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WELCOME TO OUR ESTATE PLANNING CLASS Estate Planning & Elder Law Services, P.C.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO OUR ESTATE PLANNING CLASS Estate Planning & Elder Law Services, P.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO OUR ESTATE PLANNING CLASS Estate Planning & Elder Law Services, P.C.

2 WHAT IS ESTATE PLANNING? Estate Planning is the development of a specific plan for managing your assets and affairs:  In case you become incapacitated, and  After your death.

3 DO I NEED AN ESTATE PLAN? Because proper planning lets you:  Avoid the Probate Court  Maintain control of your healthcare and finances during life and after death  Provide for loved ones  Minimize or avoid Capital Gains, Estate, Gift, Generation Skipping, Income and Real Estate Transfer Taxes

4 WHAT ARE MY ESTATE PLANNING OPTIONS?  Do Nothing  Joint Ownership/POD’s  Will Based Planning  Trust Based Planning

5 When you die or become disabled: The Probate Court decides:  Who controls your assets  Who makes your medical decisions  Who raises your children  Who gets your assets, and how much they will receive WHAT HAPPENS IF I JUST DO NOTHING?

6 WHY DOES PROPERTY GO THROUGH PROBATE? Individually Owned Property + = PROBATE Death or Incapacity When there is no living or competent owner to control an asset, that asset is “frozen” and can only be “unfrozen” by the Probate Court.

7 WHAT HAPPENS IF I DO WILL BASED ESTATE PLANNING? A Will does NOT:  Protect you or your family from Probate costs or delays  Take effect during your lifetime  Help you or your family if you become incapacitated  Protect your assets from the cost of long term care  Let you avoid distribution of your assets to immature beneficiaries  Protect you from Estate, Gift or Generation Skipping Taxes

8 THE DANGERS OF JOINT OWNERSHIP  Improper drafting  Loss of control over assets  Creditor exposure  Temporarily avoids Probate but undermines your Will  Creates capital gains tax problems  Possible Medicaid disqualification  Wastes exemptions and deductions

9 WHAT CAN A TRUST BASED ESTATE PLAN DO FOR ME? With a Revocable Living Trust :  Avoid Probate  Control Who receives your assets When and how assets pass Who’s in charge  Maximize Medicaid planning opportunities  Minimize or eliminate Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Taxes

10 HOW DOES A LIVING TRUST AVOID PROBATE? - BUT - Own your assets as Trustee to avoid “asset freeze” and the Probate Court. Individually Owned Property + = PROBATE Death or Incapacity

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