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Electronic structure. Important question: Why certain materials are metals and others are insulators? Important question: Why certain materials are.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic structure. Important question: Why certain materials are metals and others are insulators? Important question: Why certain materials are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic structure


3 Important question: Why certain materials are metals and others are insulators? Important question: Why certain materials are metals and others are insulators? The presence of perfect periodicity greatly simplifies the mathematical treatment of the behaviour of electrons in a solid. The electron states can be written as Block waves extending throughout the crystal: The presence of perfect periodicity greatly simplifies the mathematical treatment of the behaviour of electrons in a solid. The electron states can be written as Block waves extending throughout the crystal:

4 φ(k,r) = u(k,r) exp (ikr) φ(k,r) = u(k,r) exp (ikr) where u(k,r) has the periodicity of the crystal lattice where u(k,r) has the periodicity of the crystal latticeu(k,r)=u(k,r+R) (R is lattice translation vector.), (R is lattice translation vector.), and term exp(ikr) represents a plane wave. and term exp(ikr) represents a plane wave.

5 The allowed wavevectors k of the electrons are related to the symmetry of lattice. The allowed wavevectors k of the electrons are related to the symmetry of lattice. Since that a reciprocal lattice related to the unit cell parameters can be established in k-space. Since that a reciprocal lattice related to the unit cell parameters can be established in k-space.

6 First Brillouin zone of FCC lattice showing symmetry labels

7 Electron density of states of c-Si Indirect semiconductor

8 Amorphous materials? There is no periodicity! There is no periodicity! Hence there can be no reciprocal Hence there can be no reciprocal k-space. No k vector. k-space. No k vector. The electrons can not be represented as Block states. The electrons can not be represented as Block states. Should band gap occur in amorphous materials? Yes Should band gap occur in amorphous materials? Yes

9 What is the definition of semiconductors? 1. Conductivity? Conductivity is between metals and insulators? Conductivity is between metals and insulators? 2. Gap size? It has a gap of 1 – 2 eV? It has a gap of 1 – 2 eV? 3. Or?

10 As the temperature of a semiconductor rises above absolute zero, there is more energy to spend on lattice vibration and on lifting some electrons into an energy states of the conduction band. As the temperature of a semiconductor rises above absolute zero, there is more energy to spend on lattice vibration and on lifting some electrons into an energy states of the conduction band. absolute zero absolute zero Electrons excited to the conduction band leave behind electron holes in the valence band. Electrons excited to the conduction band leave behind electron holes in the valence band.electron holeselectron holes Both the conduction band electrons and the valence band holes contribute to electrical conductivity. Both the conduction band electrons and the valence band holes contribute to electrical conductivity. + -

11 Most common definition The temperature dependence of resistivity at low temperature: The temperature dependence of resistivity at low temperature: ρ = ρ 0 exp(ε 0 / ρ = ρ 0 exp(ε 0 /k B T ) ρ decreasing T increasing, ρ decreasing (In metal case: ρ increasing!) T increasing, ρ increasing!)

12 Electronic structure

13 Covalent bonding Amorphous semiconductors are typically covalently bonded materials. Amorphous semiconductors are typically covalently bonded materials.

14 sp3 hybrids Hybridisation describes the bonding atoms from an atom's point of view. A tetrahedrally coordinated carbon (e.g., methane, CH4), the carbon should have 4 orbitals with the correct symmetry to bond to the 4 hydrogen atoms. Hybridisation describes the bonding atoms from an atom's point of view. A tetrahedrally coordinated carbon (e.g., methane, CH4), the carbon should have 4 orbitals with the correct symmetry to bond to the 4 hydrogen atoms. The problem with the existence of methane is now this: carbon's ground-state configuration is 1s2, 2s2, 2px1, 2py1 The problem with the existence of methane is now this: carbon's ground-state configuration is 1s2, 2s2, 2px1, 2py1

15 Ground state orbitals cannot be used for bonding in CH4. While exciting 2s electrons into a 2p orbitals would, in theory, allow for four bonds according to the valence bond theory, this would imply that the various bonds of CH4 would have differing energies due to differing levels of orbital overlap. This has been experimentally disproved. Ground state orbitals cannot be used for bonding in CH4. While exciting 2s electrons into a 2p orbitals would, in theory, allow for four bonds according to the valence bond theory, this would imply that the various bonds of CH4 would have differing energies due to differing levels of orbital overlap. This has been experimentally disproved.

