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Organized Communication Mayumi Abe & Kerim Marashi.

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Presentation on theme: "Organized Communication Mayumi Abe & Kerim Marashi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organized Communication Mayumi Abe & Kerim Marashi

2 Organized Communication the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by predetermined speech, writing, or signs Today’s Number? Over 6,000 Factor in Animal languages…?

3 Organized Communication VerbalSymbolicPantomimical

4 Verbal Arbitrary Sounds General Sounds = General Understanding Dynamic

5 Symbolic Visual or Tactile forms represent spoken words Structure determines interpretation Longest lasting form of language

6 Pantomimical Body Language Gestures Facial Expressions Except in Balkans…Yes=No No=Yes Learned: Sign Language

7 Sign Language Complex Expression = Speed + Range Convention Dictates Composition Highly Customizable

8 Stages of Learning Physical Response First Attempt Mimicking Practice Coherent words Generic phrases Independent composition Refined Pattern (maybe)

9 Martian Musings Gossip Brag Git-r-Done Congratulate

10 Venucian Version Yes, and… Get Intimate Share knowledge Increase social network

11 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION First Language Acquisition Next (Subsequent) Language Acquisition

12 First Language Acquisition Complex Process Environment Over Parents Semantics More Than Syntax

13 Next (Subsequent) Language Acquisition Easier for Prepubescent Immersion is key

14 History of English Old English 449-1066 Middle English 1066-1450 Modern English 1450-Present

15 Old English Influenced by German, Latin, Norse, and Celtic Most Famous Example: Beowulf

16 Middle English Sote = Sweet Licour = Liqour Most Famous Example = Canterberry Tales

17 Modern English Thee’s Thou’s & You Your’s Most Famous = King James Bible

18 Syntax Order of words in sentences varies from language to language English-language syntax, for instance, generally follows a subject-verb- object order Japanese has a basic word order of subject-object-verb

19 Semantics Interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence

20 Fine Points Dialects Social varieties of language Pidgins and Creoles

21 Dialects

22 Get It?

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