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Published byElfrieda Quinn Modified over 9 years ago
1 Market Operator User Group Meeting 1 Market Operator User Group Meeting 22 nd of May 2012 SONI Offices, Belfast Conference Call:- LoCall: 0818 301 111 Local Access: +353 1 664 8888 Pin: 481 953
2 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 2 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
House Keeping Please note the location of the fire exits. If you are on the conference call we would ask that you keep your phone on Mute unless you are asking a question 3 Market Operator User Group Meeting 3
4 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 4 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
5 Market Operator User Group Meeting 5 Key Performance Indicators
6 Market Operator User Group Meeting 6 Key Performance Indicators
Publish MIP/LR Operational DateTrade DateRun TypeLR Peak SMPMIP Peak SMPPublished 08/03/201209/03/2012Ex-Ante (EA)€567.85€216.75MIP 15/03/201214/03/2012Ex-Post Indicative (EP1) €542.17€247.86MIP 23/03/201224/03/2012Ex-Ante (EA)€521.09€563.06MIP 27/04/201228/04/2012Ex-Ante (EA)€979.92€68.14MIP 28/04/201229/04/2012Ex-Ante (EA)€981.20€76.88LR 28/04/201224/04/2012Ex-Post Initial (EP2)€675.58€208.81LR Market Operator User Group Meeting 7
Pricing Issues Run Type IssueResolution AllLate Publication Reports published late to the website and / or MPI. Late Transfer MIUN’s transferred late. The Ex-Ante market schedule was published after market deadline at 16:46 28/04/2012 instead of 13:00 28/04/2012 for Trade Date 29/04/2012 Due to an operational error. The Ex-Post Indicative market schedules have all been published on time. The Ex-Post Initial market schedules have all been published on time. The Modified Interconnector Unit Nominations for the Ex-Ante were transferred at 14:09 instead of 12:00 for Trade Date 29/04/2012 Due to a process issue. The Modified Interconnector Unit Nominations for the Ex-Ante were transferred at 15:00 instead of 12:00 for Trade Date 03/05/2012 Due to a system defect. 8 Market Operator User Group Meeting
Settlement Issues 9 Run TypeIssueCause and Resolution Indicative Energy & VMOCLate Publishing System Issue 21 st March(> 1 hr late) 29 th March (> 1 hr late) Bank Holiday 16 th March(>1 hr late) 17 th March (> 1 hr late) 18 th March (> 1 hr late) File Submission 17 th April(> 1 hr late) The delays were a result of performance issues affecting Market Systems. A short term solution is in place to improve performance. However, SEMO is working on a permanent fix with the vendor. This was an operational oversight due to the Bank Holiday Monday. Statements and PIRs were published at the earliest opportunity the next working day. Meter Data files were not submitted by MRSO on time. Indicative Settlement was delayed by one working day as a result Initial Energy & VMOCMissing Combined Loss Factors Data Submission 2 nd – 10 th March 2012 CLAFs for three Units were not submitted by EirGrid TSO which affected Energy Payments. Ad hoc resettlement was necessary to rectify Week 10 2012. This was resettled and invoiced 11/05/2012. Market Operator User Group Meeting 9
Settlement Issues 10 Run TypeIssueCause and Resolution Invoicing - Week 13 ‘11 M+13Currency Costs Operational Error 23rd March – 4th April 2011 Currency values were not correctly applied to Week 13 2011 RS Energy invoices due to an operational error. M+4 values instead were applied in error. Further update to be given in relation to a resolution. Initial Capacity - April 2012P Type Statements Published Operational Error 7 th April 2012 Meter values for the 7 th of April 2012 was mistakenly imported as Indicative (P) prior to the processing of Initial Capacity due to an operational error. As a consequence, P type files were published and a volume of data was missing from Capacity PIRs. F type Statements and PIRs were produced after invoices were published. Invoicing was not affected as a result of this issue. Market Operator User Group Meeting 10
11 Recent Registrations / De-Registrations Party There have been three new Party Registrations in the SEM since the last MOUG Church Hill Energy Limited Crighshane Energy Limited and Gaelectric Energy Storage Ltd. Units Generation – Registrations There have been four new Generator Unit Registrations in the SEM since the last MOUG; Three in the N.I jurisdiction and one in the ROI jurisdiction N.I – AES Ballylumford Limited, Church Hill Energy wind farm and Crighshane Energy wind farm ROI - Activation Energy DSU. Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 11 Market Operator User Group Meeting