16 The solution is a linear combination of the s and p wave functions, known as a hybridized orbital. In the case of carbon attempting to bond with four hydrogens, four orbitals are required. Therefore, the 2s orbital "mixes" with the three 2p orbitals to form four sp3 hybrids becomes The solution is a linear combination of the s and p wave functions, known as a hybridized orbital. In the case of carbon attempting to bond with four hydrogens, four orbitals are required. Therefore, the 2s orbital "mixes" with the three 2p orbitals to form four sp3 hybrids becomes

17 sp 3 orbitals 1. sp 3 = ½ s - ½ p x - ½ p y + ½ p z 1. sp 3 = ½ s - ½ p x - ½ p y + ½ p z 2. sp 3 = ½ s - ½ p x + ½ p y - ½ p z 2. sp 3 = ½ s - ½ p x + ½ p y - ½ p z 3. sp 3 = ½ s + ½ p x - ½ p y - ½ p z 3. sp 3 = ½ s + ½ p x - ½ p y - ½ p z 4. sp 3 = ½ s + ½ p x + ½ p y + ½ p z 4. sp 3 = ½ s + ½ p x + ½ p y + ½ p z Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals Scalar product: (n.sp 3 ; m.sp 3 ) = 0 (n.sp 3 ; m.sp 3 ) = 0

18 sp 3

19 In CH4, four sp3 hybridised orbitals are overlapped by hydrogen's 1s orbital, yielding four σ (sigma) bonds (that is, four single covalent bonds). The four bonds are of the same length and strength. This theory fits the requirements.

20 CH 4

21 sp 2 hybrids For example, ethene (C2H4). Ethene has a double bond between the carbons. For example, ethene (C2H4). Ethene has a double bond between the carbons.ethene For this molecule, carbon will sp2 hybridise, because one π (pi) bond is required for the double bond between the carbons, and only three σ bonds are formed per carbon atom. In sp2 hybridisation the 2s orbital is mixed with only two of the three available 2p orbitals. For this molecule, carbon will sp2 hybridise, because one π (pi) bond is required for the double bond between the carbons, and only three σ bonds are formed per carbon atom. In sp2 hybridisation the 2s orbital is mixed with only two of the three available 2p orbitals.π (pi) bonddouble bondπ (pi) bonddouble bond

22 sp 2 hybrids In ethylene (ethene) the two carbon atoms form a σ bond by overlapping two sp2 orbitals and each carbon atom forms two covalent bonds with hydrogen by s–sp2 overlap all with 120° angles. The π bond between the carbon atoms perpendicular to the molecular plane is formed by 2p–2p overlap. The hydrogen-carbon bonds are all of equal strength and length, which agrees with experimental data. In ethylene (ethene) the two carbon atoms form a σ bond by overlapping two sp2 orbitals and each carbon atom forms two covalent bonds with hydrogen by s–sp2 overlap all with 120° angles. The π bond between the carbon atoms perpendicular to the molecular plane is formed by 2p–2p overlap. The hydrogen-carbon bonds are all of equal strength and length, which agrees with experimental data.ethene

23 sp 2 orbitals 1. sp 2 = (1/3) ½ s + (2/3) ½ p x 1. sp 2 = (1/3) ½ s + (2/3) ½ p x 2. sp 2 = (1/3) ½ s - (1/6) ½ p x + (1/2) ½ p y 2. sp 2 = (1/3) ½ s - (1/6) ½ p x + (1/2) ½ p y 3. sp 2 = (1/3) ½ s - (1/6) ½ p x - (1/2) ½ p y 3. sp 2 = (1/3) ½ s - (1/6) ½ p x - (1/2) ½ p y Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals Scalar product: (n.sp2; m.sp2) = 0 (n.sp2; m.sp2) = 0

24 sp 2

25 sp hybrid In C2H2 molecule. Only two sigma bonds: 1. sp 3 = (1/2) ½ s - (1/2) ½ p x 2. sp 3 = (1/2) ½ s + (1/2) ½ p x 2. sp 3 = (1/2) ½ s + (1/2) ½ p x

26 IV. Column materials

27 VI. Column materials (2s4p electrons => 2s+2 sigma bond +2 lone pair )

28 Atomic charges

29 In crystalline case on monoatomic semiconductors there is no charge transfer among the same atoms because of translation symmetry. In crystalline case on monoatomic semiconductors there is no charge transfer among the same atoms because of translation symmetry. In non-crystalline case there is charge transfer because of distorted sp3 hybridization. In non-crystalline case there is charge transfer because of distorted sp3 hybridization.

