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On a sheet of paper, respond to the following question in at least a paragraph. Where were you at this time last year? Describe yourself and how you have.

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Presentation on theme: "On a sheet of paper, respond to the following question in at least a paragraph. Where were you at this time last year? Describe yourself and how you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 On a sheet of paper, respond to the following question in at least a paragraph. Where were you at this time last year? Describe yourself and how you have changed since last year. (Think deeper than…well, I used to have long hair, but now it’s short.) Welcome

2 Agenda Syllabus Graduation Project Getting to Know You Activity Student Survey Reflection

3 Graduation Project February 10 - Academic Advisor Form March 10 – Rough Draft to Advisor May 12 – Final Draft

4 Getting to Know You Think – look over the questions. Pick one or two you want to talk about. Think about how you would answer it. Pair - with someone sitting next to you, discuss the questions you picked and talk about them. Share – with the class

5 Student Survey Go to my webpage Click on English III in the left column Click on the survey link Answer the questions completely and honestly

6 What Type of Learner are You?  Visual  Auditory  Read-Write  Kinesthetic

7 Visual They tend to be fast talkers. They exhibit impatience and have a tendency to interrupt. They use words and phrases that evoke visual images. They learn by seeing and visualizing. Auditory They speak slowly and tend to be natural listeners. They think in a linear manner. They prefer to have things explained to them verbally rather than to read written information. They learn by listening and verbalizing. Kinesthetic They tend to be slow talkers. They tend to be slow to make decisions. They use all their senses to engage in learning. They learn by doing and solving real-life problems. They like hands-on approaches to things and learn through trial and error. Read-Write They prefer for information to be displayed in writing, such as lists of ideas. They emphasize text-based input and output. They enjoy reading and writing in all forms.

8 Reflection Where will you be at this time next year? Describe how you think your life will be different. If you don’t think it will be different, explain why.

9 What are your goals for this class this semester? What is your plan to accomplish these goals? Who is going to support you? January 24

10 Agenda Grammar Diagnostic Puritans – Historical Background for The Crucible Salem Witch Trials

11 Schoology CJRTK-HDHMQ Complete in this order Subject Verb Pronouns Adjectives and Adverbs Fragments Comma Splices Misplaced Modifiers Mechanics Punctuation

12 Puritans Go to my webpage Click on English III Download Puritan PowerPoint Read PowerPoint and Complete Guided Notes

13 Public Voices, Private Lives Most of us recognize and live with the difference between our public self and our private self. Sometimes, however, those selves – with all their convictions, passions, and values – come into conflict. Then, we must make a choice. Which self will triumph and which self must be sacrificed? Can we find a compromise? These choices are sometimes simply matters of avoiding embarrassment or preventing hurt feelings or confessing dishonesty. Sometimes they are matters of life and death. How do people resolve these conflicts between public and private? What situations challenge their honesty and integrity? How can people slip into hypocrisy or conflicts of interest? January 27

14 Agenda  Memory Test  Puritan and Arthur Miller Intro  Reading Act I of The Crucible  Analyze sentences for meaning using a double entry journal

15 Memory Test  Scratch Paper  One minute to read the words  Then, write down as many as you can remember

16 Test 1: SourNice Candy HoneySugarSoda BitterChocolateGood HeartTasteCake ToothTartPie

17 Try again. Test 2: MadWrath Fear Happy Hate Fight RageHatred Temper MeanFury Calm IreEmotion Enrage

18 Results  How many of you think you did better on the second test than the first test?  Look at your first list. Raise your hand if you wrote down the word sweet.  Look at your second list. Raise your hand if you wrote down the word anger or angry.  If you raised your hand either time, you have experienced a false memory; those words were not on either list.  No correlation between feeling certain about a memory and the accuracy of that memory

19 Talk amongst yourselves.  How accurate was your memory?  Have you ever seen or read anything in the news about false eyewitness testimony or unjust convictions?  What do you know about the Salem Witch Trials and Puritan Culture?  What do you know (or not know) about McCarthyism?

20 Who was Arthur Miller?  American playwright Best known for Death of a Salesman and The Crucible  Colorful public life Rocky marriage to Marilyn Monroe American Communist Party

21 Who were the Puritans?  Sought “purity” in worship – too ceremonial  Life should follow scripture  Fundamental interpretation of the Bible  Life of moderation  Predestination  Modest and Proper

22 Double Entry Journal Pg #QuoteSignificance/Meaning

23 Pg 138 We need readers for… o Narrator o Parris o Tituba o Abigail o Susanna o Mrs. Putnam o Putnam o Mercy o Mary Warren o Betty o Proctor o Giles

24 Double Entry Journal Pg #QuoteSignificance/Meaning 141Long-held hatreds of neighbors could now be openly expressed, and vengeance taken, despite the Bible’s charitable injunctions. He’s calling them hypocrites. They do not practice what they preach.

25 Identifying Puritan Beliefs in Act I What Puritan beliefs do you see in the beginning of Act I? Use your book if you need to. What happens in Act I that you can see as a reflection of Puritan society? January 28

26 Agenda  Continuing reading of Act I of The Crucible  Analyze sentences for meaning using a double entry journal  Complete Act I study guide to determine what the text says explicitly  View Salem Witch Trial documentary and complete viewing guide

27 Pg 145 We need readers for… o Narrator o Parris o Tituba o Abigail o Rebecca o Mrs. Putnam o Putnam o Mercy o Mary Warren o Betty o Proctor o Giles o Hale

28 Salem Witch Trial Complete Viewing Guide as you watch

29 What keeps you in line? A sense of morality probably keeps you from cheating on a test – maybe. In other words, you know cheating is wrong. But there are other reasons for behaving morally. Some people are anxious to please. Others fear the consequences of breaking the rules. Do you think most people today have a strong sense of morality? Why or why not? What have you experienced that has influenced your opinion? January 29

30 Agenda  Reading Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God pg 124

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