12 Recent Registrations / De-Registrations Unit Supply - Registrations There have been three new Supply Unit Registrations in the SEM since the last MOUG; All in the ROI jurisdiction LCC Power Limited, Activation Energy TSSU and Endesa Ireland Ltd. De-Registrations There have been three Unit De-Registrations in the SEM since the last MOUG; All in the N.I jurisdiction. Bord Gais Supply Unit, NIE PPB Generator Unit and SSE Ireland Interconnector Unit Unit Type Change There have been ten Unit Type Changes in the SEM since the last MOUG; Six APTG to VPTG and four PPMG to PPTG Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 12 Market Operator User Group Meeting
13 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 13 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
14 Participant Connection Issues Issue: Java error(JMS Messaging) – connection issues experienced by a Participant when submitting COD. Resolution: SEMO’s internal investigation was passed to the CMS vendor to cross reference and to revert to SEMO with a plan to resolve. Issue was identified as a Java Messaging error. SEMO implemented elevated monitoring to catch the error & resolve. – This is has been successful. Next Steps: A workaround has been received and tested in current AMIE pre-production. The workaround script ‘recycles’ MI services on two MI servers. SEMO is proposing to run the workaround script each evening at 7:50pm – no MI events are running and from a review of the logs no participant activity. This process takes 15mins and connection requests during this period may fail. Deployment of the workaround script is due on Tuesday(22/5/12) This message queuing service is changing in IDT. Participants are currently testing with the new messaging service in place - IDT Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 14 Market Operator User Group Meeting
15 CMS Oracle Database Archiving Background Since 1 st November 2007, all the data provided to SEMO or generated by SEMO has been stored on the live system. This has impacted on system performance and the ability of SEMO to migrate data for IDT. The Plan: To improve performance of settlements and ensure that the migration of the Central Market Systems Database from the current AIME environment to IDT can be achieved within a 12 hour window. SEMO is proposing to archive the settlement data in the CMS on the 8 th June. This will require the CMS to go off-line for 12 hours. 6pm 8/6/12 to 6am 8/6/12 Once the archiving solution is implemented: The CMS database will contain 26 months of live data on line. SEMO will archive twice a year. 7 years of data will be available between offline and online Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 15 Market Operator User Group Meeting
16 CMS Oracle Database Archiving Additional Archiving Information All Data can be provided on request, however if resettlement is required for periods beyond the 26 months, then data will need to be retrieved from the archive, based on a granularity of 1 month, which will require a full market outage. The resettlement process time line and Market Outage will be communicated in accordance with the normal process, ( The likelihood of this type of resettlement being required is very low) SEMO will have the capacity for Seven years in relation to SAN requirements to hold data off line. The benefits of this are, increased performance and the ability to migrate within the 12 hour window. The challenges are, if data is required following a dispute, or a general query the response/resolution time may be increased as the data will need to be retrieved from the offline store, and a market outage will be required. Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 16 Market Operator User Group Meeting
17 AIME SSL Server Certs Renewal CMS AIME Web Servers The following AIME web server SSL certs need to be renewed STL.ALLISLANDMARKET.COM (DUBLIN) – EXPIRING 01/07/2012 STL.ALLISLANDMARKET.COM (BELFAST) – EXPIRING 01/07/2012 MARKET.ALLISLANDMARKET.COM (DUBLIN) – EXPIRING 01/07/2012 STLPR.ALLISLANDMARKET.COM (DUBLIN) – EXPIRING 01/07/2012 STLPR.ALLISLANDMARKET.COM (BELFAST) – EXPIRING 01/07/2012 MAMOI.ALLISLANDMARKET.COM (DUBLIN / BELFAST) – EXPIRING 05/07/2012 SEMO is proposing to renew these certs on Tuesday the 29 th of May – A CMS outage from 6pm to 12 midnight is required. Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 17 Market Operator User Group Meeting
18 IDT Technical Update Environment Build All production & non production environments are built with application code installed. Two physical production clusters. Six pre-production environments. Total of 204 servers have been built. Market Trail Running against a physical setup. Dedicated technical support resource. New URL’s for Market Trail. Using the same AIME pilot Certs New test FTP site Market Operator User Group Meeting / June 30 th 2009 18 Market Operator User Group Meeting