30 distorted sp3 hybridization 1. sp 3 = ? s - ? p x - ? p y + ? p z 1. sp 3 = ? s - ? p x - ? p y + ? p z 2. sp 3 = ? s - ? p x + ? p y - ? p z 2. sp 3 = ? s - ? p x + ? p y - ? p z 3. sp 3 = ? s + ? p x - ? p y - ? p z 3. sp 3 = ? s + ? p x - ? p y - ? p z 4. sp 3 = ? s + ? p x + ? p y + ? P z 4. sp 3 = ? s + ? p x + ? p y + ? P z

31 Charge accumulation has an important influence on electron energy distribution and it plays an important role for the chemical shift in NMR measurements. Charge accumulation has an important influence on electron energy distribution and it plays an important role for the chemical shift in NMR measurements.

32 Electronic density of states Electronic density of states(EDOS)


34 a-Si RMC I.

35 Measured structure factor (solid line), RMC model (dashed line)


37 Unconstrained model

38 Constrains for a-Si Is it really possible?

39 Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulations We have developed a tight binding molecular dynamics (TB-MD) computer code to simulate the real preparation procedure of an amorphous structure, which is grown by atom-by-atom deposition on a substrate. This method differs from most other molecular dynamics (MD) studies where the amorphous networks are formed by rapid cooling from the liquid state. Our MD method was successfully used for the description of the amorphous carbon growth. We have developed a tight binding molecular dynamics (TB-MD) computer code to simulate the real preparation procedure of an amorphous structure, which is grown by atom-by-atom deposition on a substrate. This method differs from most other molecular dynamics (MD) studies where the amorphous networks are formed by rapid cooling from the liquid state. Our MD method was successfully used for the description of the amorphous carbon growth. (K. Kohary and S. Kugler, Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 193404; and K. Kohary, PhD thesis, Budapest-Marburg (2001), cond-mat/0201312) (K. Kohary and S. Kugler, Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 193404; and K. Kohary, PhD thesis, Budapest-Marburg (2001), cond-mat/0201312).


41 Density of States calculations Quantum chemical cluster calculations at the AM1 level were also carried out in order to find out whether the presence of triangles and/or squares cause variations in terms of the electronic properties. The electronic density of states (EDOS) of the WWW model and the modified WWW models containing triangles and squares were calculated. Quantum chemical cluster calculations at the AM1 level were also carried out in order to find out whether the presence of triangles and/or squares cause variations in terms of the electronic properties. The electronic density of states (EDOS) of the WWW model and the modified WWW models containing triangles and squares were calculated.

42 The reference cluster (a part of the WWW model) contained about 100 fourfold coordinated Si atoms and a sufficient number of hydrogens saturating the dangling bonds on the boundary of the cluster. It contains no significant deviation from a locally nearly perfect tetrahedral order. The reference cluster (a part of the WWW model) contained about 100 fourfold coordinated Si atoms and a sufficient number of hydrogens saturating the dangling bonds on the boundary of the cluster. It contains no significant deviation from a locally nearly perfect tetrahedral order.

43 First calculation Based on reference network, we constructed other clusters adding silicon (and hydrogen) atoms which formed one, two and three fused or individual triangles and squares. Significant differences were observed in terms of the EDOS: additional higher energy states appeared in the mobility gap, which are localized on the triangle(s) and square(s). Based on reference network, we constructed other clusters adding silicon (and hydrogen) atoms which formed one, two and three fused or individual triangles and squares. Significant differences were observed in terms of the EDOS: additional higher energy states appeared in the mobility gap, which are localized on the triangle(s) and square(s).


