basis. c. Each time you check your school calendar, check your school’s District Calendar also. 3. Insert at least two-weeks worth of “Guide Paper” into each Class Period section. a. Bring your notebook to each class period everyday (Important) b. As a minimum, fill out the top three sections of the “Guide Paper” for each class everyday. (Subject, Date, Today’s Topic; Today’s Starter Question and Answer; Today’s Objectives, One thru Three and so on). c. Make sure your “Summary Notes” are relevant to the Topic and Objectives. d. Keep your notes in chronological order in your notebook as long as you need them, then keep the notes in chronological order in your locker or at home. (Use a spare notebook) 4. Insert the appropriate references in each Core Course section (English Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies).. a. References may be determined by the Core Teacher. b. Refer to the internet for free downloadable references. c. Ask your teacher for additional reference materials. d. Recommend the “Quick Study” references. For an additional cost, these references can be included with the purchase of your “High School Guide Notebook”. 5. Customize your notebook to fit your personality. Provide detailed Instructions which will cause any student to raise his or her grades by at least one or two letter grades

5 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 3.Students can’t manage their personal or academic life. THIS CALENDAR 7 Monday 8 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 10 Thursday 11 Friday 12 Saturday 13 Sunday Keeps Week-Day Events Together Keeps Week End Events Together The design of this calendar allows the student to manage his or her time better. Students consider Monday to be the first day of the week, and Saturday and Sunday to be one weekend associated with the prior five days. By using one page to cover one week, provides enough white space for students to resolve conflicts in their schedules before the conflicts occur. Bottom line, this specially designed calendar for all students shows one-week snapshots which is the best way for students to manage their time.

6 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 4. Students don’t know what to do with materials of interest. PERSONAL SECTION Space for Miscellaneous or materials of interest The reason you need this space is to prevent putting miscellaneous or materials of interest with the materials in the other sections. Having this section ensures that the High School Guide Notebook remains organized at all times.

7 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 5. Students can’t stay on track in the classroom. “GUIDE PAPER” Subject______ Date______ Today’s Topic__________ FORMAT Starter Question: The teacher uses this section to ask a reflective question from work of the previous day’s lesson. Answer: The student should attempt to answer the question before the teacher discusses the answer in the classroom. THIS SECTION ALLOWS THE STUDENTS TO MAKE A CONNECTION FROM PREVIOUS WORK Today’s Objectives: The teacher should tell the students exactly what they should be learning on each day. The students should make a point to write these objectives down, one: two: or three: etc… THIS SECTION IS USED BY THE TEACHER TO PROVIDE THE PRECISE CONCEPT(S) THAT THE STUDENTS SHOULD BE LEARNING ON THIS PARTICULAR DAY. Summary Notes: THIS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR THE PERSONAL TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INDIVIDUAL TEACHERS : The teacher’s lesson should support today’s topic and objectives which ensures teacher and student accountability. Students Use One Sheet Per Core Class Per Day

8 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 6. Students can’t keep up with the concepts covered each day. “GUIDE PAPER” Subject______ Date______ Today’s Topic__________ FORMAT Starter Question: The teacher uses this section to ask a reflective question from work of the previous day’s lesson. Answer: The student should attempt to answer the question before the teacher discusses the answer in the classroom. THIS SECTION ALLOWS THE STUDENTS TO MAKE A CONNECTION FROM PREVIOUS WORK Today’s Objectives: The teacher should tell the students exactly what they should be learning on each day. The students should make a point to write these objectives down, one: two: or three: etc… THIS SECTION IS USED BY THE TEACHER TO PROVIDE THE PRECISE CONCEPT(S) THAT THE STUDENTS SHOULD BE LEARNING ON THIS PARTICULAR DAY. Summary Notes: THIS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR THE PERSONAL TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INDIVIDUAL TEACHERS By Maintaining This Guide Paper on a Daily Basis, Students Can Stay On Track With All Their Classwork

9 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 7. Students have no consistent way to repeat difficult concepts. “GUIDE PAPER TEMPLATE” FORMAT Subject______ Date______ Today’s Topic__________ Today’s Starter Question: Answer: Today’s Objective(s) Summary Notes: Principles of ScienceNovember 5, 2012Converting AU to Meters An Astronomical Unit is the standard measurement for the distance from Earth to the Sun (AU). The distance is about 150 billion (1.50 X 10 m ) 11 Calculate what 1 AU would equal in km. 1 AU = 1.50X 10 11 m:1,000 =1 km; 1.50X10 m 11 X 1.0 km 1,000 m or 1.0X10 3 m 1.50X10 m = 1.50X10 8 km Learn how to multiply using scientific notation and convert from one SI unit to another. The summary notes should support the objectives and today’s topic. Having the capability to sequence the process using this templated “Guide Paper” allows the student to see the process over and over, GOOD FOR LEARNING DIFFICULT CONCEPTS.

10 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 8. Students have no way to create transparency for their educational experiences. “GUIDE PAPER TEMPLATE” Subject______ Date______ Today’s Topic__________ FORMAT Starter Question: The teacher uses this section to ask a reflective question from work of the previous day’s lesson. Answer: The student should attempt to answer the question before the teacher discusses the answer in the classroom. THIS SECTION ALLOWS THE STUDENTS TO MAKE A CONNECTION FROM PREVIOUS WORK Today’s Objectives: The teacher should tell the students exactly what they should be learning on each day. The students should make a point to write these objectives down, one: two: or three: etc… THIS SECTION IS USED BY THE TEACHER TO PROVIDE THE PRECISE CONCEPT(S) THAT THE STUDENTS SHOULD BE LEARNING ON THIS PARTICULAR DAY. Summary Notes: THIS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR THE PERSONAL TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INDIVIDUAL TEACHERS By Using this Guide Paper Template, all Stakeholders are aware of what’s going on in every classroom. Now, all can be held accountable

11 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 9.Students maintain no references that can immediately be used to enhance learning. “FOUR CORE REFERENCES” “PROVIDED IN EACH NOTEBOOK” English MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES Over 700 Quick Study references are available for use. Currently, the references used in the High School Guide Notebook are produced by BarCharts, and they are among the best on the market

12 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK ADDRESSES THE PROBLEMS ONE AT A TIME 10. Students have no programatic way to reduce the chaos from their lives. THE “HIGH SCHOOL GUIDE NOTEBOOK” IS THE ANSWER TO A BETTER AMERICA, GUARANTEED This scientifically designed notebook is THE TOOL which enables students who use the Casual Register of Language to thrive in environments where the Formal Register of Language is used: in Schools, on Standardized Tests and in the Workplace. Bottom line, chaos is in the mind, not the environment. If we eliminate chaos from the mind, the thought process will be aligned with the Educational / Learning Process. The High School Guide Notebook is a prerequisite for all who participate in advance programs using technology.

13 Copyright © 2009 all rights reserved THIS NOTEBOOK Embraced By Belleville School district 201 Belleville School District 201 Purchased one High School Guide Notebook for each student at it’s Alternative School. BSD 201 Comments:

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