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Release Scope The following Change Requests are in scope for the SEM R2.0.0 release: CR RefMod RefDescription CR222Mod_18_10Intra-Day Trading CR244N/ASO Security (Option 1) CR256Mod_43_10Price Taker Generator Units and Firm Access CR284Mod_18_10Data to be Utilised when MSP Software Cancellation Run occurs CR287N/AInclusion of Breach Amount in the Credit Risk Report 19 Market Operator User Group Meeting 19
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Key Milestones Vendor Functional Design Approval29 July 2011 √ Complete Technical Overview Workshop03 Aug 2011√ Complete MPUD and Technical documentation 29 Aug 2011√ Complete Participant Engagement Plan09 Sep 2011 √ Complete Vendor Coding and Unit Testing11 Nov 2011 √ Complete Factory Test Complete23 Dec 2011 √ Complete SIT Execution03 Jan 2012 Closing May 21 st Market Trial Execution 30 Apr 2012 In Progress Proposed Deployment* 20 Jul 2012 * Subject to successful completion of testing. 20
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Schedule High-level project schedule 21
SEM R2.0.0: Market Trial Timeline Pre-MT Market Trial Execution 1 Week3 Weeks2 Weeks Ad-Hoc Testing Back-up databases Draft exit report Stage Scope 23/0427/0430/04 22/06 06/0725/06 Pre-Market TrialPost-Market Trial Set-up MT environment Back-up databases Verify digital certificates Test connectivity Full running of market including: Ex-Ante processing Indicative Ex-Post processing Initial Ex-Post processing Energy Settlements Capacity Settlements Abnormal market running including: Cancellation of an MSP run Discrete test scenarios Testing IDT Specific Functionality IDT Specific Interface Test End-to-End Test Ad-Hoc Test / Exit MT 18/05 21/05 5 Weeks 22 Market Operator User Group Meeting 22
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Market Trial Connectivity testing completed on schedule on April 27 th. IDT Specific Interface Testing completed on schedule on May 18 th. End-To-End phase underway – due for completion June 22 nd. Ad-Hoc test phase scheduled for June 25 th to July 6 th. If Participants have specific requests for the ad-hoc phase these must be submitted well in advance to the market helpdesk to enable SEMO to ensure relevant data etc is prepared. SEMO will evaluate and respond to all requests. Proposed scenarios will be published in advance. 23 Market Operator User Group Meeting 23
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Market Trial – Items Encountered XML Report Control Characters: One Participant identified that control characters (CR, Line Feed) in XML reports were affecting the consumption of data into their back-end systems. Outcome: While not strictly a defect, our vendors have provided a software update to resolve this. Status : Item re-tested and closed. 24 Market Operator User Group Meeting 24
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Legacy FTP - Report Timing Some Participants continue to use the Legacy FTP site for provisioning of “Public Data” from the Central Market Systems. As previously communicated it is not intended to upgrade the Legacy FTP site for future releases. IDT release will impact the Legacy FTP site as follows: Where there are multiple versions of the same report (i.e. for each Gate Window) these will be copied to the FTP site as normal but they will have the same target filename. This will result in previous versions of the report to be overwritten. For example PUB_D_CODInterconnecotrUnits_EA, PUB_D_CODInterconnecotrUnits_EA2 and PUB_D_CODInterconnecotrUnits_WD1 will be copied to the Legacy Ftp site as PUB_D_CODInterconnecotrUnits 25 Market Operator User Group Meeting 25
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Report Timing and MPUD 26 Market Operator User Group Meeting 26
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Legacy FTP Site Participants are reminded that the Legacy FTP site should not be utilised for business critical data provision. Participants who continue to use this facility run the risk of data loss. The Legacy FTP site will be decommissioned by SEMO at some point in the future – consultation on timeline will be held with the industry. In preparation for decommissioning, Participants should switch focus to the SEMO website data facility or utilise the MPI in the Central Market Systems for “Public Data” provisioning. 27 Market Operator User Group Meeting 27