45 Second calculation Next figure shows the EDOS computed for the central part of the RMC structural model obtained at the 10th stage, as compared to the EDOS of the reference (WWW) cluster. The new states in the gap correspond to a bond angle of about 74 deg. in the RMC model. Here, it is demonstrated that these states are due exclusively to bond angles that are smaller than the tetrahedral ones. Next figure shows the EDOS computed for the central part of the RMC structural model obtained at the 10th stage, as compared to the EDOS of the reference (WWW) cluster. The new states in the gap correspond to a bond angle of about 74 deg. in the RMC model. Here, it is demonstrated that these states are due exclusively to bond angles that are smaller than the tetrahedral ones.



48 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 253 (2010) 012013


50 The end

51 Optical properties

52 General aspects Optical absorption and luminescence occur by transition of electrons and holes between electronic states (bands, tail states, gap states). If electron-phonon coupling is strong enough self-trapping occurs. Optical absorption and luminescence occur by transition of electrons and holes between electronic states (bands, tail states, gap states). If electron-phonon coupling is strong enough self-trapping occurs.

53 Absorption coefficient α is defined by I(z) = I o exp {- α z} Absorption coefficient α is defined by I(z) = I o exp {- α z} where I(z) is the flux density if incident light is I o, z is the distance measured from the incident surface. Hence where I(z) is the flux density if incident light is I o, z is the distance measured from the incident surface. Hence α = - (1/I(z)) dI(z)/dz

54 Absorption

55 Tauc law (Tauc plot, A region) The absorption coefficient, α, due to interband transition near the band-gap is well described: The absorption coefficient, α, due to interband transition near the band-gap is well described: αħω = B (ħ ω – E g ) 2 ħω is photon energy, E g is optical gap. ħω is photon energy, E g is optical gap. This Tauc plot defines the optical gap in amorphous semiconductors. This Tauc plot defines the optical gap in amorphous semiconductors.



58 Urbach tail (B region) The absorption coefficient at the photon energy below the optical gap (tail absorption) depends exponentially on the photon energy: The absorption coefficient at the photon energy below the optical gap (tail absorption) depends exponentially on the photon energy: α(ħ ω) ~ exp (ħ ω/E u ) α(ħ ω) ~ exp (ħ ω/E u ) where E u is called Urbach energy. where E u is called Urbach energy.

59 C region In addition, optical absorption by defects also appears at energy lower than optical gap. Likewise α is written as another exponential function of photon energy: In addition, optical absorption by defects also appears at energy lower than optical gap. Likewise α is written as another exponential function of photon energy: α(ħω) ~ exp (ħω/E d ), E d belongs to the width of the defect states. C region is rather sensitive to the structural properties of materials. E d belongs to the width of the defect states. C region is rather sensitive to the structural properties of materials.

60 Photoluminescence Photoluminescence occurs as a result of the transition of electrons and holes from excited states to ground state. Photoluminescence occurs as a result of the transition of electrons and holes from excited states to ground state. After interband excitation, electrons (holes) relax to the bottom (top) of the conduction (valence) band by emitting phonons much more quickly than the radiative transition. After interband excitation, electrons (holes) relax to the bottom (top) of the conduction (valence) band by emitting phonons much more quickly than the radiative transition.

61 Direct/indirect transition In the case of crystalline semiconductors (without defects, there is no localized state) photoluminescence occurs by transition between the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band. k selection rule must be satisfied: k photon = k i – k f. (k photon, k i and, k f are the wave numbers of photons, electron of initial and final states. In the case of crystalline semiconductors (without defects, there is no localized state) photoluminescence occurs by transition between the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band. k selection rule must be satisfied: k photon = k i – k f. (k photon, k i and, k f are the wave numbers of photons, electron of initial and final states.

62 Since k photon is much smaller than k i and k f, we can rewrite the selection rule: Since k photon is much smaller than k i and k f, we can rewrite the selection rule: k i = k f. k i = k f. The semiconductors satisfying this condition is called direct-gap semiconductors. c-Si is not satisfying k- selection rule (indirect-gap semiconductor). Transition is allowed by either absorption of phonons or their emission. The semiconductors satisfying this condition is called direct-gap semiconductors. c-Si is not satisfying k- selection rule (indirect-gap semiconductor). Transition is allowed by either absorption of phonons or their emission.

63 c-Si

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