SEM R2.0.0: Intra-Day Trading Market Trial Support Channels Daily Conference Calls at 3pm. Participants are strongly urged to participate in these to keep themselves informed on latest developments, schedule etc. Market Trial issues/queries can be submitted to IDT project team via the Market Helpdesk. Please use template when submitting items to the Helpdesk. SEMO Website: Latest news, updates etc.; IDT Newsletter; Publication of all Market Trial related issues and queries on a bi-weekly basis (Wednesdays & Fridays). Monthly Project Management Forum (PMF) conference calls. 28 Market Operator User Group Meeting 28
SEM R2.1.0 (Oct 2012) Release Update Approved Scope The following CRs have RA approval for inclusion in the SEM R2.1.0 release: CR RefMod RefDescription CR207N/AAutomation of FMOC Calculation CR254Mod_40_10Dwell Times While Ramping CR255Mod_42_10Single Ramp Rate CR258Mod_01_11UI Payments for Generator Units CR259Mod_06_11SRA Cancellation through the MPI CR260N/AAdditional MI-AMP Feed CR261N/ARemoval of Orphan Trading Site Settlement Points CR266N/AChange of Effective Date in the MPI CR267N/AWind and Load Forecast Data CR274Mod_10_11Interconnector Under Test CR275Mod_12_11Interconnector Losses CR280Mod_21_11UI Payments for ELUs Constrained On CR286N/APublication of Zero IUNs when no PQ Pairs available 29 Market Operator User Group Meeting 29
SEM R2.1.0 (Oct 2012) Release Update Participant Impacts The SEM R2.1.0 scope will have an impact on interfaces between the CMS and Participant systems. To support this release, SEMO will put in place the necessary framework to give maximum visibility and opportunity for engagement to Participants, including: Interface documentation set (e.g. MPI User Guide, MPUD); Functional Workshops; MOUG Updates; and Market Test phase. Design discussions with vendors nearing completion. 30 Market Operator User Group Meeting 30
SEM R2.2.0 (Apr 2013) Release Update Modification Proposal Scope CR RefMod RefDescription CR281Mod_17_11Addition of D+3 Dispatch Instruction report 31 Market Operator User Group Meeting 31
SEMO Website – IDT impacts June 2012– Website Upgrade for IDT IDT ready – handling of all new reports and IDT data Improved Training and Registration Pages Improvements to behaviour of Operational Indicators Single log in access for Alert Me and Dynamic Reports Continued…. 32 Market Operator User Group Meeting 32
SEMO Website – IDT impacts June 2012– Website Upgrade for IDT – continued New Dynamic Reports Daily Exchange Rate Generator Forecast Data Interconnector Flow Nomination Profile – Demand Side Units Nomination Profile – Standard Units Technical Offer Data – Demand Side Units Technical Offer Data – Standard Units Defect corrections Dynamic Reports Improved presentation of KPI Reports 33 Market Operator User Group Meeting 33
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade The SEMO website will be “IDT Ready” to handle IDT data in advance of IDT go live (mid June 2012): 34 Market Operator User Group Meeting 34
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade Improved Registration and Training Pages 35 Market Operator User Group Meeting 35
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade Improved Registration and Training Pages 36
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade Improvements to behaviour of Operational Indicators RED – Messages stay red until closed (not just red TODAY) Amber – Warning condition e.g. Advance notification of alert for current or future operational run All Red – Critical situation e.g. Market Systems outage 37 Market Operator User Group Meeting 37
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade Single log in access for Alert Me and Dynamic Reports Alert subscribers who do not already have a password will be invited to create a password 38 Market Operator User Group Meeting 38
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade New Dynamic Reports New Dynamic Reports Daily Exchange Rate Generator Forecast Data Interconnector Flow Nomination Profile – Demand Side Units Nomination Profile – Standard Units Technical Offer Data – Demand Side Units Technical Offer Data – Standard Units 39 Market Operator User Group Meeting 39
SEMO Website – IDT Upgrade Improved Presentation of KPI Reports 40 Market Operator User Group Meeting 40
41 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 41 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
42 Query Statistics 13 th of March – 1 st of May 2012 No. of calls older than 20 working days: 4 42 Market Operator User Group Meeting
43 Query Statistics 1 st July 2011 – 31 st August 2011 Market Operator User Group Meeting 43
General Query KPI’s General Query KPI – 20 Working Days Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 95.13%96.35%99.16%*N/A 44 * Currently although as this quarter still open subject to change Market Operator User Group Meeting 44
45 Disputes: 13 th of March – 1 st of May 2012 SEMO has received two disputes since the last MOUG. No disputes have been resolved since the last MOUG. There are currently four Disputes Open. 45 Market Operator User Group Meeting
History of SupportWorks in Operations Intraday Trading Changes Query Management System Upgrade – SupportWorks Improvements to the Limited Communications Process Amendment to Authorised Persons Category B Customer Service - Intraday Trading 46 Market Operator User Group Meeting 46
History of SupportWorks in Operations Brief History of System Introduced in 2007 for Market Go-Live Predominantly introduced for the tracking of Formal Queries at the time of implementation Little functionality introduced since original implementation Customer Service – Query Management System 47 Market Operator User Group Meeting 47
Customer Service – Query Management System Current Situation Primarily used to Manage Formal and General Queries SupportWorks is used for: Tracking queries Statistical Reporting Audit information Measuring KPI’s 48 Market Operator User Group Meeting 48
Customer Service – Query Management System Improvements More efficient handling of Queries Introduction of a Web Portal Customers would log their own queries via public website Informational prompts to help customers resolve their queries before contacting the Helpdesk 49 Market Operator User Group Meeting 49
Customer Service – Query Management System Benefits What this will mean for You: Improved turnaround times Greater transparency with regard to query management process Can receive additional documentation through this on line portal (release information etc.) 50 Market Operator User Group Meeting 50
Customer Service – Limited Communications Failure Limited Communications Failure Process Improvement LCF submission via the new Web Portal Participant Action Participants log in and complete the digital form with bid information Send a one page fax to SEMO with the following details: Call Reference – generated from Web Portal Authorised Persons Name Authorised Persons Password: 51 Market Operator User Group Meeting 51
Customer Service – Limited Communications Failure Limited Communications Failure Process Improvement SEMO Steps: SEMO review call detail logged in Query Management System SEMO validates the fax detail: Call Reference Authorised Persons Name Authorised Persons Password: If the fax passes validation the.xml file created as part of the call logging process is loaded to the CMS SEMO notifies Participant of success/failure of the file load. *Participants are still required to call the Market Operations hotline 52 Market Operator User Group Meeting 52
Customer Service – Review Authorised Persons To Facilitate new Credit Formal Query With Intra-Day Trading (IDT), an additional Formal Query process will be introduced with regard to the calculation of Required Credit Cover (RCC). To Submit this type of query the participant must be listed as an Authorised Person – with category B permissions Please review and ensure the correct staff are listed prior to go live 53 Market Operator User Group Meeting 53
54 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 54 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM Firm Access Quantity “… the quantity of Output that a Generator Unit has firm rights under a Connection Agreement to be able to export onto the system at the point of Connection” - T&SC Glossary; Connection is generally represented in the SEM as the Trading Site; Trading Site is group of generators that are “…covered by a single Connection Agreement…” - T&SC Glossary; “…are located on a Contiguous Site…” - T&SC Glossary; In the SEM, Firm Access Quantity is recorded against the Trading Site; 55 Market Operator User Group Meeting 55
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM Firm Access Quantity Connection offered up to contracted Maximum Export Capacity (MEC); If not fully firm, then Firm Access Quantity applied; Where a unit is fully firm to its MEC but has higher installed capacity, the quantity greater than the MEC is non-firm in the SEM; In the SEM, FAQ of a Trading Side = Sum(Registered Capacity) – Sum(Non-Firm Capacity); 56 Market Operator User Group Meeting 56
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM Firm Access Quantity Maximum Generator Capacity = Registered Capacity Registered Firm Capacity is a derived quantity based on a pro-rata of the FAQ for the site across the installed units on the site – not used in the SEM Non-Firm Capacity is derived based on Maximum Generator Capacity – Registered Firm Capacity 57 Market Operator User Group Meeting 57
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used Used in the calculation of Actual Availability; Applies to all settlement classes (PPMG, PPTG and VPTG); Not used in the calculation of Eligible Availability for Capacity Payment; “The Market Operator shall calculate values of Availability Profile …without consideration of access limitations.” – T&SC, 4.54; 58 Market Operator User Group Meeting 58
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used The Generator Unit values in the Market Participant Interface are not used in these calculations; Actual Availability is calculated dynamically for each Trading Period for each Generator Unit where the Trading Site is not fully firm; Calculation takes account of Availability Profile of each Generator Unit on the Trading Site; The Firm Access Quantity of the Trading Site; The Dispatch Quantity of each of the Generator Units on the Site; The on site demand, where registered explicitly (Trading Site Supplier Unit); 59 Market Operator User Group Meeting 59
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used Step 1: This takes the Firm Access Quantity for the site, …adds any metered demand on site (served behind the connection point), …and allocates the FAQ to each unit, pro-rata to their Availability Profile 60 Market Operator User Group Meeting 60
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used Step 2: This calculates an Access Quantity for each Generator on the Trading Site …which is the smaller of the Availability Profile, …and the unit Firm Access Quantity. Note, that the unit Firm Access Quantity here is compared against the Dispatch Quantity. Therefore, if the unit is dispatched by the TSO above its allocated Firm Access Quantity, the higher value is used. 61 Market Operator User Group Meeting 61
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used Step 3: This calculates an Access Quantity for the Trading Site …which is the smaller of the summed Availability Profile of all Generators, …and the Trading Site Firm Access Quantity, including any demand served behind the connection point. Note, that the Trading Site Firm Access Quantity here is compared against the summed Dispatch Quantities for all units on the site. Therefore, if the combined dispatch for the site is above its allocated Firm Access Quantity, the higher value is used. 62 Market Operator User Group Meeting 62
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used Step 4: This calculates an Actual Availability for each Generator on the Trading Site …where the units have been dispatched to their total Access Quantity, then this is used, …where the units have been dispatched below their Access Quantity, again the Access Quantity is used (because this expression calculates to zero), …where the units have been dispatched above their aggregate Access Quantity, their Access Quantity is increased by the difference, pro-rata across the site. 63 Market Operator User Group Meeting 63
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How FAQ is used Example: Please note this Excel is for sample purposes only 64 Market Operator User Group Meeting 64
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM How it impacts For Predictable Price Makers, availability for use in the determination of market schedules is limited by Firm Access Quantity; Modification 43_10 – introduces the Actual Availability value for Variable Price Takers when constrained down; This means MSQ for VPTs will be limited by their Firm Access Quantity; Modification becomes effective from next software release (SEM R 2.0); 65 Market Operator User Group Meeting 65
Treatment of Firm Access Quantities in the SEM Next steps SEMO and EirGrid TSO have completed a review of values recorded in the SEM registration system; Have reviewed values of – Firm Access Quantity for each Trading Site; Maximum Generator Capacity (Registered Capacity) for each Generator Unit; Registered Firm Capacity*; Non-Firm Capacity*; Discrepancies have been identified in the set up of some Sites/Units; We will be contacting affected Participants with details of data as recorded in our system and what is understood to be the correct data; We will ask affected Participants to confirm the correct data; 66 Market Operator User Group Meeting 66
67 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 67 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
68 Market Operator User Group Meeting Questions? Q&A Session
69 Agenda Releases and Infrastructure 11:00 Market Analysis11:55 Market Operations 10:35 Customer Service11:40 Review of Action Items10:30 69 Market Operator User Group Meeting Finish12:30 Questions and Answers 12:15
70 Thank You for your Attendance Next MOUG Conference Call: 12 th of June 2012 Next MOUG: 17 th of July 2012 in Dublin Market Operator User Group Meeting 70
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